But Penn, who has spent most of the last year in the country working on earthquake relief, believes Sheen’s presence will bring a boost to Haiti.

“I think his energies, intelligence and passion could be both of service and servicing to him, as it is to all who are touched by the struggle of the Haitian people,” said Penn.

“Charlie is one of the very few public people who cannot be accused of using the media to his own benefit. I would very much like to show my old friend the world of needs on the ground in Haiti, and introduce him and his tremendous wit to our hard working Haitian staff.”

Sheen accepted the invitation, while mixing up his disaster metaphors, in an interview with the Access Hollywood television show.

“I’m excited as hell because, you know, if I can bring the attention of the world down there, then clearly this tsunami keeps cresting,” he said.

I’m thinking that instead of him going to Haiti they need him spending his money on medical supplies and other things they need rather than hookers and blow.

  1. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    Well, it can’t hurt. Even using Haitian ho’s and blow will provide foreign exchange. 2 million twats will be exposed to the fact that Haiti exists and some might spend money or visit. I assume Charlie will make a donation in an effort to look good to family court.

    Nothing but good. PS–always amusing that Haiti freed itself from British and French slave owners in early 1800’s–only other country in the world to free itself besides the USA and when did the USA even deign to recognize Haiti as a country? 1862-3. Yes, we Americans are home of the free.

    Our history is more fairytale than real. Just like current class warfare.

    Silly Hoomans.

  2. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I just love the look in the eyes of the person behind Charlie Sheen in the picture. I don’t know when it was taken, but I imagine the guy thinking “Whoa Charlie, you need to dial back the blow”.

  3. GF says:

    Here’s a can of soup and a bottle of water, WINNING!

  4. greggyx says:

    LOL @ Tiger Blood Charlie Sheen.

    Man this guys is funny.

    He’s promoting a new movie right???

    Honey I shrunk my brain??

  5. admfubar says:

    wow hooda thunk sean penn is so shewed!!!?? get crazy assed friend with money to see the plight of haiti and milk him for all his worth.. that really has to be penn’s plan..
    unless penn is as crazy as charlie….hhmmm no telling what might happen then..
    maybe make charlie the new crazy haitian leader.. 🙂

  6. chuck says:

    I want a big bowl of Charlie Sheen cereal.
    And maybe a daily, low-dose Charlie Sheen pill. I couldn’t handle a full dose. My heart would explode.

  7. sargasso_c says:

    I hope he got his shots.

  8. KMFIX says:

    Cheaper hookers and cheaper blow…

  9. Uncle Dave says:

    #7: Who, the Haitians?

  10. Lou says:

    The pipe may have got 2 hot for 2 long.

  11. jescott418 says:

    Does Sheen have any actual skills to help? Other then bringing a bunch of media.

  12. What? says:

    #1 Bbb, you are forgetting India? And the colonies revolted en masse in the years following WWII.

    I don’t see how you can claim the History of America is thought of in grand positive terms. I think you mean the Story of America, which is a totally different animal told to children and the feeble minded.

    Haiti never had British colonists AFAIK.

    You need to majorly brush up on you history.

    #11 jescott418, after making millions reading the words others have written, I’m sure CS thinks the world is a piece of cake. He’ll last 10 seconds in Haiti, correction, 5. Most holywood types have no skills beyond self promotion.

  13. Dallas says:

    He sure doesn’t project a sense of compassion but off the charts in cocky confidence.

  14. EnemyOfTheState says:

    Send Charlie! He can captain the bobsled team.

  15. Blind Stevie says:

    Why is it so damn compelling to watch Charlie circle the drain?

  16. Greg Allen says:

    It speaks poorly of America (probably the human race as well) that we find the destruction of others so entertaining.

  17. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Haitian people in the streets are saying, “Haven’t we been exposed to enough dangerous diseases already?”

  18. JMJahn says:

    Haiti will be one more example of all that is wrong with the history of this planet and species.
    Wait 10 years, and you will still be visiting tents and celebrities dipping their toes in the well of *see me do good*. Get off it, close down the show and move off to the next photo op.
    Haiti should be rebuilt by now and thriving. It’s not, so the moral is if you can’t consume what the rulers are selling, get lost. Poor people are worthless in the New World Order. If you don’t consume, or provide wealth to your the 1% of the ruling class you don’t exist. Only good for a sideshow attraction for the celebs.

  19. What? says:

    I think Penn expects the people of Haiti to fix CS, not the other way round.

    This has all the earmarks of a reality show, like the biggest loser or something. Celebribratz ™ show up, and live in a poop smelling hell hole for 6 weeks with average Haitians. If the bratz survive, and do one nice thing for the locals, they get to return to the regular show, back in the USSA.

  20. B. Dog says:

    Even before the earthquake, Haiti wasn’t really on the road to thriving. The people were eating mud, with a touch of salt. They were starving. They had deforested the land, and that made it worthless for farming, which is what most of them do.


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