The Senate GOP leader has ordered the arrest of 14 Democrats for leaving Wisconsin to thwart action on legislation to strip most unionized public employees of nearly all bargaining rights. The order applies only to Wisconsin, however. The AWOL Democrats decamped to Illinois.

But, as the Wisconsin State Journal points out, it’s not clear whether the GOP’s resolution is constitutional. The state’s Constitution “prohibits the arrest of legislators while in session unless they’re suspected of committing felonies, treason or breach of the peace,” the paper writes.

  1. MikeN says:

    >#12 If controlling quorum is a subversion of the rules, then why is it in the rules in the 1st place? Why not have the majority carry the day if they have the votes?

    It is in the rules generally so a minority cannot pass laws by convening a meeting while most people are not there. A major issue when travel was so difficult, and why it is in the US constitution. Interesting, the Wisconsin supermajority quorum rules only applies to the budget, which is why all these workers are being laid off. They can pass the collective-bargaining rules without the Democrats.

  2. tcc3 says:

    #31 – Then making the quorum equal the majority would solve that issue.

    Why would you make a situation where the minority can control the quorum, unless you wanted that as a balance? Its not hard to forsee. And even if it weren’t, its happened before, why not change the rules?

  3. dcphill says:

    Management and a couple of unions bought the best governor money could buy.He is in their pocket and they shall overcome.
    Unionized labor is what keeps the machine running and allows management to shine.
    Without labor Management is NOTHING!

  4. MikeN says:

    It would solve that issue, and indeed for nonbudget matters that is the quorum. I have suspicion that the larger quorum for budget matters is to protect against people spending the public money for themselves.

  5. MikeN says:

    While the Democrats cannot be arrested in Illinois, is there anything to stop the other 19 Republicans from going to Illinois with the clerk and surround one of the missing members, and vote there?

  6. sargasso_c says:

    For confused foreigners, a workers union will sometimes join other similar workers unions unions in a “collective bargaining” – where they are able to use their combined size to extract consideration from an employer. This is in part a reaction to corporations, a collective of employers who join together to extract consideration from employees and governments.

  7. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    What else is democracy/politics but the boys and girls playing the game by the rules that are there and facing the judgment of the voters next time around?

    Everyone representing their own power base. Easy to see.

    Only partisan tools will frame/mis-frame their issues to “protect” their own interests all the while unintentionally revealing their end goals/inherent conflict of interest. Rasmussen Poll? “The people have spoken….” Tools. Dull pointed tools.

    How can reality be a bitch, and the players all bitches, and no one able to tell shit from shinola?

    Walker is a tool. Anyone that supports Walkers power play against unions is a tool. The unions would likewise also be a tool -BUT- they gave the financial concessions required. Walker and his PUKE controllers and PUKE supporters are, in this case, SHIT and the unions are SHINOLA. See the difference?

    Ha, ha. Stupid Hoomans.

  8. soundwash says:

    Oh yeah, this is how the founding
    fathers intended government to act..



  9. ubiquitous talking head says:

    It won’t harm the students, they aren’t learning now anyway…

    Don’t use yourself as an example, you’re obviously not a thinking adult.

  10. tcc3 says:

    Alfred has again forgotten that there remain many issues with privatizing everything that moves. He doesn’t know the answers, so he chooses to pretend there aren’t any problems.

  11. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Teabagger: Wisconsin schools rate among the best. Did you know that the worst-ranked schools are red states, the ones with strong tea party contingents and the most federal funding?

  12. Thomas says:

    but deriding them for having the audacity to insist on better conditions.

    What about deriding them for having the audacity to push for conditions better than the equivalent private worker at the expense of the taxpayers?

  13. Elmer Fudd, Armed to the Lithp says:

    Quickly now! Which country is this?

    The ruling party has the opposition party arrested and jailed (with as much violence as possible and/or necessary) because they won’t co-operate with raping the citizens and stealing everything that isn’t nailed down?

  14. Harry says:


    I am a retired blue collar private employee, who on his last year made $70,000.00 got a pension(paid out in cash)of which I didn’t pay into, plus a 66% matching 401 K free medical and dental. Now how is it that state employees are better off then private employees? I also let some raises go in order to keep my medical.

  15. Thomas says:

    You sir, would be the exception. Find me someone that wasn’t in a union and wasn’t a top executive that got that type of deal.

