Far from being quiet, mice are soprano singers whose musical talent improves with age, a study has found. Scientists made ultrasonic recordings of mice and discovered evidence of learned behaviour similar to that seen in birds. Many features of high-pitched mouse songs, including syllable patterns, changed and became more complex as the animals got older.
Mice are known to sing in two very different situations. Infant mice call to their mothers with song-like sounds when distressed, and male mice serenade females.

The American-led team, which included a British scientist from the Medical Research Council Institute of Hearing Research in Nottingham, compared the songs of mice at different stages of life and found that even the youngest pups produced complex sounds with song-like features such as variations in frequency and timing. As the young mice aged, the complexity of their songs increased.

  1. Rich says:

    That’s gotta be ten years old! I still love it.

  2. dadeo says:

    So, they eat from my table, I keel them anyway.


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