“The mystery of American Raymond A. Davis, currently imprisoned in the custody of local police in Lahore, Pakistan and charged with the Jan. 27 murder of two young men, whom he allegedly shot eight times with pinpoint accuracy through his car windshield, is growing increasingly murky.”

The USA, giving itself a bad name again.

Found by ECA.

  1. First says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  2. Axl says:

    A true fascist state at work…. or; how to get enemies all over the world!


  3. Third says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  4. msbpodcast says:

    Axl how is fascism, (which is an economic system of state control of privately owned assets, [sort of like Wal*Mart getting employee health care paid for by the states, since Wal*Mart usually doesn’t pay for employee healthcare, {this situation is also called corporatism,}]) possibly be related to, and I quote, how to get enemies all over the world?

    This situation is clearly the act of somebody, or somebodies, acting like sociopaths.

    This is a mental problem.

    Somebody clearly needs to have his mind changed, possibly by hitting it with a brick.

    But you should clearly learn the vernacular.

  5. me says:

    A yes Hegelian Dialectic well at work in international politics I see.

    Me thinks the Paki Govt. wasn’t coming around quick enough as far as being our ally, so old Mr. Davis was trying to speed up the process by aiding and abetting the extremest side.

    You know a lot of tin foil hat types have been saying this whole terror thing is manufactured for social, political and corporate ends. This guys F-up might be key in proving that point. It is sure starting to look like it.

    In light of his big F-up, im sure Mr. Davis is just as worried about his paymasters and their displeasure as well as the Paki’s.

  6. MikeN says:

    I thought leaking the identities of secret operatives was a horrible thing? Why are liberals not upset about it happening here?

  7. e4ze says:

    The two victims were ordered to be killed.

    The whole incident took place so that the Paki PM can gain some extra support to make it look like he isn’t bending over to the US as usual.

    The idea actuually came from the Brits, who want to ensure that their puppet’s (US) puppet (PK) remain in power.

    It also serves the purpose of getting Americans pissed of at Pakistan for detaining their guy..who is probably enjoying hookers and blow in Pakistan right now..

  8. Forces of Repression says:

    #7 e4ze

    Tilt! Tilt! Tilt!

    If you don’t stop it, you’re going to break the machine!

  9. anonomous says:

    Instead of all of ths spy vs spy cloak and dagger stuff, lets call for a time out and try asking the terrorists to stop being so doggone nasty. I bet they’ll respond well to that, and then our troops can come on home.

  10. dusanmal says:

    @#7 And those victims just happened to have AK47s and just happened to stop the car with this Westerner by randomly walking in front of it with weapons drawn… (“And Judge, I didn’t intentionally kill him, he just fell on my knife and did so few times,…”)
    As for article “shot eight times with pinpoint accuracy through his car windshield” – trivial explanation: idiots stopped the car by standing directly in front of it and threatened with their weapons. At few feet even untrained man would be an idiot to miss, through windshield or not. And if he didn’t shoot, we’d be talking another beheading of American on tape soon after.

  11. richard says:

    msbpodcast – If that is your actual understanding of fascism and corporatism, you need to do some more studying.

  12. O'Really says:

    msbpodcast said, on March 9th, 2011 at 12:49 pm
    This situation is clearly the act of somebody, or somebodies, acting like sociopaths.

    This is a mental problem.

    Somebody clearly needs to have his mind changed, possibly by hitting it with a brick.

    But you should clearly learn the vernacular.

    Sociopath and sociopathy are legal terms (Black’s Law Dictionary 7th edition) that are synonymous with psychopath. Sociopath is used to legally describe someone with an anti-social mental health disorder.

    Perhaps you need to learn the “vernacular”…

  13. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    #12 O’Really said, “Sociopath and sociopathy are legal terms (Black’s Law Dictionary 7th edition) that are synonymous with psychopath.”

    I am not a lawyer, though I wanted to play one on TV, but Blacks (assuming you read it correctly) is not the only source. Medical diagnostics (DSM-III, ICD-9) list psychopthology and sociopathology as similar but not synonymous. Socios are likely to be disorganized and surviving on the fringes of society. They are likely to wander from job to job and be constantly agitated and nervous. Psychos, on the other hand, are usually highly organized, charismatic and dependable employees. This is how they mask their attitudes. You might go out for drinks with a psychopath but you would avoid a sociopath.

    Not saying you are wrong. Just adding that legal and medical definitions don’t always align. In fact, I’d say the legal profession is more sociopathic, while the medics are more psychopathic.

    Just saying.

  14. jim says:

    #9 Wait,your talking about stopping the US terrorists from being so nasty right?

  15. Axl says:

    #4 We can split hairs until everybody falls asleep, and mind you also I can read a dictionary. But for the record I am not referring to a fascist system definition as that would apply to the US and EU today – I refer to the corporative governing of society with all its twisted lunacies – ref. Hitler’s Germany, Musolini’s Italy and Franco’s Spain. Clear?

  16. spam filter says:

    I have never seen so many obfuscating replies on your blog, JCD. This story must be dynamite.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    So now we get our news from Youtube.

    [Wikipedia: GRITtv is a television show hosted and founded by Laura Flanders. GRITtv is broadcast from New York City on Free Speech TV via Dish network and on public television stations nationwide, as well as online. Distributed in multiple platforms, GRITtv is a daily, half-hour public affairs discussion program for a national audience that aims to go beyond the one-way format of traditional media.- ed.]

  18. Mr. Fusion says:


    So does that make them any better? No, they aren’t available in Northern Indiana and from what I see they are just another biased outlet. I have as much time for them as I do for CNS.

  19. mharry860 says:

    You guys are funny, this is crazy stuff, where do I sign up?


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