Who is Bradley Manning and what do you know about him? If all you hear is the main stream media, probably not very much.

Earlier this week, the soldier accused of leaking thousands of confidential documents to WikiLeaks, Bradley Manning, was handed an additional 22 charges as part of his ongoing court martial process. The 23-year-old, who has been in solitary confinement for more than seven months, stands accused of computer fraud, theft of public records and willfully communicating classified information to a person not entitled to receive it. He now also finds himself faced with a rare charge known as “aiding the enemy” – a capital offence for which he could face the death penalty.

Lots of stories this past week on blogs and alternative websites about him being stripped naked in his cell and worse (solitary for months, etc).

Apparently, guards are forcing Bradley Manning to strip in his cell—a humiliation tactic guards use in Guantanamo Bay. A spokesman for the Marines referred to this as, “standard operating procedure.”

Could the President who stopped torture and wanted Gitmo closed be so bold as to move it here? Can’t be! It must be a lone, rogue, out of control officer (a woman, no less!) doing these nasty things.

Given these circumstances, the decision to strip PFC Manning of his clothing every night for an indefinite period of time is clearly punitive in nature. There is no mental health justification for the decision. There is no basis in logic for this decision. PFC Manning is under 24 hour surveillance, with guards never being more than a few feet away from his cell. PFC Manning is permitted to have his underwear and clothing during the day, with no apparent concern that he will harm himself during this time period. Moreover, if Brig officials were genuinely concerned about PFC Manning using either his underwear or flip-flops to harm himself (despite the recommendation of the Brig’s psychiatrist) they could undoubtedly provide him with clothing that would not, in their view, present a risk of self-harm.

John and Adam discussed this on No Agenda with Adam suggesting Manning doesn’t exist. The CIA released the docs to Wikileaks to embarrass Hillary, certain governments, etc, and Manning is a cover story. Far fetched, but his point is where are the interviews with family, friends, his gay lovers (if fake, a perfect addition for the homophobic US)? Also, how did such a low level soldier get such easy access to just these particular materials? If he could, has far more been stolen by others? Or is this also part of a fake story?

What’s your take on Manning and his treatment? Assuming he really exists…

  1. Robart says:

    Gotta love the google:


  2. Jim says:

    His mom looks like Adam Curry.

  3. bobbo, a hard brained liberal says:

    Robart–nice link. Glad I slowed down enough to read thats NOT his mother in the photo.

    “how did such a low level soldier get such easy access to just these particular materials?” /// Last I read these were “secret” and below secret restricted documents–ie, also “low level.”

    When history is written, will it notice PFC Mannings snowball added to the long simmering disgust the peoples of the Middle East had regarding their tyrannical foreign imposed Kings and Dictators? As well as the tyrannical self imposed Kings and Dictators who grabbed power over the USA in the offices and Board rooms of WallStreet?===when is wikileaks going to bomb BofA et al? That was due a month ago. I guess that is still a bargaining chip against his oppressors? Who thinks once in jail Assange won’t be given the Manning treatment?

    The truth. Yes, people hate it.

  4. Mr Windows says:

    Keep in mind this is an ongoing criminal investigation and prosecution under the rules of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, not the civilian court and detention system. The rules are not the same.
    They may be on extreme suicide watch and removing his clothes to keep him from using anything to hang himself may be the only alternative to having him wear a straight jacket through the night.
    In prison, whether civilian or military, you have no expectation of privacy. Certain rights we take for granted on this side of the bars do not apply.

  5. jealousmonk says:

    It is sad that Adam Curry would demean and make light of the powerless, defenseless and tortured Manning just to say something outrageous. Target the powerful Adam.

  6. adamc1999 says:

    You do realize that the entire DailyMail article is an interview with his ‘Aunt’; Ms Staples, and not his mother, who is sick with an unspecified illness.
    Her ex-husband was a cop to boot.

    But above all, the Daily Mail? Really?


  7. bobbo, a hard brained liberal says:

    #4–Mr Windows==didn’t you say something intelligent last week? What’s the matter, quota all used up?

    What I’ll keep in mind is that mindless BS like yours is uniformly offered against the stated and known facts, aka RTFA: “Moreover, if Brig officials were genuinely concerned about PFC Manning using either his underwear or flip-flops to harm himself (despite the recommendation of the Brig’s psychiatrist) they could undoubtedly provide him with clothing that would not, in their view, present a risk of self-harm.”

    Toady/fool/tool/jackboot? Hard to tell, if there ever was a reason to make the distinction.

  8. Mac Guy says:

    Also keep in mind that the US Government is NOT seeking the death penalty. They are seeking life in prison for PFC Manning.

  9. jescott418 says:

    Personally I think if he had obtained and released classified documents to Wikileaks or anyone else. I think he deserves to rot in a cell. The problem is the Government thinks they have more then just a case against him. They want WikiLeaks too. Unfortunately the Government has been unable to connect him directly to Wikileaks as a co conspirator. I find it rather amusing that this keeps going on. From what I have read from these leaked documents. They were more embarrassing then anything else.

