Hey, at least you can’t complain about grainy video or shakycam.
Swamp Gas Sighting: This Is Real, I Swear!
By McCullough Thursday March 10, 2011
Hey, at least you can’t complain about grainy video or shakycam.
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Nice homemade CGI.
Once upon a time seeing was believing but that was before they invited digital cameras and powerful computers that can fake anything. Now this isn’t even a yawn.
What about the twin setting sun seen in China. A micro black hole passed between the earth a sun (at least that’s what Adam Curry would think).
Better clean that lens
Sorry, but that dog has clearly been done with Daz3D Studio.
If we build a boarder fence we would not have this alien problem.
I saw pixels on that dog.
#7 – At least the dog wasn’t all blockified like those Japanese girl pussies.
Maybe it’s just me, but if that thing whooshed over my head while I was recording it I’d spin about to see where the hell it was going. Oh wait, I’d have to zoom out to get my dog in the shot first. Never mind.
Yay, a chance to play my favorite game Spot the Fake!
Watch the “UFO” take off upward, as it does, it flips toward the field of view as if it was being pulled from behind the point of view of the camera.
I’m stunned to see yet again that only incompetent videographers/cinematographers are around when UFOs walk the walk.
Sorry, how DOESN’T this qualify for the shakycam tag??
Its shaky as epileptic shit
If you look closely, the dog has what looks like a talking snake in its mouth.
I watched a TV show the other night where a big, silvery balloon, identical to the object in this video, caused innocent people to report a UFO.
For me anyway, this is just another Identified Tethered Object (ITO).
Wow! Those trees looked real to me.
Okay, you have a video camera, you see a flying saucer, so what do you do? Well, first you zoom in for a fraction of a second then zoom out to where you can’t see anything.
Typical “UFO Quality” BS !!!
# 9 TEA Dude said, “I see nothing that indicates a fake…”
Damn, Alfie. UFOs, Republican Leadership, the bible … you’ll believe ANYthing!
As rotoscoping goes, it’s very good. The trees were really, really well done, I looked at it a few times and other than obviously being rotoscoped, they were close to flawless.
I have to believe this is part of some viral campaign to sell a movie or some such non-sense. Twenty years ago, this would be amazing stuff, but now, it looks like a high school project.
On the shakey cam stuff, a lot of the movement was added in post, to make it look more real, this camera was obviously on sticks, you can tell by the lack of movement off the bubble.
I still don’t believe in doG
WAIT! Come back, beam me up!
Lets get the amateur ufo filmographers to do this better next time.
There would have been a CRACK sound after the object shot upwards because the space where the object had been would very rapidly fill with air. Take relative distance into account and adjust timing of sound insertion accordingly.
BTW, the speed of sound is 344m/s
PS That is meters per second, not miles (just in case)
The dog is obviously fake. I have a question, why do aliens always use the least viable type of flying ship(ie flying saucer)?
Why would anyone be taking a video of empty, boring pastureland anyway! Total Fail!
Wow if I saw that I would go double rainbow. This guy is cool as ice. Props to the camera man for keeping his cool.
If a UFO flew over your heard, would you keep taping the place where it _was_?
Or would you spin around and tape where it was going?
100 out of 100 people would spin around and try to track the UFO as it left.
That being said, it’s still a pretty great video. I love the “Plan 9 from Outer Space” look of the UFO.
Oh, and 100 out of 100 people would say something!
Just another aluminum pie plate on a wire. Boy, I tell you back in the day we used to fool all those Air Force dweeb investigators with that trick.
Good times.
“All hands now hear this: United Planets Starship now landing on Altair 4!”
“Oops, wait a minute! This is Wisconsin!”
must have been in South Devon, they are all nutcases and criminals down there ….