If you thought you had less than three perfectly healthy months to live, what would you do? Would you travel? Spend time with loved ones? Appreciate the joy life has given you? Or would you ditch your kids and grandkids, join strangers in a caravan of RVs and travel the country warning people about the end of the world? If you’re Sheila Jonas, that’s exactly what you’d do. […] Like her cohorts, she’s “in it ’til the end,” which she believes is coming in May.
Starting with one station in Oakland, California, in 1959, [Harold] Camping’s Family Radio now boasts 66 stations across the United States. Thanks to strategically placed satellites, shortwave radio and the internet, the message has gone global in 61 languages. […] But Camping also happens to be the man who once said September 6, 1994, would be the big day.

He explains now that he originally thought 2011 was the year, but a few [bible] verses tripped him up and he concluded that the Great Tribulation might get cut short. There was still scripture he was grappling with, end-time signs that were to come — he points to the gay pride movement as one of them — and truths that had yet to be revealed, “but because of the urgency of time I had to get it out quickly,” he says of his previous warning.

This time around, he has no doubts.

  1. Zybch is annoyingly pissed off says:

    Oddly, these death cults use failed predictions to strengthen their nutball beliefs in said predictions.

    “Obviously the world didn’t end on xx/xx/xxxx date because we didn’t do a good enough job telling people about it. So we’ve been given another prediction from God and this time if we work really really hard THIS one will come true.”

    Rinse and repeat.

  2. deowll says:

    If these lack witted dullards actually read the Bible they would know that no man knows the day or the hour. To me that means that those who claim to do so are full of horse apples.

    A side issue is that the rapture comes first so unless they are lost, fairly likely considering they don’t actually seem to read the Bible, the rapture will come first and if they are Christians they won’t be around for tribulation.

    Of course since these people are most likely lost maybe they do need to be making preparations for tribulation. I’d suggest preparing a retreat somewhere.

    Enough of this religious stuff. We now turn the programming back over to the usual atheistic ramblings.

  3. spsffan says:

    Silly religious freaks. Everybody knows that the world ends on April 15.

  4. G2 says:

    I’ve lived through the end of the world before. It wasn’t that bad. The beer was a little flat, though.

  5. Skippy says:

    #1, or they use the “I forgot to carry the 1 in my calculations” excuse.

  6. Rickem says:

    Two months to party and max out the credit cards!

  7. runbadscott says:

    You are all wrong! Everything will be in complete chaos, no technology, planes will crash, nuclear bombs would fire! Banks will fall! It is coming! Mark my words it will all end on January 1, 2000 at 12:00 a.m.!…

  8. sargasso_c says:

    Leaving June 2011 unavailable in iCal.

  9. What? says:

    This seems excellent material for a murder mystery. Possessed assailant searches the world for doomsday prophets.

  10. SimonSezz says:

    I have a summer vacation cabin in northern Wisconsin and there is a family that lives in a house down the road. I have talked to them a couple times and one day then invited me to a cookout. It turns out they moved from Milwaukee to the middle-of-nowhere-Wisconsin because they thought January 1st, 2000 would be chaos with nuclear attacks and planes crashing out of the sky. So during the months previous to that day they sold their house in Milwaukee and built a new house in the middle of the woods where the nearest hospital, store, and gas station is 40 minutes away. They make a living now selling antiques on eBay. They’re Republican and we always talk politics but it never turns into an angry discussion. I figure if you have to raise your voice when you’re talking politics then it’s not a friendly discussion.

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    End of the world coming in 2011??

    It already came on November 3rd, 2009!!

  12. bobbo, some little ideas stay with us forever says:

    an English prof in college asked us one day: “What would you do if you knew you were going to die a month from now?” Lots of blah blah but it was all a set up for his real question: “Why aren’t you living your life as if that were the case?–why aren’t you DOING what you want to DO?” My answer at the time is the same I have today: because I don’t know when I’m going to die ((and most likely, for a better future I have to delay certain pleasures)).

    Why after all this time I still “vividly” remember the question when I totally dismiss its import, is a mystery to me. Maybe in a similar construct to “dogma” I recognize it is a touchstone to constantly keep in mind–to measure my options against–but its not an idea to live life by?

    Hmmmm. Gee! Still thinking about it.

  13. So what says:

    Alfie is CAB a tax exempt business?

  14. Special Ed says:

    In 95 days I’d be having butt secks with Sheila and telling her what a dumb ass she has been. Unless she’s a real pig of course, then I’d just laugh and point.

  15. Benjamin says:

    That crazy Harold Camping guy? He has made wrong predictions before. Do you really think he is right this time? Besides the Bible says that no one knows the day or the hour. I guarantee it won’t be on the day Harold Camping says it is. It might be before or it might be hundreds of years afterward. No one knows.

  16. msbpodcast says:

    I just love these people who predict the apocalypse.

    You know they’ll get it right some day.

    Will this wind, be so strong, as to lay low the mountains, of the earth?

    What suckers…

  17. Cursor_ says:

    The ultimate problem with living as if it was your last day would mean a great deal of people would lay dead in the streets, banks robbed, cars set on fire and a land strewn with men, women, children and animals all sodomised.

    Not to mention many pools of vomit from overindulgence of alcohol and food.

    Humans are not civil when they stare actual death in the face.



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