“For the first time in history, the average annual compensation for a teacher in the Milwaukee Public Schools system will exceed $100,000″ in 2011.

In light of Paul’s comments, which were made during the heat of the nationally watched Wisconsin budget debate, we decided to take a closer look at MacIver’s claim. It has resurfaced in the budget debate in comments on websites such as the Huffington Post and TheNation.com.

In announcing the $100,000 figure, the institute produced a video that included brief clips of an MPS administrator reciting salary and fringe benefit numbers during a school board meeting the previous day. The average total compensation figure for teachers exceeded $100,000. We asked MacIver spokesman Brian Farley if he had any additional evidence. He cited a February 2011 posting from the School Zone blog on JSOnline.com, which reported slightly different numbers than those in MacIver’s video.

The posting quoted MPS’ budget manager as saying that in 2011-2012 (the fiscal year that begins July 1, 2011), the average MPS teacher would receive total compensation of $101,091 — $59,500 in salary and $41,591 in benefits.

We double-checked with MPS spokeswoman Roseann St. Aubin and she confirmed the figures. The conservative think tank said the average annual compensation for a Milwaukee Public Schools teacher would exceed $100,000 in 2011. As of July 1, 2011, according to the school district, that figure will be $101,091.

MacIver’s claim is True

And if you don’t think benefits are a part of your salary, try being self employed.

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  1. So what says:

    On a third note, I used to blame my teachers too. After 30 years of retrospection I find that the fault was usually mine. If you think Oklahoma schools are bad, you should have gone to a rural Missouri school back in the 70’s.

  2. Somebody_Else says:


    I’m reasonably well educated (IMO, anyway) because I have great parents who encouraged me to learn on my own.

    Evolution is not a theory. Evolution is a fact, just like gravity. Natural selection is a scientific theory we use to explain how evolution works, just like Einstein’s theory of general relativity is a scientific theory that (partially) explains gravity. You should know this if you actually have a “BS in Biological Sciences and MS in Microbiology.”

    Also, if you actually have a education you claim you have then I’d expect you know that a real argument requires supporting evidence. I listed some basic historical examples of the huge division slavery created in the lead up to the war, where are your counter-examples? What specific federal actions was the south so pissed off about that they left the union?

    If you had actually read the Declaration of the Causes of Secession you might know the answer. (hints: non-enforcement of the fugitive slave act, prevention of the expansion of slavery into the Mexican cession and Kansas, the victory of a ‘radical abolitionist’ party presidential candidate).

    Why do people like you feel the need to troll comment threads like this and make up shit about degrees you obviously don’t have?

  3. So what says:

    @65 Aww sparky I was just starting to like you. Then you have to go for the easy insult. Yes I do have both a BS and MS you should know that theory and fact have different connotations in science. I guess you didn’t learn as much as I hoped. I will however concede the argument on slavery at this point. It appears that you have spent more time on the subject than I. I was not a history major I just know what I learned from good father Aaron back at Quincy college In American History I and II. By the way its Newtons theory of gravitation.

  4. Thomas says:

    If teachers are worth 100K, why the need for collective bargaining? If that’s really what they should get on the open market, why the need to let them unionize?

  5. Thomas says:

    AP US History teacher correct it was about states rights.

    Apparently, you were also educated in OK. The Civil War was first and foremost about slavery. Mississippi and South Carolina (among others) explicitly stated in their statement to the Federal government when they withdrew from the Union that they were withdrawing expressly because they feared the Federal government would interfere with the institution of slavery. The argument of State’s rights was entirely secondary to the issue of slavery.

    AP World History teacher was religious, so?

    So, you’d be ok if she taught that purple leprechauns created the Earth? There is nothing wrong with being religious. However, attempting to teach students that the Earth was only 6000 years old is an indication of incompetence. She deserved to be fired.

    Biology II teacher, evolution IS a theory, whats the problem?

    Who knew that Cracker Jacks boxes contained GREs? You do realize we are talking about material taught in a science class? Thus, calling evolution “a theory” in a science class is another indication of incompetence. Call me crazy, but I would expect a teacher of science to understand the scientific method. The canard of “evolution is a theory” by a teacher of science ought to be grounds for firing. That species evolve is an observable fact. The scientific theories of evolution, such as natural selection, are attempts to explain how, why and how fast this phenomena takes place. A teacher of biology should understand this.

