1. My Turn Next says:

    “Sir, please step back squarely onto the yellow footprint outlines.”

    “Sir, What I am doing with my right hand is none of your business.”

  2. rcool says:

    See, I’ve got nothing!

  3. McCullough says:

    Man, I can’t believe they actually pay me for this!

  4. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    “If you thought the skies were friendly, just wait until you see our new ground operations.”

  5. So what says:

    He’s facing the wrong way for the TSA to kiss his ass.

  6. Newbie says:

    I’m sorry Mr. Christopher, but I’m not actually required to kiss it.

  7. Semantics says:

    Suck my cock you taxpayer paid whore!

  8. Alphgeek says:

    TSA’ new “free blowjob with every strip search” policy goes a long way towards repairing customer’s views of intrusive TSA search practices.

  9. McCullough says:

    “So Officer I sez, when I gets out of the scanner, I’m sporting a cock like a Missouri mule!”

  10. Agent 99 says:

    Gary hesitates, then drops to one knee and finally, pops the question….

  11. Publius says:

    #7 ftw

  12. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #10, is that the best you’ve got? No Obama-bashing for this thread?

    I guess I’ll have to add identity confusion to the list of personality disorders you exhibit. Have you received any telepathic messages lately that we should know about?

  13. derspankster says:

    OK, Obama is a Muslim plant with no US birth certificate that hates anyone trying to fly.


  14. Scooter says:

    Does this look infected to you?

    How can you call this a weapon? Just look how tiny it is.

    Sir, I must bow to your obvious greatness.

  15. KMFIX says:

    I was once an alter boy, so I know what I’m doing…

  16. nobody says:

    Adults they may be, consenting, certainly
    But I question the privacy of a checkin line

    Oddly enough I always feel exactly the other way around when I fly in the USA

  17. RSweeney says:

    Is America ready to say NO yet?

    It’s not what you carry, it’s who you are.
    Pretty simple.

  18. crazyone says:

    What’s in your wallet?

  19. Neumann says:

    And continuing our series of unusual wedding proposals…

  20. msbpodcast says:

    You know, after a botte of saké this is funny.

    I’m still too sober.

  21. Mextli says:

    Yes it’s small enough to carry on.

  22. Nolimit662 says:

    Is this what this country has come down to?? Dropping your pants so you can get on a god damned plane? I am ashamed for our gov’t. Security theatre.

  23. ECA says:

    Can I ask..
    WHAT gov. agency gave the TSA, ANY RIGHTS to search and Seizure?

    The only reason COPS have it is BECAUSE WE’ gave it to them. NOT the gov.

    Are these folks under the federal marshals? FBI? CIA?

    Or are they privately hired by the GOV?

  24. Spetz says:

    Bobbo where are you?
    I need to read your remarks!

  25. LDA says:


  26. EnemyOfTheState says:


  27. Uncle Dave says:

    Here we see TSA trainee Walt about to provide his first ball cancer screening exam as part of the new government initiative to help cut health care costs. He’ll be rooting around down there anyway for the security check, so why not kill (or feel?) two stones while he’s at it!

  28. birddog says:

    Nothing to see here.

  29. diane says:

    Happy ending?

  30. John E. Quantum says:

    TSA Officer Bledsoe wonders if Mr. Johnson is ready to play.


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