The Senate GOP leader has ordered the arrest of 14 Democrats for leaving Wisconsin to thwart action on legislation to strip most unionized public employees of nearly all bargaining rights. The order applies only to Wisconsin, however. The AWOL Democrats decamped to Illinois.

But, as the Wisconsin State Journal points out, it’s not clear whether the GOP’s resolution is constitutional. The state’s Constitution “prohibits the arrest of legislators while in session unless they’re suspected of committing felonies, treason or breach of the peace,” the paper writes.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    Good for him. Arrest and make appear in chambers all of them. Since they apparently cannot be fired, like we would be if any of us did the same thing.

  2. Benjamin says:

    Can I still keep my job if I go into hiding in another state and don’t show up for work?

  3. 1873 Colt says:

    Here is a governor with balls. If only California had such dynamic leadership….

    Agree or disagree, he is doing what he was elected to do.
    Not like the bullshit Democrats who ran away with the ball because they were losing the game.

    And the out-of-state Union thugs? Disgraceful conduct.
    The teachers? Hell! I don’t get all summer off and free medical for life!
    Firefighters? Cops? I don’t get to retire at 51 at 100% of my highest salary including overtime!
    Most workers slave all their careers, and survive on social security and medicare.
    That’s why public opinion is on the side of the governor.

  4. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    1873 Colt45 Malt Liquor – Who’s public opinion are you talking about? Must be that rarified crowd imagined up by FUX Newz.

  5. JimD says:

    Walker – the face of the New Fascism !!!

  6. Harry says:

    Walker should resign it is very apparent he is in the pocket of corporate interest.All workers in the US should be very afraid of what the republicans are trying to do.

  7. Harry says:

    @ ah yea

    Those are repuplican push polls nice try thanks for playing.

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    JimD and Harry, read and try to learn. (Hope springs eternal)

    “How is the public viewing this tactic by the Wisconsin Dems? According to Rasmussen, 67% of those polled nationwide disapprove while only 25% approve. This begs the question, why does 25% of the nation think it’s OK for elected representatives to run away from their jobs and hide from their responsibilities? The Dems claim they are trying to preserve democracy, but the democratic system worked a few months ago when Wisconsin held fair elections and the people chose more Republicans than Democrats. The Democrats are coming across as sore losers who are refusing to do their jobs if they can’t get their way, and if the polling data is correct, it appears the public is realizing this too.”

  9. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #7 yono –

    Let’s consider your sources:

    FOX News contributors Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen (a coauthor of Rasmussen) wrote that Rasmussen has an “unchallenged record for both integrity and accuracy.”

    TIME has described Rasmussen Reports as a “conservative-leaning polling group”.According to Charles Franklin, a University of Wisconsin political scientist who co-developed, “He [Rasmussen] polls less favorably for Democrats, and that’s why he’s become a lightning rod.” Franklin also said: “It’s clear that his results are typically more Republican than the other person’s results.”

    Newsmax has a sizable stable of news correspondents and editorialists. Among them is Ronald Kessler, Newsmax’s chief Washington correspondent, who worked for The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal.

    Other contributing correspondents to Newsmax include former Reader’s Digest Editor Kenneth R. Timmerman. Newsmax regulars include Christopher W. Ruddy, David Limbaugh, Pat Boone, James Hirsen, John LeBoutillier, Susan Estrich, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Bill O’Reilly and Michael Reagan[34].

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    So who is the true partakers of Democracy? The Republicans who do the will of the people or the Democrats who thwart the democratic process?

  11. tcc3 says:

    #12 If controlling quorum is a subversion of the rules, then why is it in the rules in the 1st place? Why not have the majority carry the day if they have the votes?

  12. Ah_Yea says:


    HAH!!. Let’s pull back the curtain.

    It requires thinking, so I don’t expect the peanut gallery to follow along.

    Time: Liberal or Conservative?
    Wall Street Journal: Liberal or Conservative? Liberal or Conservative?

    Know your sources.

  13. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #15 Yahoo – i had to cite the good bad and ugly as it were.

