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  1. Rob Leather says:

    ATOZ opens new software development centre near central San Francisco.

  2. Rob Leather says:

    Obamacare hospital opens doors to welcoming public.

  3. EmenyOfTheState says:

    “INDIANS WELCOME”? This an outsourcing center?

  4. Dallas says:

    Nice pics. Wonder why this is no longer a prison other than it generates more money as a museum.

    I’d reopen it a prison, put Dick and Bush in there ..then sell pies, have dunking machines, tasers, paddles,etc. Huge revenue for the state

  5. RangerCraig says:

    The “Indians Welcome” is graffiti from the 1969 occupation which saved the tribes from termination ( ). Some would consider it the most important event in the island’s history.

    It’s no longer a penitentiary because it was old, run down, and was too expensive (and didn’t have a sewage system, from the 1850s to 1933 the Army was dumping raw sewage into the bay, and from 1934 to 1963 the Bureau of Prisons did the same).

    As a part of Golden Gate National Recreation Area it doesn’t really generate money – there is no federal entrance fee (like at Yosemite or Muir Woods). People pay for a privately run ferry which also pays for water and fuel being barged over (diesel generators currently power the island) and for sewage and trash being barged back to San Francisco.

    By the way the second window to the right near the green roof is where my office is. If you look real close…

  6. bobbo, I am photoshopped says:

    Those buildings must be god awful gray to look almost normal after the saturation is pushed that far up.

    Gray is like that.

  7. Luther Heggs says:

    Best tour ever

  8. to be honest the saturtion wasn;t cranked up that much..the walls are not grey.

  9. bobbo, I am photoshopped says:

    Ha, Ha. I went back and looked again. The red of course is the dead giveaway. I “looked” at the theme of the picture though.

    Interesting where the eye goes and what the brain “sees.”

    There is a local photography taker/vendor here in Sacto that specializes in saturated photos–all nature: red rocks, water, sand dunes, flowers. Quite effective.

    Here you could layer the red and green and crank the meter back on them and have quite an effective shot.

    Well done.

  10. nobody says:

    #5 What are you in for?

  11. deowll says:

    Nice picture. Thanks for posting it.

    What kind of sewage system do they use now? They have to deal with it some way.

  12. bobbo, I am photoshopped says:

    #11–Do-ill==they post the sewage on several PUKE websites and the faithful eat it up like …. well… sewage.

    Then they vote.

    Ha, Ha.

    Actually, you’ve been posting fairly sanely recently. Are your poles about to switch as well?

  13. jbenson2 says:

    #4 Dallas said: I’d reopen it a prison, put Dick and Bush in there.

    Dallas will need another cell for Obama who has ordered the resumption of Gitmo military trials along with indefinite detention.

  14. Nick Danger says:

    The prison records were in such disarray that they didn’t even know which cell Al Capone occupied.

  15. Dallas says:

    #13. Yep. What do you do Gitmo inmates when the puke’s don’t allow them into state civilian courts?

    In your interpretation of course, it’s a mere reversal in the promise of closing down Cheney’s concentration camp.

  16. justicegustine says:

    A visit to Alcatraz was a very memorable part of my honeymoon in SF. Great way to begin a marriage!

  17. jbenson2 says:

    #15 Yup, Obama lied when he promised to shut down Gitmo by the end of his first year and end indefinite detention. He can’t pass the buck anymore. It is now officially Obama’s concentration camp.

  18. msbpodcast says:

    In #17, jbenson2 said: “ It is now officially Obama’s concentration camp.

    Nah, it’ll always remain Bush’s baby.

    Obama’s only screwed because he can’t just shut it down. Its holding some pretty scary people.

    This would not be a problem if we were hypocrites and could do like Qadaffi does and open fire on a crowd of defenseless people.

  19. Dan Wally says:

    If you take the tour, go on the last tour of the day. It’s a little more expensive but you get a lot more time to see the whole thing. Also seeing the island all lit up at night as you leave is pretty cool.

  20. Robert Drake says:

    jbenson2 & msbpodcast, to me, it will always be America’s concentration camp.


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