
Which is more naive? Clapper answering honestly or the White House saying he’s wrong given the public is likely to believe the experts with the data? Assuming, taking a crackpot view, that there wasn’t a coordinated effort to get that message out while denying or disassociating the White House. Or is this just the spooks wanting to embarrass the pols?
The columnist Michael Kinsley once quipped that in Washington a “gaffe” is when a political notable accidentally tells the truth. Intelligence and national security officials are describing the latest controversial statements about Libya by National Intelligence Director James Clapper as that kind of “gaffe.”
At a Congressional hearing on Thursday, Clapper said that rebels trying to oust Muammar Gaddafi from power had lost momentum and that the Libyan leader could well survive for some time to come. “We believe that Gaddafi is in this for the long haul…He appears to be hunkering down for the duration.”
“This is kind of a stalemate back and forth,” Clapper said, but added that, “I think over the long term that the (Gaddafi) regime will prevail.”
White House officials subsequently distanced the administration somewhat from Clapper’s remarks and President Obama repeated on Friday that he wants Gaddafi to go.
Clapper was criticized for his his upbeat assessment of Gaddafi’s prospects. Senator Lindsey Graham, a Republican member of the Armed Services committee, called his statement “devastating” and while “some of (Clapper’s) analysis could prove to be accurate,” the intelligence czar was unwise to voice it in public.
A Congress critter asked him a straight question and got a straight answer for a change and now they want to criticize him for not telling them a lie?
Any one who looks at what is going on has to know these are the facts as they stand.
The rebels are badly disorganized and poorly armed. Muammar Gaddafi has finally started putting his military house in order and he’s kicking booty.
Public and private images of reality clash!
Lying to the court or to the FBI is a felony.
Lying to the public is sport.
Should be the other way around in a democracy, shouldn’t it?
He went off script and didn’t stroke their ego’s, or more accurately, suck them off. So now he has to go.
I am with Deowell, The only thing that shocks Washington is honesty. This county is so screwed.
Wow, I just posted this!
“Whatever else one might say about President Obama’s Libya policy, it has succeeded brilliantly in achieving its oft-stated goal of not leading the world. No one can any longer doubt the U.S. determination not to act before the Italians do, or until the Saudis approve, or without a U.N. resolution. This White House is forthright for followership.”
Now it’s Bobbo the Shill’s turn.
Babbling apologist.
If you don’t want to hear the answer, then don’t ask the goddamn question.
The French backed the ‘rebels’ first. The Germans took the hint from this, and understand the opposite viewpoint may be prudent. What more info does anyone need?
This WH, and the previous, didn’t want intelligent people.
There will be friction between HOPE and realism.
Without outside support the rebels will lose (and then disappear into gulags).
Yes, very disturbing stupidity on display thinking that “saying so, will make it so” but this is real politik, not the Starship Enterprise.
Is Obama being falsely labeled with the idiocy of any Dumbo that speaks out? Do we all think that Obama didn’t know of/approve Sect of Defense warning against the dangers of instituting a “no fly zone?” This statement seems entirely in line with that early avoidance of COWBOY BELLIGERENCE.
And why should/how can Obama “lead the world?” I don’t want him/us/USA to be the worlds policeman all to our economic detriment.
You PUKES are a bunch of asstards==the worst thing for America. Last week, you would disagree with America unilaterally intervening anywhere in the world, but now you criticize Obama for not doing it. When Obama becomes the point for a UN limited air cover, you will criticize him for that. Its almost like he’s black or something. You get your hate wires crossed and babble like idiots==see anything posted by TEADude for a clear example of how you look to anyone rational.
Lybia: a good time for USA to take a break and require the rest of the world to finance Nation Building. Deciding when, where, and how to intervene: its called judgment. Something Obama hasn’t established but the PUKES have proven they don’t have the whiff of an idea about.
Silly hoomans.
I don’t know what to believe anymore. I remain skeptical about almost everything I hear, see and read. It seems everybody has an agenda and I sick of it!!!
Definition of Shill.
See #11 above.
Above mentioned shill would have been right in line with the Rwanda and Bosnian Genocides.
Here’s a little bit of interesting history.
Ah Yea–got anything except school yard taunts?
Subject – verb – object?
Tell us all right now: what do you think USA should do regarding Libya?
We’ll all wait, and wait,……….and wait.
