1. LotsaLuck says:

    “Don’t Let a Crisis Go to Waste”

    Rahm Emanuel

  2. Anonymichigan says:

    I wish Maddow would realize that the republicans didn’t want Snyder. Republicans wanted Pete Hoekstra and the Tea Baggers wanted AG Mike Cox. Snyder is a Business man who is just trying to save the state. Its f-ed up that people are going at him so hard when he is actually bringing a realistic solution to the problem that is Michigan. He has to play bad cop, and its odd that the democratic mayor of Detroit is one of his biggest supporters.

    Lets see when the news starts going crazy about Michigan is “Under Siege” from the Asian Carp Invasion. LoL

  3. Charlie on PA Tpk says:

    Let’s see… we had a health care crisis so we needed to pass the law so we could find what was in it.

    So when the Dems do it, it’s not a blatant power grab.

    And let’s keep in mind: Ms. Maddow has yet to correct her assertion that Wisconsin has a budget surplus.

  4. Mac Guy says:

    Wow… Can you pick an even MORE sensational title? Biased much?

    As a born-and-raised Wisconsinite, I call “horseshit” on this entire story.

  5. jbenson2 says:

    Maddow is the new Olby – the more lies, the higher the ratings.

  6. soundwash says:

    the only valid word in that title was “fake”

    -both sides are equally complicit in following the scripts handed to them by their paymasters.

    your taught this stuff in grade school..

    “one finger pointing forward has three pointing back”


  7. Phydeau says:

    Wingnuts heavy on invective, light on actual facts to counter what Maddow presented.

    Just wingnut business as usual. For some bizarre reason, they are looking forward to living in a corporate police state.

    Personally, I think lots of them are fundies who in their Calvinistic way assume the rich are blessed by God and are therefore entitled to rule.

  8. Sea Lawyer says:

    hahahaha, Citizens United gave corporations missile launchers and the poor unions only have slingshots? Obviously she know a lot about how collective action in elections work. Corporations can spend all they want in advertising, but it does very little to mobilize blocs of voters under a single voice… this is what unions do so well, and they too were greatly empowered by Citizens United.

  9. Phydeau says:

    #10 The number and power of unions is dwindling. The corporations have deep, deep pockets. I would say her characterization is essentially correct.

  10. Hmeyers says:

    Why are there “government isn’t broke” denialists out there?

    They need to come up with word for people with no economic common sense as to know this country is in a dire situation economically.

  11. 1873 Colt says:

    Do us all a favor and don’t post clips from this wretched woman.
    How about some from somebody a bit more moderate, like Osama Bin Laden?

  12. MikeN says:

    If liberals had actually supported Pres Bush’s reform proposals, there would still be surpluses long term. Now instead, all the liberals’ cherished government programs will be eviscerated because of the deficits caused by other programs that they refused to reform.

  13. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I watched her on tv and thought she made some valid observations. Of course if you are a republicunt then you are going to reject whatever she says no matter what.

  14. Forces of Repression says:

    Judging by the massive response on this blog so far by the usual Koch Tea Bagger Shills, I’d say someone really hit a nerve on this one!

    How much do the Koch Brothers pay for treason these days? I might like to get in on the action!

    If people aren’t being paid, then please tell me why so many Americans would voluntarily choose to become the slaves of trans-national corporations?

    This is something like volunteering to be food for vampires. Actually, it’s exactly the same thing as volunteering to be food for vampires. I just don’t get it.

    What a bunch of incredibly venal cowards on this blog.

    Generations of brave people fought, bled and died for the privileges you are so casually discarding to suit some sick, implanted, imaginary ideology of the wealthy.

    The good news is, you will end up with exactly what you deserve, which is absolutely nothing. The corporations will take everything.

    It’s just too bad about your kids and subsequent generations…

  15. Charlie S says:

    I think I reject her because she’s a dumb dyke. I’m not a republican so it must not be me.


  16. dusanmal says:

    @#16 Trivial facts overturning her basic premise: Federal debt closing on 100% of GDP. No country in history survived that without catastrophic decline. Facts that could care less if you are Left or Right.
    Only question is can we stop or minimize it and if debts of individual states in addition to federal debt have already placed us on irreversible down spiral. (Example of success in the last moment: period following WWII in US).

  17. Dallas says:

    Of course it’s a GOP/Teabagger power play and opportunity corporations to rule over the sheeple.

    USA, Inc has already installed a Supreme Court, put up phony companies to funnel money to corrupt politicians and Americans workers competing with foreign child labor.

