1. nicktherat says:

    that woman tamed a crock! O__O i cant wait to read about her in 5 years when that thing goes wild on her

  2. GregA says:

    I want a pet croc now. Where can I get one in michigan?

  3. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #2 GregA – Try the sewer.

  4. Luc says:

    Please stop posting videos. I can’t view them from behind The Perkel Curtain.

    [You can’t view YouTube videos? – ed.]

  5. Likes2LOL says:

    Croc love must be even stronger than muskrat love. Here’s one pet croc who took off his owner’s hands, but was forgiven:


    Moral of the story: “Live by the sword, get your hands taken by the sword.”

  6. Lou says:

    It’s all good until It’s not.

  7. jescott418 says:

    So when we read about the crock attacking her and chewing her legs off. We won’t be alarmed.
    Its just her pet crock (just like a cat).

  8. Zybch is annoyingly pissed off says:

    Its a freshwater crocodile, they are MUCH more docile dangerous than the saltwater ones which are the type that will attack people.
    Just take a look at the jaws. They are built for catching fish, not holding onto and dragging under large prey like ‘salties’ do.
    You can safely swim WITH freshwater crocs, while its easy to swim INSIDE a saltwater croc.

  9. spsffan says:

    Australian, is she?

  10. admfubar says:

    i like how the cat stays perched high up on top of that cabinet..

  11. denunciate says:

    Would it at least eat Perkel’s squirrel?

  12. Luc says:

    I can’t open DU at all on my PC. I can only read it on my BlackBerry (thanks to RIM’s proxy), but a BlackBerry won’t display videos. Unless MAYBE if you also post the direct link, which I might be able to copy/paste into a special program.

    Ridiculous. I would expect this on a Chinese website, not American.

  13. Bob says:

    Doesn’t animal planet have a series where people have tried to time wild animals like this and ended up becoming dinner when that same wild animal got a little mad?

    This lady will probably be featured soon.

  14. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I tried to walk my cat on a leash and she turned into a furry Cuisinart.

  15. Publius says:

    Adult crocs happily eat their young.

    Am I making myself clear?

  16. deowll says:

    #16 You don’t mess with your pet dog’s food either. Once it’s theirs some of them will definitely bit you.

    I would have suggested a much smaller monitor lizard of one of the less hostile breeds or an iguana.

  17. hewhomustnotbeflamed says:

    @ #13 Oh yes and she’s already their


    don’t bite mommy don’t bite mommy. OWWWWW!

  18. Mr, Ed - the Original (with comma) says:

    Remember that article where the dog ate his masters toes?

    You ain’t seen nuthin yet.

  19. bobbo, the law is an ass, but often the only ride in town says:

    Somewhat related: ferrets and red earred turtles are illegal in California:


    I guess its reasonable that ferrets are not native to California–but neither are “we.” Hah, hah. Its the top predator that makes the rules.

    As to the turtles, seems too many kiddies like to handle the turtles then put their fingers in their mouths. some kiddie got sick in 1952 and now we all get restricted.

    Where is the justice for these innocent animals?

  20. chris says:

    Once it outgrows your bathtub you are in serious trouble.


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