
  1. The_Tick says:

    I like this one more. The percieved gradient between near realism and psylosybic glow is a lot more interesting than just cranking up the dials.
    I wonder, sober in, glowing out? lol

  2. Widgethead says:

    I like this one, it has a Warhol like feel about it. The strong contrast between the fluorescent colors and the beige background are terrific. I like this one more than yesterdays, as it has in my mind more layers. Well done.

  3. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    I like the way the blue in the drawings in the tiles, a lapis lazuli-like blue I believe, was kept. The photo keeps a very pronounced color such as that blue and alters others.

    Suggestion: A photo of the Guadalquivir River. Maybe with a Spaghetti Western touch.

  4. Mr Ed says:

    Everyone with Photoshop tries this. In the end we all decide reality is probably less boring.
    It looks better after a few tokes, though…

  5. The DON says:

    My eyes hurt.

    It looks just like a TV picture in India – except for the lack of noise….

    Scrap that, upon closer inspection there is a fair bit of noise too.

  6. howard beale says:

    JCD are you looking for critiques from us, just sharing your images and techniques, is this a some sort of a Psych Test to see how we will respond?

    I know you have lots of Photo buddies from the TWIT network so you don’t really need us to get feed back.

  7. Skeptic says:

    This picture is far more interesting in composition than the first one, but the color effect on both shots has done nothing for perfectly good photos IMO. I think the effect might work better if it were applied to a specific area of a photo to enhance an idea or theme.

  8. 1873 Colt says:

    I have a feeling that you will quickly tire of the freakish coloration available with this software.

    How about some nice vignetting and subtle black and white compositions, with perhaps just a trace of color?

  9. deowll says:

    Each to their own. I’m actually most attracted to what looks like blue tile pictures on the side of the building. I suppose they could be painted on.

  10. hhopper says:

    The enhanced color in this one is more balanced with the earth tones.

  11. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    The thought just occurred to me that if you blew this way up, put some nonsensical name in the corner and offered it for sale at some snobby upscale New York gallery, you might make a fortune. Just be sure to concoct some BS story about the artist being penniless because he/she would not knuckle under to some authority figure, etc.


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