Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we look closely at Netflix and Cisco.

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  1. Dallas says:

    Is anyone going to watch a movie through Facebook? Don’t think so. Netflix is in really good shape and write this down – they will be acquired by a big perhaps Apple.

    Please ask Horror-witz when that stock market crash in the Fall of 2009 is going to happen?

  2. deowll says:

    Apple competes with Netflex. Buying them would be a total waste of money because the only advantage Netflex has is that the movie companies will make better deals with it than Apple in part to limit Apples control.

    Right now there is no oil shortage. The prices are being driven up by speculators combined with an over supply of greenbacks.

    China appears locked into a downward population spiral that is going to end badly.

    Greece will cut spending one way or the other. At some point nobody is going to be insane enough to give/loan them any more money. Throw in a tax increase on top of present cuts and the private sector dies. I see revolution and chaos. The dirth of youth is the only thing holding it together.

  3. chris says:

    Exactly right with the read on MS phone.

    Use your phone too much? We have a phone for you!


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