Just in time for the Battle of Los Angeles!

  1. Richard says:

    The other ET movie coming out is “Paul.”

  2. Personality says:

    Brazil needs to update their video editing software.

  3. Buzz Mega says:

    Chase the laser dot, kitty. For humans.

  4. Suntan says:

    So, the balloon hit some power lines?

  5. General Tostada says:

    What is this? Our new Overlords seem to be playing a child’s peek-a-boo game…Perhaps we should not follow them after all.

  6. So what says:

    #4 The reality is that there are no aliens visiting the earth. The belief in aliens, ghosts, Bigfoot, etc shows the extent of the lack of critical thinking skills of most of the human race. You know, understanding of the various basics of science would help you considerably alfred.

  7. It was just God out driving around. He can’t drive for shit. The beaners do get excited.

  8. Klaatu 7 says:

    Humans mess with Sasquatch and aliens mess with humans. Get over yourselves.

  9. Kelvington says:

    What #7 said is very correct. Plus as an video editor, it’s SOOO fake and poorly composited, particularly the end. This is how people screw up with these.

    1. The first half was fairly clever, but poorly done, the depth of field on the UFO was off quite a bit. Even a RED camera wouldn’t make the UFO look that sharp. But instead of leaving it as an object in the clouds, these guys and “others” like them got greedy with the whole light show at the end.

    2. The last half was LAUGHABLY tracked, as in it was so poorly tracked that I don’t think they even tried to do it in After Effects or Boujou, both would have done a MUCH better job.

    3. The brightness of the flashes would need to be about 20 million candle power to be that bright in broad daylight. Have you ever seen a football stadium with it’s lights on in the middle of the day? Their lights barely stand out, particularly on a bright day, and their light typically are in the 50K to 100K candle power. If a light WERE that bright and flashy, you would have seen the whole cloud be vaporized from the heat. And there would probably have been some crashes of people who happened to catch a glimpse of it and would have been blinded by it. Again another rookie mistake.

    Go for the thing behind the cloud, don’t get greedy.

  10. McCullough says:

    #8. Well he is OLD, give him a break. It’s hard to see over the steering wheel at that age.

  11. smartalix says:

    I could even argue that it could be one of ours because that is what a pulse-wave detonation hypersonic engine exhaust would look like, and the hovering is something several combat aircraft can do today.

  12. howard beale says:

    I that cloud on the left looks like Baby Jeebus… It’s a miracle!

  13. So what says:

    #13 I can see it, but I think it looks like a pony.

  14. Harry says:

    To serve mankind, oh no it’s a cook book.

  15. mentor972 says:

    “What indicates this is fabricated?”

    The fact that a video graphics and special effects editor like me is laughing at how fake it is.

  16. So what says:

    Alfie #17 I practiced critical thinking prior to commenting. I know through critical thinking and a knowledge of biology, chemistry, and physics that aliens, ghosts, what have you, do not exist. I also know through the use of the internet to recognize a bad video edit. Perhaps if you would go back to some of your previous effluvia of posts you would find that list of science books that I recommended you look into. On the other hand you could continue to believe in that invisible guy in the sky who wants your money.

  17. Lou Minatti says:

    Next up on Dvorak: Youtube videos of Bigfoot and spooks.

  18. Animby says:

    #17 – Really Alfie? Jebus AND oofohs? Tellme TEA (Totally Erring Alfie) if aliens are real and ever make themselves know to us which do you gear more:
    1) They will laugh at christianity and islam and the others as quaint, tribal customs? or
    2) They will descend from their landing craft, fall to their knees and sing praises that jebus was here, too? or
    3) They will descend from their landing craft, employ a ray gun that takes all our money and then welcome us to the Church of Scientology? “All Hail the Hubbard!”

  19. admfubar says:

    wait wasnt that a whale?? and didnt i see a pot of petunias next to it?

  20. deowll says:

    Well darn,

  21. deowll says:

    Well darn, I was hoping it was a visitation from the spirit world or maybe another dimension!

    But no, Mr. Party Pooper has go and point out its an obvious fake. Where’s the fun in that?

    The first part looked more like a jelly fish or large weather balloon than anything else at least to me.

  22. Buzz Mega says:

    For the truly faithful, there’s always the next Big Special Effect.

  23. Gasparrini says:

    Must be a ‘Battle Los Angeles’ viral video.

  24. UncDon says:

    You’re all forgetting the loud booms after the green flares hit the ground. And wouldn’t flares be so bright as to be seen at a not-too-great distance?

  25. Animby says:

    # 27 alfie said: “hypocrites will leap out to reveal themselves, stand with God’s enemies plainly—no collateral damage as they are consumed where they stand:”

    Clever, alfie, clever. By denying UFOS are intelligently controlled craft form another world/dimension, I am identifying myself as god’s enemy.

    Fortunately, I am sitting down and cannot be consumed where I stand.

    You know, alfie, you may be endangering your immortal soul by mixing with the atheists and UFO non-believers on this board. You should go to church and stay off the internet. Don’t misunderstand me. I enjoy the immense humor you bring to the posts. I’m only worried for you.

  26. two to the head says:


    One thing.


  27. Animby says:

    Alfie – you’re a hoot!
    Through the centuries people have interpreted and rewritten the bible. Now you are, too. Wonderful.

    I hope you and Gabriel are very happy. Is there homosexuality in heaven?

  28. Rob says:

    São Paulo…FYI

  29. lex parsimoniae says:


    What other deep questions puzzle you…
    Why do you need your imaginary friend to make a decision or have an opinion? Tide comes in, tide goes out never a miscommunication eh?

    Alfie extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof. Millennium have gone by and still no proof of any kind about your god.

    Your superstitions are at best amusing and at the worst dangerous.
    Please don’t strap a bomb on yourself like other believers do, just go out in the real world and make some real friends.

    peace man, and be sure to pay your State sales tax on online purchases I don’t think you are paying your fair share of taxes

  30. So what says:

    Now there is the alfie we knew was out there. I really do mean OUT THERE.


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