1. chris says:

    Spain on Mushrooms.

  2. karl popper says:

    Andy Warhol on a very, very bad day.

  3. The DON says:

    Please stop messing up perfectly acceptable pictures. The results are aestheticly repugnant.

    No offence intended…

  4. jim says:

    thats……. kinda scary….

  5. sargasso_c says:

    Yes, Spain.

  6. Howard Beale says:

    i changed it a little

    You don’t have permission to access /o3/21/513721/1/132939821.PUY9Fpm6.madridwallJCD.jpg on this server. – ed.]

  7. 1873 Colt says:

    You really have to post the original file so we can see how much you changed reality.
    Frankly, this one is kind of ugly.

  8. admfubar says:

    i’m terribly sorry these are from barcelona…

  9. dadeo says:

    Did he say Spain, or stain?

  10. R.O.P. says:

    Gee, what next? Playing with photobooth on the MacBook Air Leo LaPorte is going to you?

  11. widgethead says:

    Second one is still my fan favorite. This one is a little to much for me. But interesting.

  12. JohnnyBGoode says:

    Love these JCD!

  13. hhopper says:

    The second one worked well. The other two…

  14. Howard Beale says:

    #6 sorry Ed works on all my computers and browsers I just put it on flicker



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