You can see this guy design and carry out a series of experiments that employs thermite to show how it can be made to cut steel beams.

  1. MikeN says:

    Sad how so much of the Left believes 9/11 was an inside job.

  2. SimonSezz says:

    I wonder if this guy is licensed to handle all of the explosives he’s making. He’s handling the thermite with his bare hands.

  3. MSM slave says:

    I had never seen that National Geographic video before, and I find it far less convincing than this one.

    Also, the above posts continually mention “thermite”, making it obvious the poster didn’t even watch the video (or read the title).

  4. JimD says:

    Check out:

    and look at the “Signatories” List


    and Search the PDF for “Pearl” and wonder what these guys were thinking …

    And remember Cheney running around the WH with his File Folder full of Maps of Iraqi Oil Fields …

  5. B. Dog says:

    That engineer did a fine job of getting to the root of the answers. The orange molten metal pouring down the side of the building is — what?The chunks of molten metal can be explained — how?

    Keep in mind that Jimbo Bush was in charge of security for the buildings, so he could authorize people to go anywhere for “inspections”.

    I suppose this 10th anniversary year of 9/11 will bring some serious investigations, like the one in the video.

  6. The_Tick says:

    It speaks volumes that none of the level heads commented on the fact that the official report was wrong. Name call all you want, but this dude proved it was easily possible in direct opposition to those who you all claim are credible. I begin to understand the average view here on global warming.

    @ #31, As your racial slur demonstrates quite nicely, Your average emptyheaded redneck is much more easily lead if they have a brown person to hate.

  7. JohnnyBGoodr says:

    For those that swallow the official 9/11 story and don’t question it, go back and watch your American idol like a good slave.

    And no, I don’t believe in fairy tales like global warming, either.

  8. RBG says:

    18 Skepticbut

    1. Building 7 went down becuse it was heavily damaged buy the WTC collapse footprint and expected to collapse. It was a weaker structure to begin with having been retrobuilt over an existing, huge power transformer installation.

    2) Watch Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman of MythBusters land a professional passenger jet simulator on the runway centerline having never flown any aircraft before.

    3) Obviously you haven’t seen the existing security footage of the jet hitting the Pentagon, or the eye witnesses.

    4) Don’t know what this missing billions is about but nobody backs up their data in the the same building. Nor do they not keep their money in a bank collecting millions of $ of daily interest.

    Then ask yourself how Bush can perfectly plan a multi-jet, multi-explosive building hit extravaganza but then not have a remote clue how to hide one WMD in the Iraq desert.


  9. E@$+ C0@$+ Cr@ck P0t says:

    9/11 Truth


  10. Uncle Patso says:

    The writings of the truthers chould be collected and published as textbook examples of Paranoid Schizophrenia.

    I think of them as the “Yabbut Brigade.” No matter what flaw is pointed out in either their facts or their logic, they say, “Yeah, but…”

    Reminds me of two buttons that were popular in the ’60s: “Humpty was pushed!” and “The Peanut Butter Conspiracy is spreading!”

    A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject. — Winston Churchill

  11. nightstar says:

    Those are some fascinating opinions and anecdotes #40 to bad they aren’t relevant to the subject in any way.

    The writings of yours and the first 12 posters HAVE been collected and published as the inane ramblings of imbeciles armed with nought but opinion.

  12. JMJahn says:

    No the Govt did not *do* 9/11.
    However it should not be a very large stretch to
    speculate that they may have let it happen, and have been reaping the monetary (fake wars, that feed the Corps with seemingly endless rivers of money) and political (read Power) benefits ever since.

  13. Tippis says:

    …I wonder how many of the people who keep crowing about “molten metal” have actually seen molten metal.

  14. Rabble Rouser says:

    Two words can explain why the WTC towers were taken down…

    Asbestos abatement.

    When the new owner took the building over, he would have to remove the asbestos from the building. The cost of such abatement was much more than anything that he could reap from an insurance payout. So why not do it, and also do his patriotic duty in creating a New Pearl Harbor, for PNAC?

  15. MikeN says:

    #44 it was the lack of asbestos that helped bring down the towers. The upper floors were built with new rules that eliminated it. New York ahead of the curve even in the 1960s.

  16. Zombie Rock says:

    Thank you for posting that. Too bad it won’t do anything to wake up the masses though. I’m starting to think people prefer to be asleep.

  17. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    I read the molten metal was from several repositories that were in the building but forget what the metal was supposed to be. but lets say chemical analysis shows the metal was the same structural steel as used in the construction of the Towers: so what? To have said metal “pour” out of the building it would need to be in a pile/cauldron and melted–not cut thru with thermomma.

    Like any good “science” we have the consensus: airplane flew into building delivering fuel and after an hour the building collapsed from its own weight. We have video. We have models showing the progress.

    Alternatively we have other theories. In the main, conspiracy theories involving dozens if not hundreds of people none of whom are talking. None of them plausible. No direct evidence.

