Found by Thijs Brouwers.

  1. steveeray says:

    This is funny, but there’s so much truth in it. If it has the Apple name on it, people will buy it.

  2. Animby says:

    No thank you. I’ll stick to my Tab. I can use it for anything I want. I;m not subject to the whims of Jobs.

    But a good sarcastic video. Probably made by Linux users.

  3. McCullough says:

    Yes, the formula..put out a product, hold back the bells and whistles a little at a time for future release.

    And they fall for it every time. I have to say it’s brilliant on Apples part. Not so much the consumer.

  4. james wise says:

    I love it! wait… iLove it! that’s better.

  5. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    No thanks, I’m going to stick with my slate and charcoal. Though I have been toying with the idea of one of them thar Etchy-Sketches.

  6. Dallas says:

    Pretty lame but Apple loves all the attention and competitors are now caught flatfooted with this new model.

    The iPAD is at least a year ahead of the competition in capability and it’s still CHEAPER to own!!

    Even Microsoft has thrown in the towel until 2012. I expect Pedro to sell his donkey and buy one eventually.

  7. mliving says:

    The iPAD is at least a year ahead of the competition in capability and it’s still CHEAPER to own!!

    = = =

    Yeah but is just a piece of crap content container. You can’t really produce any content with it and that’s what Apple’s handlers (big media) want.

    A sterile unconnectable electronic coffee table product that taps into a walled garden for content distribution. Think Different? (:

    As for the features of the iPad2. They are a joke when you compare it to the Motorola Xoom and Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 2. The iPad may have had the head start but like the Android smartphones it won’t be long before users move to the open and extendable tablet products.

  8. JoaoPT says:

    There’s an iPad 2 ?????

  9. The Ox says:

    If Apple didn’t insist on locking me in to the iTunes software and Apple ecosystem, I’d probably consider an iPad. And maybe an iPhone or iPod Touch too. But why should I have to install iTunes (which is purely awful software under a Windows environment) in order to activate an iPad, or to move files to and from an iPad? And given that a computer that will run iTunes is actually a requirement, how on earth can this device ever really be a replacement?

    I want a device I can plug in via USB, Firewire or eSATA that allows me to see what’s on it and drag and drop files as though it were an external drive. And I want a device that doesn’t require I own a computer to update it, or even to activate it to get it to work in the first place.

    The iPad is a slickly engineered device with good industrial design. But as I just can’t live with the idea that the apps available to me are at Apple’s whim, that I am required to become a part of the iTunes ecosystem and just generally that Apple wants to exert their control over a product that I am supposed to own, the odds of my ever buying an iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch approach zero.

  10. Dallas says:

    #7 ..You can’t really produce any content…walled garden for content…

    You mean like a TV? Who in the hell wants a TV? It’ll never sell…. Meh..

    The iPAD is a fantastic internet content consumption device and unlike a TV, it’s internet connected and had an input device.

    The Motorola Xoom is expensive and it and the Samsung are still buggy pieces of shit.

    I do agree that eventually Android will eventually overtake iPAD and might have good content and UI but don;t hold your breath till 2012 at the earliest.
    Google has a ton of work before they get Android for tablet right. Maybe in the Jellybean timeframe which is ebd of 2011, early 2012.

  11. Dallas says:

    #9 I want a device I can plug in via USB, Firewire or eSATA that allows me to see what’s on it and drag and drop files as though it were an external drive. And I want a device that doesn’t require I own a computer to update it, or even to activate it to get it to work in the first place.

    You’re a nerdy, FRY’s moron living in your mother’s basement. You are not the demographics Apple sells to. They sell to people wanting a good content consumption experience, not wanting to stick a USB stick in a hole.

  12. wtfbbqman says:

    @ #7 “You can’t really produce any content with it..” Yeah….right

    You might want to Google the fact that Hungary is currently writing a new Constitution on the iPad and other stories like that. To quote Suicidal Tendencies “Just ’cause you don’t understand don’t mean it don’t make no sense.” Sad that Mike Muir is smarter than you.

    “They are a joke when you compare it to the Motorola Xoom and Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 2.”

    Took me a couple minutes to stop laughing. You might also want to Google the story today that Samsung has decided to “reconsider” their Galaxy after seeing the iPad2. And the XOOM? Hahahahahaha. What a brick. How many apps does that have again? 60?

    Might want to just stick with your Pentium 100 and your copy of Windows 95. Leave the future to the grownups.

  13. Buzz Mega says:

    Notice how there are zero Xoom and Galaxy parodies.

    Of course, that means nothing at all.

  14. Animby says:

    # 9 The Ox said, “I want a device I can plug in via USB” etc.

    i.e. Galaxy Tab – The Tab ain’t perfect but for a busy person who travels a LOT, it is so much more productive and easy to use than the iPad personal media player.

  15. deowll says:

    Some people like to live in a walled garden and some don’t. Great product but your bleep belongs to Jobs. If that offends you then you have to go elsewhere and sad to say for now this is the best product at the best price.

    With a 30% or more markup on everything Apple sells how they can have the best product at the best price is a little hard to understand.

  16. chuck says:

    #10 – Would you buy a TV if it only worked with one network, or just one cable provider, like Comcast?

    OTOH, I give full credit to Apple for creating something that (so far) 15 million people want. The secret seems to be make a cool looking device that is very thin and very light. I’m still amazed that every other electronics manufacturer on the planet still has realized that.

  17. Dallas says:

    #17 yes, TV’s are now internet connected. I’m an expert.

    As usual, you missed seeing the forest because you slammed into the first tree.

  18. Animby says:

    # 17 pedro said, “mac targets sheeples”

    Peter – sheep is plural. Pluralizing it even more is annoying, unnecessary and emphasizes your ignorance.

  19. Allan says:

    > Notice how there are zero Xoom and Galaxy
    > parodies.

    That’s because the Xoom and Galaxy are themselves parodies of the iPad.

  20. usa1 says:

    It’s an OK parody – certainly not awesome… like the iPad!

  21. foobar says:

    If it’s a “Post PC device”, why do I have to connect it to my PC to activate it?

  22. littleshadow says:

    You poor guys are hilarious. Get out of your parents basement & get laid. Seriously. Step away from WOW for an hour and dare to level up to a class 3 human (for realzie realz).

  23. martron3000 says:

    Rumors are that Apple is working on a top secret project that will revolutionize everyday life by introducing the new iToilet, the world’s first internet-capable, touch-activated, multi-function bathroom appliance.

  24. Dallas says:

    #24 iLike!!!

    A toilet where you can sit backwards will be nice. Use the top of the tank as a desk or food tray. OK..stole from Daniel Tosh.


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