This Episode’s Executive Producers and 286 Club Members: Josh Feldman, Sir Frizzz, Mark Meyers
Associate Executive Producer: William Pfeffer
Art By: Anthony Patrizi

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  1. t0llyb0ng says:

    Chick in the green T-shirt lying on the couch needs a massage. I hereby volunteer.

  2. What? says:

    Creepy and color blind, way to go!

  3. WmDE says:

    Pretty girl needs a Snuggee.

  4. dvdchris says:

    Adam, where are you getting the 3:11 time for the earthquake? I cannot find this reported anywhere.

  5. Sennheiser says:

    The amount of disinformation that Adam gave out regarding the Japan quake is quite shocking. He got the time wrong, the depth wrong, and the height of the tsunami (there were many waves and not all were 11 meters high as he insinuated).
    Claiming that a “big one is coming” on the Pacific Rim isn’t a miracle of prognostication, it’s inevitable.

  6. reeling says:

    I really hope Curry was joking with that earthquake machine stuff. Anyone who seriously believes that kind of crap needs to get their head checked.

  7. nicktherat says:

    #5 yeah ive been noticing this. it makes me feel foolish when i repeat something he said i took as fact only to look for it at a later point and find out its wrong. we cant all be on the ball ALL the time. always have to do your own research and come to your own conclusions

  8. B. Dog says:

    Well duh, think about it: John gives some constructive criticism about how Hillary speaks only one word at a time, then she speaks normally. Coincidence? I think not. It does beg some questions. Did she use Obama’s speech therapist? Is she a douchbag?


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