1. ]-[elloworld says:

    Goat Soccer

  2. Just Looking says:

    Rectum… Damn near killed em

  3. mainecat says:


  4. McCullough says:

    Dude, have you seen my iPod…it was just here?

  5. Brian says:

    Hold on!!! I think I see Glenn Beck’s head!

  6. ran6110 says:

    There’s my other shoe, right behind that big brown thing!

  7. 1873 Colt says:

    Bobbo, get out of the way, I’m trying to grab Obama’s feet.

  8. goldbug says:

    -Where’s your other hand?
    -Between two pillows.
    -Those aren’t pillows!!

  9. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Not even gonna go there.

  10. kwils123 says:

    That prostate looks a little enlarged.

  11. s says:

    Ohh, it ‘s tearing the ass out of me! Ohh

  12. Amar says:

    I SAID the ball is ON the bottom NOT in my bottom!!

  13. EnemyOfTheState says:

    We will search for every budget cut available.

  14. MacBros says:

    I’ma gunna make you squeal like a little piggy!

  15. UncDon says:

    “Yes, the new TSA intestinal search method hurts, but most who have experienced it in tests have told us that it’s better to be safe than terrorized.”

  16. BigBoyBC says:

    Obama’s economic advisers pull another federal budget out of their ……

  17. deowll says:

    The only place a green energy supporter will actually let you build a wind farm is out of sight but getting a flatulence turban inserted sure is a memorable experience.

  18. theBadSteveO says:

    It’s not really the neck gaiter that makes him look fruity….

  19. denacron says:

    Thats what Ferdinand gets for stopping to smell the flowers.

  20. “Janet Napolitano called. She wants her cup back.”

    “Nancy Pelosi called. She wants her gavel back.”

    “Harry Reid called. He wants you back for some ‘cowboy poetry.'”

    “Say, cutie pie. You look mighty familiar.”

    “Relax. Planned Parenthood gave me lots of taxpayer subsidized condoms.”

    I’ll be here all week. Tip yer waitress!.

  21. charlie6364 says:

    Taking candy out of pinata!

  22. AlanB says:

    Well there’s your problem, right there!

  23. moss says:

    Wow. Someone who recognized Rio Ferdinand!

    Actually pretty tame for a Manchester derby.

  24. wirelessg says:

    Donataska donatella

  25. timmaay says:


  26. Dallas says:

    “Emilio quickly reloads to toss a teeshirt to excited fans”

  27. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #27 timmaay -HaHaHa. I got it. It’s hell when the hamster gets away. 🙂

  28. JimD says:

    “Time to PAY YOUR TAXES !!!”

  29. sargasso_c says:

    The benefits of a New Zealand education.

  30. Yep says:

    Damn! Most unusual ball washer i’ve ever seen! Is this thing working?


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