1. Buzz Amonian says:

    The Eagle has landed.

  2. ECA says:


    Just testing

    retired astronuts..

  3. Dallas says:

    FOXNEWS Special Report…

    “Exclusive images handed to FOX proving there is water on the moon.”

  4. McCullough says:

    Man, this Global Warming is really off the charts!

  5. jescott418 says:

    Glade we splashed down in this water park!

  6. Nobody says:

    Club Mare Tranquillitatis

  7. E@$+ C0@$+ Cr@ck P0t says:

    Don’t be tardy to the party.

  8. mlubby says:

    Uh… Houston, we have a problem.

  9. BigDaddyJ says:

    Nothing better after a fake trip to the moon then a little pool time. Cannonball!!!!!

  10. JimD says:

    Nice SplashDown, Grissom !!!

  11. Keveros says:

    OK, who ordered Galaxy Pizza..?

  12. Calvin624 says:

    Zero gravity really does feel like you’re floating on water.

  13. TruthBeTold says:

    Talk about a pin-point landing!

  14. 1873 Colt says:

    That looks like the crew of Apollo 1, and Gus Grissom nearest the capsule. Tragic fate awaited them.

  15. TruthBeTold says:

    Hey Gus…make sure you don’t leave the door open. If the waves get in there it’ll sink like a rock.

  16. Mojo Yugen says:

    “Told you I could put this thing down anywhere! Now beer me.”

  17. Moose says:

    We’re not in Kansas anymore!

  18. dewtheone says:

    Let’s get out of here. No intelligent life here either.

  19. n74jrw says:

    Like a boss…

  20. Rip says:

    Man, i’m glad the folks in Hollywood got us covered.

  21. Mr, Ed - the Imitation (accept no original) says:

    OK, NOW you can fart !!!

  22. athenos says:

    Folks, please take care of our ozone layer!

  23. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    The wet stuff.

  24. deowll says:

    I think those are the real thing and at a guess they were practicing for an emergency escape.

    I saw manned spaceflight start and I think I may be seeing it end at least for the US.

    After looking over our national finances much less than completely I’m not sure we will be able to afford a fighter defense in ten years much less take part in the space race. I would only give you 50/50 odds that a 10 year US Fed. Government bond is worth more than the paper it’s printed on.

  25. Just a guess says:

    Bob, unhappy the other astronauts wouldn’t let him play, stood on the side and pissed in the pool.

  26. Bill R. says:

    See… If I paddle like this, I can move the capsule.

  27. nobody says:

    During a break filming the fake moon landings the actors hang out at the pool.

    A lone conspiracy nut watches through the fence

  28. admfubar says:

    Huston! We have parrrrrtaaay!

  29. swbutt@gmail.com says:

    I guess everyone is too young to remember who these men are. This is the crew of Apollo 1. This was the crew that died during a flash fire in the capsule while sitting on the Launch Pad in 1967. The first American Astronauts to die in the line of duty. It was a horrible death.
    Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee.

  30. Greg Allen says:


    Thanks for the refresher… yeah, I would not have recognized them although I was aware of that story which I think people have generally forgotten after the Shuttle disasters.

    I have wondered whether NASA shouldn’t go back to capsules for manned space trips. Despite Apollo 1, they seem safer and sturdier.

    The cargo can go up on much larger, automated rockets.


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