  10. Right... says:

    He has a press package it must be real…..

    US Army and FBI say he does right. and we all know Assange is for real right…… k

  11. Nobody says:

    There was an hilarious parody on the morning news this morning.
    First story was how Colonel Qaddafi was facing war crimes because any killing of civilians is always wrong.
    Then it was followed by a story about this guy facing the death penalty for leaking details of some helicopter raid.
    Then they had some audio and video footage of a helicopter killing some some civilians.

    Very witty – it’s nice to know that Fox comedy writers don’t just do animated series.

  12. Dallas says:

    Unfortunate he is so young to be dealt with such severe punishment but he committed a treasonous act.

    I’m pretty sure the next goof would think twice about breaching such serious military rules.

    In other news….
    Cheney, who “couldn’t recall” a total of 72 times if he disclosed CIA agents identity, is enjoying early spring BBQ.


  13. jbenson2 says:

    Nice typical biased reporting from Uncle Dave – he forget to mention Manning’s threat to commit suicide at night by using the material in his bed clothes.

  14. bobbo, a hard brained liberal says:

    JB–RTFA. Silly PUKE.

  15. chuck says:

    He is part of the rebel alliance, and a traitor – take him away.

  16. Uncle Dave says:

    #13: Huh. So what you’re saying is we should assume our readers aren’t intelligent enough to assume there’s more to the snippet we post and can’t click on the provided link to the full article? Obviously, that means we should post the entire article. Only way to ensure no ‘bias’ by leaving something out, right?

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, Uncle Dave,

    Hey Unc, didn’t you get the memo? Anyone not in full agreement with the tea baggers is biased. Automatically. No second chance. All the time. You betchem. Just ask Alfie.

  18. dittmv says:

    Adam Curry may be on to something with the commentary that Manning is a fabrication. I have noticed repeated references in UK media outlets that link Manning to wiki leaks docs without evidence.

    The effort to link Manning to wiki leaks is an aggressive sell.

    The only items cited are pure inference. Manning is accused of espionage activities and wiki leaks has some documents. Wow, I own a computer and people use computers to hack networks I must be guilty of hacking.

  19. Richard says:

    Something stinks about it.

  20. Ah_Yea says:

    It’s sure comforting to know that the Obama administration will arrest and convict americans who do this very thing to muslims.

    Of course, it’s ok to do this to non-muslims.

  21. The_Tick says:

    At what point, if any, does exposing the tyranny of ones superiors become an act of patriotism?

  22. Nobody says:

    #21 – right after the trial at which your previous supervisors are executed as war criminals.

    Of course if you don’t refuse their orders and they are convicted then you are guilty too.
    If however you do refuse their orders and they don’t go to trial then you get executed instead.

    Interestingly – what your superiors actually do is almost irrelevant.

  23. ECA says:

    “stands accused of computer fraud, theft of public records and willfully communicating classified information to a person not entitled to receive it. ”

    theft of public records?? arnt they public?

    Classified? it was the UN email system. there was NO SECURITY..

    FRAUD?? he asked for NO MONEY..

  24. Publius says:

    >The US military is trying to “break” Pfc. Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of leaking secrets to WikiLeaks, but it is Defense Secretary Robert Gates that could end up with a blemish on his record, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) said Monday. Manning attorney David Coombs revealed last week that for at least two nights in row, the Army private had been “stripped naked” for as long as seven hours at a time. In the mornings, he was left without clothes and forced to stand at attention.

    — Raw Story

    And without clothes, everyone would certainly see him whenever he stands at attention!

    Seriously now, Curry’s position is dopey.

  25. John says:

    Every now and then Adam and John get something wrong. This is one of those times. I wish Adam would dedicate some time to explaining why he thinks Wikileaks is a CIA honeypot and why Manning doesn’t exist. I wonder if this is a pride thing, now.

  26. LDA says:

    People no longer know a patriot when they see one. Illegal doesn’t necessarily mean wrong.

    Fortunately for the government people are so easily distracted that he probably should not have sacrificed himself for their benefit.

  27. Fielding Melish says:

    freeze in your cell and burn in hell

  28. deowll says:

    Based on what he dumped he didn’t have access to the more highly classified material. Some of it is still inflammatory.

    It is my personal opinion that the Russians and others do have access to a lot of our classified material.

  29. TheMAXX says:

    This is about the 400,000 military reports that was leaked. NOT the diplomatic emails. These were first hand reports from us armed forces in Iraq. More than 100,000 civilians killed just in these reports. Women, children, families tortured by our troops. Children shot in the head in front of their parents, etc. Video of unarmed people with hands in the air gunned down in cold blood. Reuters reporters killed, etc. Remember? The really horrible shit that got released to wikileaks.

  30. TheMAXX says:

    How about not doing shit you wouldn’t want the public to find out about? That would make much more sense than going after this Manning guy who found out all this horrible shit and couldn’t make himself just sit on it. Too good of a man to keep quiet about war crimes and out right murder and he is being made the villain?


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