    Just like anthropomorphic global warming. Same thing.

    Guyver: how you coming on your response?

  18. So what says:

    #31 Colt FTW Best comment on this subject ever!!!!!

  19. steelcobra says:

    Do I really have to post this again?

    #18 SkepticBut— said,
    Here we go:
    1: Asymmetric design, hit by debris, structure severely weakened by fires, no firefighting effort.
    2: Experience pilots are likely to instinctively guide away from any collision. Hitting a 100-story building isn’t really any harder than landing on an airstrip, but they are psychologically hardened against intentionally taking a plane into a crash.
    3: Because they were crappy cameras that barely caught anything?

  20. Animby says:

    # 41 nightstar said, “inane ramblings of imbeciles”

    I STRONGLY resent you labeling me as an imbecile. I am a moran and proud of it!

    You know, you can make a conspiracy out of almost anything. Curry figure the number 33 is some kind of code one agency uses to notify another agency that a mission is complete. With so many secret and secure ways to send a message, he envisions some cabal of idiots who influence news stories so that 33 people were killed in a bus accident in Bangladesh. You can find trends running in any number if you look hard enough. Was it Jim Carrey who did a movie about 23?

    Me? I’m more sensible. I heard that Subway started tessellating their cheese slices as a signal to the beta Reticulans that it was safe to begin the next phase of the project: toasting the bread. You don’t want to know what phase three is…

    In the famous words of a 911 truder, “Oh, crap, I’ve pooped myself. Agin.”

  21. LD says:

    Thermite (or Thermate) can cut steel! Give the guy a Nobel prize. Wait a minute. I think electricity can cut steel. In fact I even think that steel can be completely melted in an electric arc furnace. And I even think there might have been electricity supplied in the buildings. And (like the star ship Enterprise) would a good engineer not provide a self destruct mechanism in every building. I think not! Obviously a plot by electrical workers / engineers to help the government come up with a reason to invade Iraq by blaming the people in Afghanistan. The plan was perfect!

  22. Yankinwaoz says:

    Gotta love the idiots who claim it is impossible to steer planes into the WTC or Pentagon. Yet every day thousands of airplanes land on runways not much wider than the plane. And every day navy planes land on carrier bouncing decks.

  23. Likes2LOL says:

    Maybe the terrorists who planted the thermite in the WTC towers during construction were the same guys who planted those fictitious birth announcements in the Honolulu newspapers?? Man, those guys were good long-range planners!

    Seriously, why did Building 7 fall down at free-fall speed? See

    And, so far, 1,457 verified architectural and engineering professionals and 11,423 other supporters have signed the petition demanding of Congress a truly independent investigation.

  24. What? says:

    Magnesium landing gear fire (couldn’t find the video):

    I’d like to hear more Bobbo on the subject.

    Troofers 0, Everyone Else 1

  25. steelcobra says:

    #55: Of course, you’d think they’d have set off the charges the first time they bombed the WTC instead of using a van full of explosives.

    Link 1: High school physics teacher does some math using no reference points or other good observational data, totally destroys the official report.

    Seems legit…

    link 2: And a greater number are in agreement with the official report, so what’s your point?

  26. deowll says:

    The integrity of these buildings was greatly reduced by the impacts. The design insured that.

    At that time fires started pushed by full loads of jet fuels. How hot these get depends on how much O2 is driven through them and you get chimney effects in tall buildings with the heat being trapped inside. Wind wiping through the rents in the building would have pushed the temps way up.

    Steel does not have a clear transition point. It does not simply change states. It gets softer until it becomes a liquid and in this case if it started to bend at the hottest points those buildings were coming down because the buildings would pancake.

    I wonder if anyone has bothered to modal what the melted aluminum from the jet pouring down on the lower floors may have done by way of starting fires and opening air passages?

    How many levels got soaked with flaming jet fuel? We saw smoke coming out where the impact occurred but that could not have been the only levels burning.

    There are too many uncontrolled variables and unknowns for us to know with any great degree of exactness everything that went on after the collisions.

  27. TThor says:

    This is good. Makes a lot more sense than the gobbledegook served by the authorities. And the guy knows what he is doing. No doubt about that.

  28. Pack Rat says:

    I didn’t realize this site had so many idiot sheeple reading it.

    Wake up douche bags, 911 was an inside job and on top of it your country has failed. You are now owned by the Chinese.

  29. Sorry Ace says:

    deowll, I’m sorry to be the one to have to tell you, but you are not smart. In fact, you are amazingly, unbelievably stupid. You wasted your time writing a post that is worthless, devoid of fact and contains nothing by opinion. People who have a worth, do things, they don’t post garbage thoughts on a blog and think they have achieved something. Your life has been a waste and I feel sorry for you. Next time, skip your opinion posts – ok? Thanks Ace.


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