    A logical step now is to deprive American workers from the bargaining table. Much like G’Daffy and Fidel Castro, they need to prevent sheeple from any form of organization.

  18. Dallas says:

    #12 MikeN says …If liberals had actually supported Pres Bush’s reform proposals, there would still be surpluses long term..

    I admire your chutzpa to ability to place Bush and surplus in the same sentence.

    Bush paid for a Trillion dollar phony war with a Trillion dollar tax cut. My calculator shows 2 Trillion hole.

    Jon Stewart said it right – the Teabagger congress is debating $40billion cut on a TRILLION dollar deficit! That’s one pea on a dinner table with an 800 pound military PIG and 1/2 Ton macaroni and cheese entitlement serving.

    You clowns are a joke. The only way to dig ourselves out of this shit hole is to raise taxes on where 95% of where the wealth is – controlled by 5% of the wealthiest.

    It is absolutely astonishing.

  19. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Rachael has the best most informative hour long news show on tv. Our country is spiraling the drain because of PUKE policies–domestic, foreign, tax, social, etc on down the line. Everything wrong with Obama is everything he is doing in “aping” BushtheRetard.

    It is amazing to me how effective the PUKES can be on one hand, when not overplayed, like this move against Unions: BRILLIANT!!!!!! Too bad it is a skill set aimed only at feathering the nest of the SUPER RICH while the country that next is made in becomes a cess pool.

    I don’t blame the SUPER RICH. I blame the spineless Dumbocrats, feckless Obama, and the PUKE voting base who really are sucking Donkey Dick. The kiddies will pull the plug.

  20. Mextli says:

    One thing she can’t deny is Republicans got elected. Now they are making changes for the better by dumping the thieves and freeloaders that just take and whine for more and drain the purse of the working family.

    Maybe they should appoint some Czar’s, I hear that’s a good way to sneak a buddy into a position of power.

    Oh, the other thing Maddow can’t deny is her fellow MSNBC toad got fired. Hope she’s next.

  21. deowll says:

    I place the odds at 50/50 that none of the people posting will be able to afford the internet in 10 years.

    I place the odds that none of use will be able to afford to buy fuel for a car in 10 years at 60/40 because it’s an import and nobody is going to want the dollar. That combined with the observation that the emerging economies will out bid us for offshore fuel.

  22. MikeN says:

    What’s hilarious is how so much of the Left acted in support of a boycott by Democrats in Wisconsin. Well now they went ahead and passed the bill without them.

  23. bobbo, being two faced, PUKES have a big mouth says:

    #25–Lyin Mike==just what is “hilarious?” The Lyin PUKE Party was denied a quorum by the valorous Dumbos when the Lying PUKE Party claimed the removal of collective bargaining was a “fiscal” issue. Once the Lying PUKE Party realized their lies were understood they took another few weeks to finally decide to go ahead and act on the truth and pass the removal of collective bargaining as a “NON-FISCAL” issue, which is was/is all along.

    Now, what exactly again is “hilarious?”

    Just you and your Lying PUKE Party revealed for the scoundrels/liars/tools that you are.

    Thats not hilarious, its sad. Very sad.

  24. Greg Allen says:

    Read The Shock Doctrine — it explains the whole conservative strategy.


    The rich conservatives create a crisis and then they use that crisis to grab power and wealth — at the expense of the average person.

  25. Greg Allen says:

    >> MikeN said, on March 9th, 2011 at 8:06 pm
    >> What’s hilarious is how so much of the Left acted in support of a boycott by Democrats in Wisconsin. Well now they went ahead and passed the bill without them.

    You are laughing but good Americans are shocked at the conservatives’ disdain for democracy in their service to billionaires.

  26. Greg Allen says:

    >> Mextli said, on March 9th, 2011 at 4:44 pm
    >> One thing she can’t deny is Republicans got elected. Now they are making changes for the better by dumping the thieves and freeloaders that just take and whine for more and drain the purse of the working family.

    Teachers and cops ARE working people.

    It’s the bankers, brokers and trust-fund babies who drain the economy and created the mess we are in today.

    And the conservatives serve those guys.

  27. Benjamin says:

    #29 Greg Allen said, “Teachers and cops ARE working people.”

    I’ll give you teachers, but isn’t it a little presumptuous to call dog-shooting, taze-happy thugs people?

  28. foobar says:

    I wonder what would happen if the US had an honest to God liberal President instead of the 20 year string of right wingers they’ve had?

  29. Bushwacked says:

    America: Land of the slaves and the home of the braindead.

  30. ® says:

    #27 + #29 FTW


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