Warning: saying not whatever Obama does is not really an answer. Just saying.
and wait………and wait.
thats a shill for you.
#12–defiled==I was going to give your childish crying a pass, but you repeat it on atleast the next thread as well.
Whats the matter bunky? Stopped reading comic books and entered the real world?
What makes you think total skepticism isn’t the natural center of gravity for any thinking person? You are there, now all you have to do is think. OR–if you continue to want simple answers you can stop thinking about: join the church. doesn’t matter which one, any will do for someone who doesn’t want to think.
Grow up.
Obama’s naivety, his abysmal foreign policy record and his lack of leadership are all coming home to roost during his 3rd year of his Presidency.
He is even stumbling on his one claim to fame – a great “speechifier”.
The reason Obama can’t make a decision is he can’t reason like a leader must. He has no experience.
So he simply tries to avoid making decisions using his 5 step process.
1.) ignore the problem
2.) appoint commissions, czars, and panels to address the problems and then avoid both the problem and the decision
3.) defer to the “international community” on foreign policy
4.) defer to the Democratic leadership in the legislature on domestic issues.
5.) play golf
In all cases, his problems are leadership problems. He’s simply not a leader. He has no idea how to be a leader.
Obama loves the idea of being President and playing golf, but he can’t make a decision.
JB–I notice your talking point being used more and more.
In past days, the “do nothing” position equaled less intrusive government.
Why aren’t you FOR this?
Why could that be?????????
What could explain this apparent hypocrisy?
Just what could it be?
Ha, ha. Puke dolts.
JB–and all other PUKES: Same question: what would YOU recommend Obama do?
And again, since ideas don’t cling to your pointy little heads: saying “the opposite of whatever Obama does” is not an answer.
Unc Dave==while the PUKE tools are leafing thru the talking points looking for something with any of the words mentioned above to post back with, you say: “Which is more naive? Clapper answering honestly or the White House saying he’s wrong given the public is likely to believe the experts with the data?” //// Why DO you persist in grossly misstating/mischaracterizing your source linked material?
No one at the White House is quoted saying anything. The not worth the report to begin with only says the WH tried to “distance themselves” from the testimony. WTF does THAT even mean?
What “data” is relied upon by either side?
YOU KNOW: “I believe” a good argument is like a chess match. Its not “good form” to merely win–you have to play well as well==ie not play a game where you are vulnerable to an easy checkmate if you weren’t playing a less worthy opponent.
I think your constantly posting this sub-par red meat for our retarded PUKE readers really is playing below your best game.
It is below your best game isn’t it? Oh well, still well above any PUKE posting here. Should be a learning lesson for them, if they could learn anything to begin with.
Ha, ha. Silly hooman pukes.
Bobbo – You used to be fun to read. Usually intelligent, thoughtful, often clever or funny. But, recently, you seem to be emulating Alfie, ECA or maybe Dallas. You use every opportunity to spew your rage at the “pukes.” For what it’s worth, I agree with you that it’s time for the much-vaunted UN or EU or NATO handle Libya. We’re stretched thing militarily and financially. Time for someone else to take a leading role. Maybe China? Nah. They just want to sell things to Libya. In any case, I wish the old Bobbo would come back, drop the name calling and knee jerking. Roast up a new batch of coffee beans. Bake a few buttery croissants. Take a Valium is necessary. Be careful, ole buddy, or Obama will have you in his sites as a naughty bully!
Ooops! Hit “submit” a little early. I meant to suggest Uncle Dave run a spell check on his headline. That’s a interesting word to misspell.
[Fixed. I spell as well without a spell checker as _____ [it’s fill in the blank fun time]. –UD]
Animby–being “self aware” myself, I often recognize my slow drift to the leftermost. Or is it only a shift in my beloved voting PUKES becoming more and more self/all of us destructive with the same mindless BS they have gotten away with for years now?
Does one legitimize a steaming pile of crap if one doesn’t call it for what it is?
Wouldn’t your criticism be more appropriate/better founded if my comments weren’t right on the mark?
I find quite a few of Dallas’ off topic anti PUKE comments to be quite funny. Maybe that actually does reveal my own bone?
