1. chris says:

    I can has SMG?

  2. George says:

    You guys who are jumping on him about having his finger in the trigger guard are technically correct, but its clear from the photo that the gun is unloaded (no magazine) and not cocked (the Uzi SMG fires from an open bolt and the bolt is clearly forward). An open bolt firearm strips the bullet from the magazine and fires it in one action. It never carries a round “in the chamber”.

    The Uzi also has a grip safety that is pretty hard to activate when held like this guy is holding it.

    The point is that the cat he’s holding is infinitely more likely to hurt and injure than the submachinegun.

    And why does he have a wedding band on his right hand? Europeans do that, but I believe this guy is an Israeli settler. Do Jews do that too?

  3. Greg Allen says:

    Who have the higher IQs? Gun nuts or cats?

  4. Hawkeye says:

    They’ll let anybody own a cat in Arizona…

  5. deowll says:

    I think the flowers are morning glories.


    Was that dog yours?

  6. wirelessg says:

    Puzi Cat

    Uzi Cat, Uzi Cat, What are they feeding you?

    Springtime for Hitlercat

  7. cfk says:

    Osama bin Laden–The Golden years

  8. Tom says:

    What’s the big deal? Looks like a Jew holding an Israeli made Uzi. No biggie.

  9. noname says:

    Do you want a clean kill or do you want to send a message?

  10. John says:

    My future?

  11. crackedblack says:


  12. Billy Bob says:

    Kibbutz ‘n’ Bits

  13. Sgt. Rock says:

    To #37: There is NO SUCH THING as an “unloaded” weapon. No-mag-and-bolt-forward is NO EXCUSE…..EVER. I don’t care if it’s totally stripped and he’s just holding the FRAME.

    “Accidental” firearms deaths and injuries are caused by
    BAD HABITS. Accidental discharges are INEVITABLE for sloppy people.

    Now, drop and knock out fifty, numbskull! ^o^

  14. dadeo says:

    #46 crackedblack got mine.

  15. george says:

    Lon Miller from Los angeles Film school


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