1. Marc Perkel says:

    Looks like they edited out the actual collapse.

  2. soundwash says:

    garbage vid..

    what about the 3 choppers that were around the second tower when it collapsed..?


  3. Yankinwaoz says:

    And queue the truthers…..

  4. Nobody says:

    Of course the real conspiracy is that not only was 9/11 faked – but the whole of the USA is faked.

    The only part of America that is inhabited is Hollywood. Everything we see on our TV about America is made in Hollywood, everything we here on the news about America sounds made up (even the stuff on Fox).

    The only obvious conclusion is that America is a giant hoax created by Hollywood.

  5. steve says:

    i have less confidence in my government ever since that day.and now ten years later i live in a soft tyranny called america.

  6. Zombie Rock says:

    “They did it!” “They knocked the whole friggin thing down!” Note: this was hours before any terrorist claimed responsibility. Hmmmmmmm.

  7. Greg Allen says:

    Wow. That brought back the horrible feeling of that day.

  8. Greg Allen says:

    >> Zombie Rock said, on March 7th, 2011 at 2:27 pm
    >> “They did it!” “They knocked the whole friggin thing down!” Note: this was hours before any terrorist claimed responsibility. Hmmmmmmm.

    Oh, please. Not more conspiracy nonsense.

    Terrorism was the first thing I thought of when I heard the news. It did not take “hours” for the thought to occur to people.

  9. getoverit says:

    What a weird video. Where was it shot and did a building really fall down like the guy said?
    Looks like rushes or out-takes from a bad film. Must have been a long time ago judging by the quality of the old style video-tape. The backdrop looks like New-York to me so I’m guessing ‘Hill-Street-Blues’ or some other old New-York based drama.

  10. Brian says:

    And let the fear-driven War on American’s rights…

  11. who cares you dont. says:

    #8 is clearly living the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. -george carlin

  12. chuck says:

    The biggest terrorist attack on the U.S. ever, and the guy can’t keep the camera pointed at the buildings?

    BTW, anyone notice: Adam Curry was piloting the helicopter.

  13. raddad says:

    Wow. Video cameras have certainly improved in the last 10 years. That was pretty much unwatchable.

  14. Buzz Mega says:

    Winner of the Meh Award for Most Tedious Videography in the World’s Least Tedious Situation.

  15. msbpodcast says:

    I was across the street in my 7th floor apartment when it happened.

    The cloud of dust and debris rose up and over my windows obscuring the sky. The second tower collapse was even worse than the first because of all the dust already lying on the ground.

    Give it a rest.

    I am finally over it and don’t want to see this over and over


  16. deowll says:

    I’m thinking this may have been filmed on tape. I’m thinking the tape is going bad and may have been going bad when it was being used. The lenses seem to be pretty good.

    I was thinking it was most likely an accident rather than a terrorist attack at first because something similar once happened to the Empire State building. After the second plane hit you had to a be lack witted dullard not to know this was no accident.

  17. msbpodcast says:

    raddad this was NYPD issue equipment, before we started shelling out billions for all the high-tech toys.

    Remember when gummint contracts went to the lowest bidder?

    That also meant you got the lowest performers too.

  18. msbpodcast says:

    getoverit I respect your right to shove your head up your ass.

    My only request is that you shove harder.

  19. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I recall that day vividly because I dropped my rosary beads in a nasty toilet. I thought about diving for them but then I thought, “they are just gone man.” Now I’ve got some cheap fuckers from some Catholic gift shop.

  20. Steve says:

    #19 It was your fault then.

  21. I believe it because I saw a video of it says:

    hhopper – note to self, when posting videos that don’t involve stampeding ducks, some context and mention of a source would be helpful.

    [WTC Attack September 11, 2001 from New York Police Helicopter

    Video obtained by an FOIA request from a person to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST.gov) who directed NIST to send it to Cryptome.org. NIST investigated the WTC tower collapses and collected large amounts of evidence from officials and individuals. While much of this evidence has been released to the public, more is still withheld.

    Excerpt of the March 3, 2011 NIST letter to the FOIA requester who used the mail address of Cryptome.

    Quote: These electronic files image were provided to NIST by the New York Police Department. The City of New York has provided NIST with the following notice:

    “Please take notice that the City of New York (“City”) has asserted that the contents of the enclosed DVD-ROM is protected under tbe Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. sections 101 et seq. Tbe City expressly reserves its rights in these materials, and requires that you obtain the City’s permission prior to any reproduction, modification, adaptation, recompilation, or other derivative use of each DVD-ROM or portion thereof, including any still image extracted or derived therefrom, and that the City’s permission be obtained prior to the commercial distribution of any video footage and of still or moving images extracted or derived therefrom in any medium, by sale, rental, lease, lending or other means. The City requires that the instant notice accompany any moving or still images that you disseminate for any reason, including dissemination that complies with the fair use authorized by section 107 of the Copyright Act, and requires that each recipient of these materials comply with the instant Notice. Moreover, the City requires that a summary statement of its copyright be embedded in any moving or still images extracted from the enclosed DVD-ROM that are broadcast in any medium for any purpose. This summary statement shall read as follows: “Copyright (c) NYPD.” Please write to the New York City Police Department, Legal Bureau, 1 Police Plaza, Room 1406, New York, N. Y. 10038, for information about obtaining an appropriate license.” Unquote – ed.]

  22. Kate says:

    Ironic, instead of realizing that this graphic evidence shows that these animals kill and want you dead, people are rating the video quality. How sad.
    Sounds just like the White House. The majority of the recent terror plots and attempts against the U.S. have involved radical Islamics. So of course, today the White House wants to make friends with them. Maybe the White House needs to watch this video to see who they are dealing with!

  23. jim says:

    they got the idea from the 1st episode of ‘the lone gunmen’! they did this 6 months before it happened…

  24. Dallas says:

    #22. Sunshine, who’s “they”?

  25. wirelessg says:


  26. Grace says:

    The quality kinda lacks indeed… still I watched the whole thing. Such a horrible happening deserves to be thought of and remembered even years after. I still can’t believe how cruel this world can be. thanks for sharing.

  27. UncDon says:

    That’s one crappy video. And cheapskates for not buying new tape.

  28. Several days before all of this went down, me and some other sisters were driving golfballs off the roof of WTC7 and we noticed these guys real methodical like placing bags of stuff that we figured was pesticide. Looking back now we think it had to be thermite. That building didn’t come down just because I flushed my rosary beads. We feel kinda guilty about not speaking up before now.

  29. Uncle Patso says:

    Link bait.

    “It’s all about the eyeballs!”

  30. Nobody says:

    # 28 – hence no conspiracy.
    If the police had known in advance that this was going to be a special day then wouldn’t they have bothered to put a new tape in, rather than reuse last weeks?


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