Still–years before you started making housecalls ((btw==most excellent post a while back on what I can’t recall just now, but I thought “Wow!”–very medically related, or maybe foreign country related. Not the gitmo rant)) this website was “ill” with the heavy handed douchbaggery of the PUKES. Dumbo’s left and right of center left were being spineless==think John Kerry and Algore. Libs like myself were not defending their positions–let the PUKES roll right over them.
Not my nature. So I should hide my true and appropriate feelings in order to advance what value? You don’t feel the swirl around the drain tightening up while the PUKES by some manner ((probably KOCH millions in secret and fradulent funding?)) should be covered by the doilies of polite society?
You could be right. I am still amused that only Lyin Mike on ocassion rises with an actual argument as opposed to mindless talking points==and he still lies too often. Even drunk, I can fashion a better PUKE position than these tools do.
FISCAL CONSERVATIVE is a very strong position. Lots to argue==but none of them do. Why? Because they are just that stupid. Poor chess players, only baying hounds running in a pack.
Our country is being poisoned by this stupidity. Dare none call it for what it is???
Political threads call for politcal analysis: PUKES are destroying this country while mindlessly “thinking” they are patriots==and thats only the best case. In the worst case, which I think is more prevelant the higher up the shit pole you go: pure malevalent self interest to the effect that another million on top of the millions I already have and can’t possibly spend is WORTH taking social net safety services away from the poor.
ITS VERY DISGUSTING=====WHY AREN’T YOU EQUALLY OUTRAGED!!!!!! //// Well, I probably wouldn’t either with banana leaves everywhere to wipe my ass. Furry creatures too?
More phone work? I don’t envy you. while my friends would do 5 countries in two weeks, I would leave the group and do one city in one month. Really got to know Paris, Rio, Munich, London, Tehran, Thessonaliki, etc and some counties and districts. Killer to travel and not actually see anything.
I am alive to my excesses, but the PUKES aren’t really taken on by argument. There is more than name calling and label hanging in my efforts.
Miss Manners is irrelevant when the times call for change. Nail me when you see my excess on a non-political thread? or otherwise my rebuke is not justified?
Or not. Those who won’t take advice are rarely worth a second chance.
He pretty much read a report on the uprising in Libya from Al Jazeera TV.
Pedro of the Ilk–yes, more name calling without substance. Very different than name calling WITH substance.
“withOUT” versus “with”–see the difference?
I’ve only seen you come “alive” this last year on some subject concerning Germany, forget what it exactly was. How you gain pleasure by being so in a rut is beyond me. I’ll bet its a puzzle to Dallas as well?
The greatest intelligence asset the former resident of the White House had was George’s twin girls. The Obama administration lacks even that level of resource.
Any form of ‘Democracy’ based on a politically supported deceit of those who vote, particularly by those whose administrative employment is of a permanent, or semi-permanent nature is a denial of the central importance of truth for ‘informed support’ of those claiming to be in a democratic society.
A Democracy which exists on a bed deceit of those who you claim to represent is bound to fail. Hence the fall of Mubarak, Gaddafi, al-Tikriti (Hussain), and countless others.
The real sin is, of course, committed by those in elected office who give support to administrative lies knowing full-well that lies are being told. One really must question whether such people have any respect for the truth and, of course, just what else are they being untruthful about?
#28–Norman==I’m confused. What do the three TRYRANTS you list have to do with democracy?
Bring it closer to home and everything you say makes some sense. Too many just judge the fight, rather than the equities.
TEAdupe==you’re a racist!!!!!!!!! Surprisingly, its the white half of Obama you hate. You know—the educated part.
So envious.
Which is more pathetic:
– Obama’s lack of leadership or
– Bobbo’s ignorance of political reality
There is a big difference between our Commander-in-Chief voting “present”; and having legitimate programs to downsize the government and cut waste.
Bobbo go back to your padded room and play with your unicorns and rainbows.
Now JB==of course its more pathetic that Obama fails to demonstrate leadership. After all, he’s the Pres, and I’m just a troll.
Don’t we all prefer tax breaks for the SUPER rich while unilaterally invading a peaceful country of no threat to ourselves under the leadership of COWBOY DIPLOMACY?
I know I do. Nice Orwellian equation: War Mongering = Leadership.
good one JB. You’d be first in my cabinet. Door locked. Key thrown away.
Looks like Bobbo’w gone senile.
Writes a lot, says nothing. Endless babbling. Incoherent.
Compelling to watch, like a train wreak in slow motion.