  16. #43 Oh really then how do you account for California (or Hawaii?) with one of the worst school systems in the country. Are you saying the state is a hotbed for the tea party? What a joke.

    Oh wait, you said tea-bagger. And yes, that does go on in California. So you are talking about gay sex then? Explain yourself.

  17. Harry says:

    # 47

    You can’t be afraid to get your hands dirty, or work mandatory long hours with out being sick more then twice a year. I did that for over 36 years in all kinds of weather. Most people today could not handle a structured job like that where you have to perform. Of course there was always the ever present threat of electrocution or falling from 40’+ heights.

  18. Dallas says:

    Did someone say gay sex?

    Anyway, why is this tool not in jail for corruption, racketeering and conspiracy?

  19. Elmer Fudd, Armed to the Lithp says:


    I admire your attempt to change the focus of this discussion away from a most uncomfortable subject.

    Taurus Excreta Cerebrum Vincit


  20. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Oh jeebus, I’m being called out by JCD. 🙂

    I can’t account for CA or HI. My assumption is that red states are bigger tea party states. Is that wrong?

    …teabagging doesn’t have to be gay…

  21. So what says:

    #40 alfie after taking the time to look through the history of this site. Reviewing your history of vitriolic, disingenuous, hypocritical, hyperbole filled effluvium of posts. I can say without any fear of contradiction that without a doubt. That was the stupidest thing you have ever said.

  22. So what says:

    Go ahead prove me wrong.

  23. ECA says:

    you missed on the description of democracy..
    Democracy is RULE by the people. it has little to do with being Politic.

    Lets walk across this country with a nice list of LAWS they would like..
    Let them say yes/no.. and we COUNT every one of them.
    In my opinion…when LESS THEN 51% of the people VOTE…that is NOT a democracy/election/choice.

    Politics tends to be, willing to GIVE/GIVE-UP something to get SOMETHING.. or just knowing where the skeletons are. which has NOTHING to do with a democracy.

  24. MikeN says:

    I wonder if the people being laid off would prefer the Democrats come back to work, or do they want to stand with the union and let the other workers get the big pay packages?

    By the way Gov Walker’s proposal puts him to the left of FDR and George Meany.

  25. ECA says:

    I had to look at his post.

    you must be rich. You must make over $50k per year..
    WHY not fix the administration of schools. I could save them a good portion…MAKE THEIR OWN BOOKS AND PAPER MEDIA.. STOP BUYING EXPENSIVE CRAP.
    Privatize?? then where do they get their standards and regulations? WOW, lets hide on a school LABEL and teach kids to be …MORMON..
    You dont like a school, because its RELIGIOUS and ship your kid 1/2 across the city..

  26. MikeN says:

    >The unions would likewise also be a tool -BUT- they gave the financial concessions required.

    Yup, they are more interested in the power. They get to insist that school districts buy health insurance from the union provider, etc.

  27. Schuyler says:

    This is an example of a victory for the Republicans:


  28. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    #58–Lyin’ Mike== you say “They get to insist that school districts buy health insurance from the union provider, etc.” /// If true, what difference does that make to Wisconsin? The cost is set, after that seems like a burden to me to come up with a provider that will provide the service at the allowed cost. Course, I don’t believe that is the case, instead, I will go with the rule that you are a liar.

    but prove me wrong. What is the health insurance choice available to Wisconsin School teachers? Link.

  29. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    #52–Olo==hang in there. I think we all “want to” respect the wisdom of our MastHead when he chooses to get dirty with the rabble. Sad he jumps in the mud with no clothes on though. You made a supported by links statement that there was a positive correlation between poor school performance and tea-party status. JCD says that CA has very poor performance but is not known for its tea party activities ((the recent failures to legalize gay marriage and pot and poor school performance notwithstanding)) and therefore your statement is in error? Sad. JCD KNOWS a positive correlation is just an average kind of thing, not an absolute.

    Correlation: absent a +1.00 relationship, there will be exceptions. To point the exceptions out is completely irrelevant.

    but at least JCD does this without link or argument at all. Just a bald irrelevant statement.

    If I were to highlight the colors of his post, they would tend towards the dark and dismal.

  30. Mahed Hertz says:


    On the count of three, everyone reach in their diaper and throw a handful at the person two posts back. One… Two… Th…

    Now on with the show!


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