Dad, you’re such a loser.

  1. TheMaddog1068 says:

    A shreader would kill him……

  2. Joe says:

    This is how happy and carefree Mr. Dvoark used to be before he started using computers.

  3. nicktherat says:

    that laughs great 🙂

  4. admfubar says:

    #3 this is how we all sounded before we started using computers!

  5. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Excellent evidence that we hoomans are social creatures and have a developmental need for interaction with others. while cute the firt five times, its the sort of thing that would get me out of the cave and on the hunt. And that talks to the other part of the equation.

  6. RLF says:

    The Bush family video of George W.

  7. Dallas says:

    What a QT pie. Loved it!

  8. Skeptic says:

    Thanks McCullough. The best laughing baby I’ve seen yet.

  9. Gasbag says:

    Well someone is happy he don’t get the job 🙂

  10. Glenn E. says:

    I sense the opportunity for a new cottage industry, like the Pet Rock. Sample job rejection notices, that you can use to entertain your infants, by tearing them up in front of them. Problem is, in these times, such notices are hardly scarce. But the nation’s rich and well heeled, could be sold something they probably rarely (if ever) see. A piece of paper telling them they haven’t the ghost of a chance at getting a job with some little pip-squeak firm. Cause they would just buy it out, and make themselves the new president of the company. But the poor things have nothing to make their little babies laugh. Not unless tearing up thousand dollar bills works just as well.

  11. Dallas says:

    Another reason why marijuana should be legalized.


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