Any reason to run her yap is OK with Annie. So, I agree with Bill. I will now have to commit Harakiri.

  1. AnnDingBatCoulter says:

    She is over 50, has NO children and has never been married. She proselytizes that she is against divorce and abortion, what she forgets to mention is the more obvious: she is clearly against marriage and having children as well because that won’t get her the attention she wants from the Christian Right morons who actually buy her crap rantings. She is a typical phony who says one thing and lives another.

  2. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #60 GregA, do you think Ann Coulter had her sex change before or after she was in the Delta Gamma sorority at Cornell? Having a penis would have made those naked pillow fights that always take place inside a sorority house very uncomfortable for a young Ms. Coulter, so she must have had the sex change before she joined the sorority, wouldn’t you say? 😉

  3. Buzz Mega says:

    “The irresistible pull of self delusion” is what Ann’s mind is organized around.

    Wait a minute. Small amounts of Mercury turn out to be beneficial to the health of six-year-olds who smoke! And clearly reduce autism in the majority of inhabitants of Madagascar.

    This just in: Radioactive Iodine pills are what you rilly, rilly want, not those namby pamby medicinal ones!

    Let’s see if Ann would care to move next door to the plant. I vote she goes.

  4. bobbo, knowledge is power, but you still have to use it says:

    I kinda liked Ann until she stated that there was not a shred of evidence to support Darwin’s Theory. She wasn’t joking or smiling unless playing it straight was the joke itself. Now I’m left with only two choices: she is either a shameless whore for the right wing fundies, or she is that stupid, but she ain’t that stupid.

    Hmmmm. Doing the math…… it really that bad to take such advantage of right wing fundies?

    A puzzler for sure.

  5. GregA says:


    I think he was born intersexed, and his penis was cut off before he left the birthing room as happens with most intersexed people. It also means he is incapable of having children (check) and has a set of undecended testes instead of ovaries and a uterus.

    But it also means his dna is that of a man.

    At some point in his life he also had corrective surgery to make his proto-vagina functional.

    But other than the ambiguous plumbing he was born with, the only thing that makes him a woman is that his parent raised him as a girl.

  6. Buzz Mega says:

    Picky-choosie news stories culled for their counter-intuitive slant are the stock-in-trade of Fox.

    While there is a question out in the world about the potential for low dose radiation to trigger immune responses, a significant lack of causation appears to be prevalent. On her quoting of the Taiwanese building, this has been noted:

    “…a 2004 study claimed more than 10,000 Taiwanese accidentally exposed for a decade or more to radioactive recycled steel used in building construction showed much lower than expected rates of cancer and congenital heart defects. The cancer rate, for example, was 3.5 cases per 100,000, compared to a normal 116 — this despite the fact that they’d gotten a pretty stiff dose of radiation, more than 1,000 times normal. A follow-up study clarified that while cancer risk declined overall, incidence of leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and thyroid cancer went up.”

    From Cecil at the Straight Dope.

    “the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation and the National Academy of Sciences are sticking with the assumption that there’s no minimum safe level of radiation. My guess is that even if radiation hormesis turns out to be real, you’ll solve some problems at the expense of making others worse. Suppose you’re the surgeon general and a blue-ribbon panel tells you a modest dose of goboomium in the water supply will drastically reduce most cancers while increasing leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and thyroid cancer. What do you recommend we do?”

    Let’s start a moving fund for Ann’s relocation to her new quarters five minutes away from the Dai-ichi plant.

  7. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    #66–Buzz==you ask: “Suppose you’re the surgeon general and a blue-ribbon panel tells you a modest dose of goboomium in the water supply will drastically reduce most cancers while increasing leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and thyroid cancer. What do you recommend we do?” /// Doesn’t it depend on the numbers? If overwhelming one way or the other–recommend on the positive life saving side? If more balanced–get the info out there and let the peeples decide?

    Seems pretty straight forward to me.

  8. Uncle Dave says:

    This confusion about her sexuality is easily solved. Time to start hounding her to produce her birth certificate. And take a blood test like female athletes.

  9. philgar says:


    Ann is not a journalist, totally open about her bias and freely states her agenda. She doesn’t pretend to be anything else.

  10. Nick Danger says:

    I remember that guy in NY driving the barge carrying hazardous waste that no one would let him unload. He actually ATE some of it to prove that it was “safe”. I think Ann Coulter is on the same wavelength as that guy.

  11. Rick says:

    Stupid people need to feel good about themselves too, which is why folks like Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck exist.

  12. Urealie Bugme says:

    #73 – Hey Lefty, your bias is showing. Does the poop not stink on your side of the aisle?

  13. Rick says:

    Hey #74, lefties don’t need pundits, we think for ourselves.

    Now go download your opinions of the day from Fox News, mkay?

  14. Nowwer says:

    At first I thought: “well, maybe there is something to this, that might be really cool.” Then her crazy started showing itself, and I lost almost all faith in this theory.

  15. Urealie Bugme says:

    “…we think for ourselves”. Yeah, it shows. With your thought process, we’re doomed.

    I’ll give you the last word.

  16. The0ne says:

    I like this idea of “a little is ok” too. I don’t mind killing a little bit here and there, Bobbo first if u don’t mind. I don’t mind torturing a few babies or dolphins. I don’t mind screwing up a few people’s lives either. I seriously don’t mind that a few should die in order that I should have a 5 sec laugh. Hey, it’s just a little bit!!!

    As long as I’m ok, I don’t give a fck that a few should suffer. Not my life, no this dumb bitch and certainly not yours. Hold on, if not me, not her and not you…then who!? Ah fck, I guess I am one of those people that care. Fck me. Time to go and save some people!

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #58, Lyin’ Mike,

    Why do you label Ann Coulter a neo-con? Last I checked she was against the war in Afghanistan.

    Sort of like she was for it before she was against it.,-BEFORE-it-was-Obamas-War


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