You can see this guy design and carry out a series of experiments that employs thermite to show how it can be made to cut steel beams.
Video – 9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate
By Gasparrini Tuesday March 8, 2011
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How do we know it wasn’t Aliens or Jeebus? Totally consistent with those alternative versions which too many people just reject out of hand for so called “more rational” explanations.
Reality: its a plot.
Charlie Sheen: 9/11 troofer.
So we are to believe someone took the time to plant this thermite on two very large structures in order to create a reason to go after terrorists? When I look at the twin towers burning. I see several floors of very charred steel. Could it be that the collapses were just the fault of failed, weakened, badly designed steel structure which was caused by a large airliners filled with fuel crashing into to them? Do we really have to over think this?
“Do we really have to over think this?”
The Charlie Sheen’s of the world (9/11 troofers) have a lot of time on their hands, so the answer would be Yes. There is a conspiracy under every rock, usually involving Joos.
# 3 jescott418 You are so blind! Just like the thousands of people who worked in the buildings day and night and didn’t notice those demolition experts planting the thermite devices. Of course, all the building engineers and custodial staff were part of the plot.
By the way – nothing fell at freefall speeds except the poor bastards who jumped out the windows. Even well-planned thermite charges couldn’t make that happen.
I think it was clearly aliens. Didn’t you see Independence day? Just like that. The fact that you never see the ships was because they were cloaked. Duh! Winning!
If you put the entire weight of the upper structure on the damaged and burning beams, it doesn’t have to melt, it just has to weaken enough to the point they give way. Support beams do not have to liquify to fail. Also, the “stacked pancakes in a box” structure of the buildings allowed the towers to fall straight down as beams kept the falling floors contained inside.
Truthers have to be the most schizophrenic mongoloids on earth.
@#3#5#7 How dare you deny the truth of the conspiracy by injecting logic and fact. What are you guys a terrorist sleeper cell?
The experiment he wants to do is to heat loaded (eg, with weight attached) beams (electrically, with combustion, whatever) to the temperature of burning jet fuel, and measure the time / metal temp that causes the beams to yield (break). Because of conduction of heat through the entire building structure, thus is an impossible experiment to make in the real world. A computer model would have to suffice.
But no, he wants to play with THERMITE, and that’s all this is about.
Redneck Science on parade.
A troofer with thermite. That’s scary…
(bonus points for the typo in the video title)
[Ed. – There’s no typo in the video title. If you had watched the video you would have realised this]
If you have all that thermite in place why bother hijacking the jets and flying them into the towers? Why wait years? Let’s see a backyard Pseudo-scientist vs teams of renowned experts. Who’s evidence should we believe? By the way he did not mention how many tons of thermite would be needed to take down a structures that size. Nice try.
Following up on Kate, why not burn the thermite exactly when the plane struck? That would make the show more dramatic, and increase the kill and anger. That’s how Hollywood would do it.
Troofers 0, Science and Logic 1
Oh, jeeze just follow the money. Who owned the Twin Towers, how much were they worth as *property*, how much insurance money was paid the the building owner? Does a building owner have enough access and time to set-up demolition devices? Would someone who would gain say 10 times the worth of a property cooperate with a second or third party to make that happen ?
I think you’ll have your answer.
Never let a catastrophe go to waist.
#7 “Truthers have to be the most schizophrenic mongoloids on earth.”
I hate that lable” Truthers” its very dismissive. People have every right to ask questions when things don’t add up.
Like Global Warming, 9/11 has become a religion.
love the conspiracy theorist bs… such morans..:))
got a guy up here that tries to tell everyone that there wast a plane that his the pentagon, didnt sit well with the gall that works with us , she was a marine at the time working in the pentagon when it was hit… she set him right.. :))
All I thought I knew is upside down … I have a hard time believing the ‘Truthers’ … that being said, I have serious questions, and some of the Truthers have appealing explanations …
For me the key questions are:
1) Why did Building 7, housing NSA, FBI, and pre-Homeland Security-type government orgs go down, if it wasn’t hit?
2) Watch the videos of EXPERIENCED pilots trying to simulate hitting the Pentagon … IMPOSSIBLE for them!
3) Where are the videotapes of local security cams of the Pentagon hit ?! Why can’t they release them 10 years later ?!?!
4) Find the videos on Rumsfield & crew explaining that 2.1 _TRILLION_ dollars of Defense spending is missing and unaccounted for … only a couple of days before the Pentago was hit …. and then realize the only computers with that classified information were EXACTLY where the pentagon was blown away …
I am *NOT* saying there is a conspiracy … but there sure are some FISHY explanations given, and easy evidence being “classified” and withheld …
We won’t have answers in our lifetime, anyways.
(shrugs shoulders)
Trutherism is a ghost story for nerds. It is thrilling and makes you feel superior to know something that others are too stupid to see.
“People have every right to ask questions when things don’t add up.”
Yeah, but people who don’t know how to add, ask too many questions.
It’s entirely possible that Thermite was used to destroy Obama’s birth certificate.
It’s not much of a conspiracy. Simple really.
1. We know an attack is planned, and we know what they will hit and when it will happen.
2. Do we stop it or do we take advantage of it ? When will we get another chance like this ?
3. If we let it go ahead what are the advantages politically and financially ?
(List all advantages and draw backs, forward to Rumsfeld; see appendix D )
4. How do we maximize this event if authorized ?
4. How many people need to know ?
5. Can we call all those that find the inevitable faults in our plans crackpots and get away with it ?
6. Is this too big a mess for our egos ?
There is nothing wrong with asking questions. The only problem with the twoofers is they ask a question and then imply that is the answer.
And they’re all experts too.
“Whatta buncha maroons!”
“Whatta buncha nincompoops!”
(courtesy of Bugs Bunny)
one of the main components of thermite is RUST (oxide metals), with metals, like steel and iron. The towers were old, made of steel and likely RUSTED steel after 30+ years they have been around.
Agreed, doing a project like this does not recreate the events that we know happened. Its a lab experiment that shows one way it could have happened. Just as the guy who proved that Toyota’s being hot wired a certain way could cause rapid acceleration. That does not mean that was the cause of it. All it proved was that under not so normal conditions which were affected by man it could happen. What does that prove? When you believe in a conspiracy you will do whatever to show its true. Even creating junk science to prove it.
I think this guy did a great job experimenting with ways that thermite and thermate can cut steel. So which one of you are going to make a video that proves what he has done wrong. You all have a bunch of theories so now show me something or shut the fuck up.
The liberal use of the word “Troofer” in the comments above mine reek of what is revealed in this article:
In order for thermate to have brought down the towers using this guy’s device, the terrorists would have had to plant these in the towers during their construction.
Surely some construction worker would have noticed these devices and even if they were involved, someone would have mention something. I am waving the bullsh*t flag here. There is no way that this could happen unnoticed.
Certain topics bring out the insult gallery in mass I guess. Bots? Paid? Bored? Who knows. Kind of hurts discussion though.
Well done video. I remember watching that demonstration on National Geographic, and wondering why we don’t drop incendiary bombs on people in trash bags, if they are such efficient containers for explosives. Going through so much effort to ‘prove’ that something we all know can cut steel can’t was kind of a red flag for me.
If it was done by Americans, why did they need two airliners flown by ragheads to crash into the buildings before they set off the bombs inside?
Ragheads could have been blamed for the bombing easily.