  6. So what says:

    Thomas it appears you missed the rest of the thread. I conceded the argument on slavery. I was a science major not history. I gave the prof the answer he wanted from the text.

    If a teacher teaches religion in class than yes, I can see that teacher losing a job. However there is nothing that does not allow a teacher to be religious. If the curriculum is not followed than again the teacher should be reprimanded. Personally I am an atheist so I have no use for religion at all.

    Onto your third posit. May I present a short primer on the scientific method. I observe a species of Rotifer, we will call it Rotifer A. Hereafter known as A. I observe that A is found in standing water. That observation is a fact. I can hypothesis that A will be found in all water. Through observation I find that A is found in standing water but not running water. I must modify the hypothesis accordingly. That A will only be found in standing water. I publish my work. You in your location read the work and wonder if it true at your location. Through observation you determine that A is found in standing water and not running, you also determine that it is found in standing water bodies less than two acres. You post your findings. The original hypothesis again must be modified. After other scientists in other location also confirm or deny through observation differing aspects say A is only found in the northern hemisphere not the south or in a specific temperature range. We end with a theory, that Rotifer A will only be found in the northern hemisphere in standing water bodies of two acres or less, having a specific temperature. Again its only a theory, future observation may find that A may be found in the southern hemisphere in running water.

    Evolution is a theory by definition. It is without attempting a pun evolving. This does not make it wrong, or any weaker from a science perspective. Calling it a fact does not make it more valid. Science is not black and white. The scientific method is Observe, Hypothesis, Experiment, and Repeat.

  7. So what says:

    Also as I have a few minutes before my commute this wonderful Monday. I don’t want any teacher science or otherwise to teach any subject as black or white. All subjects are evolving be it grammar, math, history, or science. To be static to to stagnate. I am not a formal science teacher. As part of my job I teach adults the more technical aspects of proper sample collection, analysis of samples and data interpretation. If I were I would teach intelligent design. Not as a valid scientific argument, but to show how the scientific method works.

    Evolution a theory shown to be valid through experimentation and observation.

    Intelligent design a theory in name only shown to be invalid through those same processes of experimentation and observation.

  8. Sam says:

    A second year NBA basketball player making the minimum salary makes $788,872.00 plus benefits, for a 6 month season plus preseason that’s 8 months. That means the weekly salary is approximately $24,652.00 plus benefits. Which means the basketball player makes the same in 2.5 weeks as the teacher in a year.

    So the question is ???? Would you have the NBA player teach your kids?

  9. MikeN says:

    Sam there are 400 players in the NBA. If there were only 400 people capable of being a teacher, they would be making lots of money too.

  10. Hmeyers says:

    #15 for the win. Most of the other comments for this article are illustrations of why the USA is losing its edge (bad maths, poor or slow thinking posters, class warfare slowpokes who worries about what 15 CEOs make which has to do what with the price of tea in China, etc.)

  11. Thomas says:

    RE: Evolution is only a theory

    The theories of evolution are based on the observable fact that species evolve. Thus, even if we were to find that Darwin’s natural selection theory was 100% bunk (in fact there are parts they have been disproved), it does absolutely nothing to change the fact that evolution is happening.

    Almost without exception, when someone trots out that canard of “evolution is only a theory” they are intentionally or ignorantly confusing the meaning of a scientific theory with the vernacular meaning of the word. Yes, in the example you provided evolution is “only a theory”…just like the theory of gravity. It is a tested, repeatable postulate that, for the moment, fits the observable data and provides predicative capabilities with respect to the phenomena. Tomorrow, we could find data which the theory does not explain and have to re-assess the theory or at least the bounds over which it applies.

    However, let’s be clear that the above form of the word “theory” is not how creationists are using the term. A creationist is trying to suggest some doubt as to the veracity of the theory itself ignorantly thinking that if lots of people believe it is only a guess, it lessens it’s strength as a scientific tool.

    No one believes that the theories related to evolution are 100% perfectly valid. In fact, no theory merits that endorsement. Everyone believes that there could be data that does not fit a given theory at edge cases. However, it should be undisputed that a biology teacher should be clear about the meaning of the word “theory” in the scientific community as opposed to its use in every day usage and to state to their class that “evolution is only a theory” serves only to intentionally confuse the issue. All reputable scientists believe that species evolve. How, when, why and how quickly are matters up for some dispute. That species evolve is not.

  12. So what says:

    So basically you and I agree its a theory that we both believe to be true.


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