Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we look closely at Japan and the outcome from the quake.

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  1. Floyd says:

    Looks like the coaster in the Mall of America in Bloomington MN.

  2. EnemyOfTheState says:

    My Zune HD 32 struck the office wall at nearly 50 MPH. The M$ player and crappy software should have died long ago. M$ should be required to buy them back so landfills do not overflow with used Zunes.

  3. B. Dog says:

    Well, shorting Netflix isn’t any more disaster prone than back when I tried to short Amazon, but couldn’t borrow any shares.

  4. ECA says:

    Netflix and Hulu BOTH have 1 main problem…
    really its about 8-32 of them..depending on HOW you count them.
    The MOVIE/TV companies.

    Every one of these companies, Including the MPAA want MONEY. they dont get the NEW idea of distribution.

    These 2 companies are being BEATEN to death.
    but the TV/MOVIE companies are learning that INSTALLING a server farm and trying to REGULATE and control Video, and all the people trying to WATCH onsite…IS A HARD JOB.

  5. Generique says:

    Wow, so cool!

  6. Sea Lawyer says:

    Always a fan of people bringing up the Broken Window Fallacy as if this time it will actually be true.

  7. Obvious1 says:

    Note to Andrew: “Turning Japanese” by Brit pop band The Vapors is not about the merging of American & Japanese cultures. The title is a Brit slang term of the ’70s/’80s for male masturbation.

  8. Paul says:

    It is an interesting point of view. I considered to be accurate in some aspects.


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