1. McCullough says:

    Yep Burt….it’s flooded.

  2. MikeN says:

    Looks like an Obamamobile.

  3. Just Looking says:

    Man, that’s some radiator leak

  4. Agent 99 says:

    OK Honey, try it now!

  5. Cornyne says:

    that should cool it off

  6. dewtheone says:

    I said PT Cruiser…not PT boat.

  7. Uncle Patso says:

    Well, there’s your problem right there!

  8. Billy-Bob says:

    Damn radiator is leaking again. Damit !

  9. JobBob says:

    Nice shirt

  10. pwuk says:

    Jeremy Clarkson and co at it again

  11. EmenyOfTheState says:

    First the damn banker told me my house was underwater….

  12. ChuckM says:

    It’s an air filter problem…

  13. lalder says:

    The “Check Engine” light came on, I don’t know why, it’s right here!!!

  14. bschuler says:

    I told ya Frank! It might be an all terrain vehicle..but the river is not a terrain!

    Franks first few attempts at replacing the car wash spray system with the car wash bath system were utter failures.

    Here’s your problem Frank.. the engine says right on it, “Not for marine use”

  15. chuck says:

    Good thing it’s not an electric car.

  16. E@$+ C0@$+ Cr@ck P0t says:

    You’ve been HAARPed.

  17. SteveR says:

    The #^@*!! salesman said it came with a bilge pump!

  18. WebPleb says:

    Pool Car

  19. foobar says:

    Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection FTW

  20. Beltane says:

    I’m telling ya honey the engines the only thing on this car that’s NOT flooded.

  21. Dallas says:

    Rush Limbaugh’s toilet backup spreads to neighboring communities. Governor declares a disaster area.

  22. brambleon says:

    Yep; You flooded it alright.

  23. McCullough says:

    #21. For the Win! That’s right, I’m the DECIDER here.

  24. Rabble Rouser says:

    Damn, where did I put those oars? Nope, not in here.

  25. Benjamin says:

    Flooded the engine again.

  26. gmknobl says:

    Now, where did I put that ShamWOW?

  27. admfubar says:

    At the car wash
    Workin’ at the car wash, girl
    Come on and sing it with me
    (Car wash)
    Sing it with the feelin’ ya’ll
    (Car wash, girl)

  28. Salesman says:

    SUV does not equal Submersible Utility Vehivle

  29. Rob Leather says:

    “I’m no expert, so I think it’s probably just low on gas.”


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