  14. Mextli says:

    #8 Harry “Walker should resign it is very apparent he is in the pocket of corporate interest”

    Let me correct that for you. The absent Democrats should resign it is very apparent they are in the pockets of the Unions.

    Not hard to understand is it? The unions elect Democrats, the Democrats support Unions. Everybody makes money!

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    tcc3. It’s simple. Follow along.

    It’s to establish something called a representative democracy. To engage in debate and representation, then cast votes according to the will of the people.

    Leaving the state and entirely ending the democratic process isn’t democracy, it’s totalitarianism. It’s the minority usurping the process at the expense of the majority.

    I’m sure the prospect of the minority party ending democracy in Wisconsin wasn’t in mind when the rules for a quorum were established.

  16. jbenson2 says:

    Walker’s not the one in trouble. The Wisconsin budget is the problem and giving more money hand over fist to the unions won’t do a thing to solve the problem. Cry all you want, but public unions’ days of gimme, gimme, gimme are over.

  17. Sea Lawyer says:

    I still think Walker should use this as an oportunity to push through “right to work” for the state in general, and leave the collective bargaining intact.

  18. tcc3 says:

    I followed every step and you never answered my question:

    Why have a rule about quorum? This is not a new issue. Its been done many times before. If controlling quorum is a subversion of the rules, why is it *still* in the rules?

    Is it possible that this extreme outcome was an intended tool of the minority?

  19. Eliot99 says:

    So let’s see if I have this right. When leaders in foreign countries do it, they’re taking political prisoners. When the good old U.S. of A does it, we’re removing impediments to the democratic process. Interesting.

  20. tcc3 says:

    #19: The monetary issue is off the table. The cuts were conceded to. This is not about the budget and it never was. This is an ideological campaign to bust the union.

  21. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Polls or not, Unions or not, Walker is a political idiot. It was entirely likely he would get the monetary concessions he wanted, but he decided to be a douchenozzle instead, over-reaching his campaign promises by a mile. He’s done little since this controversy but dictate, as was his style in his previous job. You can almost guarantee he’s gone asap.

    The gov in Ohio is about to lose this same battle in a big way, too.

    [Douchenozzle? Har! – ed.]

  22. chris says:


    I think totalitarianism is putting an elected representative in handcuffs, transporting them across state lines, and holding them involuntarily.

  23. Howard Beale says:

    Republicans overreach and wind up with a remake of that 1977 epic war film “A Bridge Too Far”

  24. Howard Beale says:

    Walker is a Tool and now everybody knows this

  25. Nolimit662 says:

    Just so you all know, coming from someone who lives in wisconsin. The majority here side with the democrats. They are doing the right thing. They are stalling the bill so we can all get a chance to see what’s all in this crooked bill and maybe put a stop to it. Walker is a fascist dictator and a corporate shill for the KOCH brothers. He wants to put wisconsin power plants up for a no bid sale. Also unions are willing to concessions of pay and contributing to their pension and health care, but walker is a dictator and wants it all his way or the highway.

  26. ECA says:

    I dont know how many of you KNOW THIS, or may understand this.

    as in OLD SCHOOL and when we went to CAMP…

    Insted of having COMPANIES/CORPS doing the job. it was the PUBLIC that assisted. Those in office, CLEANED the offices. The GARBAGE collectors worked FOR THE CITY, not a secondary CORP.
    GROUPS would sponsor and clean up PARKS. When jobs were needed, the CITY/COUNTY asked its OWN PEOPLE if they could help..
    This also helped keep KIDS BUSY, and helped them learn trades.

    companies walked in and SAID:
    we can do it CHEAPER, FASTER, BETTER, then the public can. and they DID..but not for long.
    Much of it became automated..but NOT lower priced. the JOBS for the kids, went away.
    Jobs in the towns were HIRED OUT..

  27. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Found elsewhere and too relevant not to share:

    When even Rasmussen can’t cook up poll numbers that come down on your side, then as a Republican you have problems, major problems.

    btw, what’s the tag for a blockquote?

    [The tag for a blockquote is “blockquote.” – ed.]


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