33 foot tsunami

  1. RASTERMAN says:

    Thoughts & prayers go out to all those directly or indirectly affected by this disaster.


  2. GregA says:

    My heart goes out to the people affected by this…

    but… How many of these largest ever recorded earthquakes do we have to have before people start to think as I do and consider the possibility that something is going on with the faults on the pacific rim…

    /conspiracy nut..

  3. Dallas says:

    09 seconds…” it looks like a tsunami has been engulfing the port”. Really?

  4. Lou Minatti says:

    Absolutely horrible. I am sure Adam will have some weird conspiracy theory to explain it. (Can’t have been an earthquake…)

  5. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    That Sendai footage looks awful. All of it looks terrible, but watching houses get washed away always feels bad.

    Greg…when I fly over the canyons in the west US I think the same thing…what we see these days is a blip compared to what created those canyons and mountains. Why couldn’t that happen again….

  6. rkymtndave says:

    Well the reports are already in, earthquake and tsunami in Japan creates lower oil prices. Damn our president is good, he said he would do something about high gas prices.

  7. TooManyPuppies says:

    Here’s a little something that’s sure to add fuel to Adam Curry’s EQ machine theory that will no doubt be used in the next NA episode. According to CNN oil prices dropped sharply after Japan’s EQ. Why? Because the EQ just erased that pesky “demand” issue in Japan. That’s awesome! All we have to do is just “erase” demand everywhere else in the world so we can have it all!


  8. The church just authorized a massive shipment of floaties.

  9. Improbus says:

    I guess we know where Fred Phelps and crew are headed next.

  10. You guys make me laugh says:

    For a group of supposedly smart people, you guys sure are stupid.

  11. #10 – I don’t think anyone here claimed to be a rocket surgeon.

  12. Kent says:

    Suppose many of you have already seen the spooky woman who predicted such an event a couple days ago?


  13. Yankinwaoz says:

    #13… I tried to watch… what a load of crap.

  14. Kent says:

    Yankinwaoz, did I say it wasn’t?

  15. sargasso_c says:

    Auckland harbour, just crossed the bridge, the tide should be in but it is way, way out. Yachts on their sides on the harbour bottom. Sea gulls everywhere, eating fish left founded. We’re expecting an estuary surge of about 3 feet when it comes back in.

  16. elenisha says:

    dang this is relay scary ! the worl coming to an end ! /:

  17. SimonSezz says:

    There is a nuclear reactor that is having some trouble 160 miles from Tokyo. The pressure is rising and they can’t stop it. Hopefully things don’t turn out even worse.

  18. msbpodcast says:

    すべての日本人の友人に、私はあなたの損失泣く;の希望を聞かせて荒廃が停止すること。 (To all my Japanese friends, I weep for your loss; let’s hope that the devastation stops.)

    Sadly, I think this is going to affect Northers Japan for decades to come. (Look at how long its taking New Orleans to recover from a simple hurricane.)

  19. msbpodcast says:

    For anybody interested, I refer them to the English edition of the Kyodo News.

  20. Waiting to die says:

    Do a google or whatever on “Hilina slump”. Then imagine what will happen to the eastern Pacific basin when it lets go.

    Tsunami is a Japanese word that means “Bye Bye” in California..

    Surf’s up dude!

  21. 1873 Colt says:

    #5 Um… geologic processes generally take millions and millions of years, Bobbo. Duh.
    There have been “Catastrophics” who believed that Noah’s flood created all those canyons.
    But the history of geologic thought has shown that almost everything has been a very slow process. Nonetheless, the Scablands of the Northwest were produced by a sudden flood of a huge lake, precipitated by the collapse of an ice dam.
    Is that what you are waiting for? Well, find that lake held back by ice and get back to us.

  22. 1873 Colt says:

    This is a terrible disaster, and I am afraid I may be correct in predicting quite high casualty numbers, in addition to a tremendous financial cost to Japan.
    I watched some of the cell phone video, but I hope someone out there got better video of the historic quake. After all, there must be millions of cameras there.
    In the days to come, I think we will see stunning shots.
    As far as the news coverage, it really shows how stupid anchor people are. Moronic.

  23. TooManyPuppies says:

    Governor Moonbeam Brownsmear decides to show how on the ball he is by declaring a State of Emergency because 1 guy achieved assisted suicide at the beach and some boats got tossed around.

  24. deowll says:

    There are a lot of issues that need to be addressed in Japan. The first is the nuclear power plants but that is going to involve a limited number of locals.

    Another long term issue is the sea came it but it seems like the land sank at a lot of locations and some rather large blocks of Japan’s best farmland may now be slightly below sea level which means a lot of people aren’t going home.

    The film showed a lot of buildings and vehicles getting washed away. I hope I’m wrong but that suggests the owners of said vehicles drowned. I sincerely hope I’m wrong but I think a lot of people were tested by the Universe and failed. Unfortunately the Universe rarely gives second chances.

  25. ray says:

    Too all you conspiracy theorists,

    Japan is known to have many major earthquakes and tsunamis. This is not the first time they’ve had a major earthquake and this is not the first time they had a tsunami causing major property damage and killing people. The earthquake that just happened is one of the bigger ones on record though.

    Personally, I think they’re underestimating the power of these natural forces, and need to come up with more solutions minimizing their impact.

  26. Chris Mac says:


  27. GregA says:

    Apparently one of the nuclear power plants blew up…

  28. B. Dog says:

    Yep, earthquakes, tidal waves, and now issues at a nuclear reactor:


  29. bobbo, how many earthquakes does it take says:

    #25–Do-ill==please provide your link for the land subsiding. Surpise me, please?

    Why aren’t these Nuke Plants designed with a failsafe “remove the rods” paradigm? I can see spring loaded to the “off” position with electricity needed to keep them hot.

    WTF is going on with Nuke Design?

  30. bobbo, still anti-Obamagod huh? says:

    Thank you Pedro. Good evidence that I raise the PUKE PERFIDY only when it is on point. I did have fun some months ago purposefully bending a thread to LIEberTARDianism but like all my “jags” so far, it wore out in a week.

    Almost makes me want to compose a Haiku…….

    Jap Nukes in Ruin.
    Best of Plans did not address
    Most likely event.

    To that end, I copy my non-PUKE entry from the Cage Match:

    The real Hollywood effect is the tsunami and the China Syndrome. Am I crazy or did the No 1 or 2 Nuclear Competent Nation on Earth just not do a good job? As was just reported on CNN–the earthquake knocked out the normal grid supplied electricity for the cooling pumps causing the backup generators to supply electricity BUT these evidently ground level generators were taken out by the tsunami? WTF!!!!! How can you back up be subject to the same event that causes them to be needed in the first place? How many times, in how many situations, do emergency pumps and generators have to be placed in basements and get lost to flooding? Why not the roof of the containment towers? That way the back up is only lost if the containment building is lost. The slightly more intelligent solution: a separate tower away from possible blast damage.

    This ain’t rocket science, yet we hooman beings can’t tell shit from shinola. “We wish and hope and therefore don’t plan.”

    Nuke Power is dead, dead, dead. Anyone disagreeing because “theoretically we have answers to all the problems” are shown to be wearing the Kings finest clothes. We should all be ashamed for our species.


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