1. steve says:

    mini cranky geeks lite 1.0 cool,thanks John.

  2. Grandpa says:

    Does not play on Chrome…

  3. Grandpa says:

    Hmmm, does not play on Safari…

  4. Grandpa says:

    Hey, played fine on Firefox 4. Interesting that all this is legal. When it comes to computers it’s anything goes, unless it’s government computers.

  5. admfubar says:

    i’ve been having problems with flash on and off here for some time, not sure what the deal is

  6. nicktherat says:

    thank god u finally started posting these here. i dislike mevio.

  7. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    The link below shows the latest version of Flash for all platforms and the version currently installed on your browser.


    Most versions are at least 10.2.152.x

  8. capkingy says:

    Wow. Wargames the movie for real. That’s scary.

  9. Luc says:

    For those of you who can’t get the video, at least you get the plain text of the articles and comments. I can’t view this whole site at all on my PC, only on my BlackBerry, and the BlackBerry can’t play any Web video. That’s because my home IP, assigned by my ordinary broadband ISP, gets banned every few weeks by this site and the blockhead who sysadmins it. Yeah, that must be Perkel, the “IT expert.” I suppose that’s how John “gets no spam,” by blocking access wholesale to innocent visitors.

    I can view it on my PC through a proxy, but the procedure is too troublesome, I don’t do it anymore. Screw it. This is THE ONLY ONE SITE that forbids my access. I have none of such problem elsewhere.

    I brought the matter to John’s attention, he said he was going to get Perkel’s input. Perkel never got back to me, and the ban was lifted some two or three weeks later, probably resolved on its own. Now I’ve been banned again for two weeks or so. John must owe some big favor to Perkel or something. I see no other reason for him to keep his job.

  10. What? says:

    Is everyone associated with Mevio a crackpot?

    Anyway, great show. Hope you can make it longer.

    Need someone like your old sidekick Mr Dvorak.

  11. rwest says:

    @Luc #9 —

    I have yet to understand why this site is not hosted on SquareSpace. There are so many issues and downtime (for hours sometimes).

    There is no excuse and the site could look much better.

    I love the content and the comments but the backend is crap.

    And who designed and approved the title graphics for X3? A ten year old? You can’t even read John’s last name. This looks like a school project that was made in grade school.

  12. E@$+ C0@$+ Cr@ck P0t says:

    I like the graphics they are cheesy sci fi. totaly awesome.

    With information like this we know that our machines are not safe from the best exploiters.

  13. Skippy says:

    Are we supposed to take Dvorak seriously with that hairdo? Did Costco have a huge sale on hair gel or vaseline?

  14. Grandpa says:

    OMG, just upgraded to the latest just now released version of Chrome and the vid plays fine.

  15. Bob Hamilton says:

    John you guys totally flubbed a good story because no one took the few minutes to read and research the HBGary details. If you’re going to do the segment, do it right.

  16. required says:

    agreed with #16

    when john asks what programs the kid cant answer…

    The old guy talk about

    they are also Anonymous vs Scientology? I do not know.

    And john is right IBM figured it ALL out a long time ago….
    There is a book… IBM and the Holocaust.

  17. My2Cents says:

    Is it just me or is Joe Engo really getting obnoxious?

  18. tdkyo says:

    I would rather have a good 30 minutes (including ads) than have little segments. I don’t like the intro at all.

    Ah, well, need to get my Cranky Geeks alternative….

  19. James says:

    It’s to bad that we now need to operate our computers with the assumption that they are all compromised. Perhaps even out of the box OS. Any type of input, keyboard, mouse, web cam & microphones including data can all be maned in the middle. Computing used to be a lot more fun without the fear factors.

    BTW A lot of crappy, of topic comments here.


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