And you tried to convince everyone that you bought that monster 3D TV for sports. Riiiight!

Following its successful 2009 launch of the first linear adult HD channels (PENTHOUSE HD, PENTHOUSE HD1 and PENTHOUSE HD2) Penthouse announces its launch of another first: PENTHOUSE 3D – the first Pan European 3D formatted adult channel. The channel will launch on March 1st, 2011. Highlights include 100% Full 3D Native HD, 30 hours refreshment monthly and programming that includes soft core and hard core feeds.

Penthouse 3D will be available on a daily basis from 11:00 pm until 5:00 am (GMT +1) on ASTRA 3B, 23, 5 Degrees East. With the launch of Penthouse 3D, Penthouse continues to remain on the cutting edge of technology. And, while today’s 3D formats are a relatively new technology, it is simply a matter of time before 3D is a staple format like HD.
Jacky Wauters, Head of NOA Productions, Penthouse channels’ European distribution partner says, “Thanks to the increasing consumer acceptance of 3D, I am delighted to work with Penthouse to be able to satisfy the needs of the consumers and broadcasters alike who demand high quality, cutting edge entertainment backed by a solid and well established brand like Penthouse.”

  1. So what says:

    Finally alfie can get a girlfriend, and sorta get laid.

  2. Greg Allen says:

    Hasn’t porn always driven modern media technology? The VHS tape. Streaming Internet. come to mind.

  3. 1873 Colt says:

    What the hell is 3D PRON?

  4. 1873 Colt says:

    If it’s what I think it is, don’t let that thing hit you in the head.

  5. Clayman says:

    hey, I already have my pron glasses. You gotta wean em backwards…

  6. MRMRusso says:

    There are only 2 anatomical pieces that are sexual in nature and external (protruding)… Breasts and penis… Only half of those I would actually want to see 3D… Unless you count breasts as separate, then it is 2/3.

  7. Mr, Ed - the Original (with comma) says:

    But, if 3D TV gives you a headache, doesn’t that sorta kinda defeat the purpose of pron? Can you honestly look at your hand and say, “Not tonight. I have a headache?”

  8. Charlie Sheen says:

    Still not as good as hanging out with me. I’m biwinning.

  9. The TV should squirt Jergen’s Hand Lotion so you get the full affect.

  10. deowll says:

    Because the tech is utter crap that gives many people headaches etc. I was hoping this would go away until something better came along but for porn…I think it will stay.

    Bleep! I’d rather have had 4k! I really like it and it doesn’t give you headaches!

  11. Benjamin says:

    Porn gives people unrealistic expectations about sex. I think it is harmful. I don’t want it in my house. I don’t think banning porn is a good idea either. You can watch it in your house.

    I don’t like this development because that means that 3D will stick around. I hate 3D and hoped it would go away. Tron was pretty good though as a 3D movie, but Avatar gave me a headache.

  12. Animby says:

    #10 Deowll – 3D is a lot like the budget deficit:

    Nobody wants it. Nobody likes it. But the people in charge have decided it’s best for us so we’re gonna get it one way or another.

    The whole reason to put it in TVs is so the movie studios will have an aftermarket for their crappy 3D movies.

  13. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or mere consumers says:

    Animby==very well said. You created a new dot and connected it to the rest. Its like the John Wayne version of True Grit playing all this week. All but a promo for the new one, and as you point out, the aftermarket dvd sales of the new one.

    It really must be all connected? Ha, ha. I thought I was just joking.

  14. sargasso_c says:

    For confused foreigners, “pron” is the euphamised name for “porn”, which is itself an abreviation of “pornography”.

  15. Animby says:

    pron: And often used on blogs so that search engines don’t pick up the possibility that there is porn on the site when, in truth, there is only a discussion.

  16. Dallas says:

    Next up : Scratch and sniff screens

  17. Angel H. Wong says:

    I hope they do a good enema job ’cause 3D feces stuck on a penis as it dives into an anus is not a good sight.

  18. Uncle Dave says:

    Thanks Angel. I was just to take a bite of donut I didn’t need when I read your comment. Don’t want it now.

  19. Angel H. Wong says:

    #18, Dave

    Glad to help you make a healthy choice =3

  20. Animby says:

    #17 Angel – At least the pron actresses will be happy. No more coming on their faces. Instead, the men will have to shoot at the camera.

  21. brambleon says:

    So, now Penthouse can suck in 3D like it always has in 2d.

  22. Well didn’t the “pron” industry help the Blu-ray and HD-DVD battle?… Didn’t it also help the no dead VHS…. OH Damn it 3D might be here for a while yet…. 🙁

  23. JimD says:

    Pron has always been on the BLEEDING EDGE of technology !!!

  24. JimD says:

    P.S. Watch out for the “Money Shots” !!!

  25. Angel H. Wong says:

    #20 Animby,

    They don’t like the money shots on their faces for the simple reason that semen is a sticky, salty, bitter goo and thus a very painful eye irritant. Plus, when you try to rinse it off your eyes the semen reacts with the water and turns into an even thicker goo.

    Also, it can give you pink eye.

  26. penthousebettersuck says:

    Yes, the future if finally here!
    Now where’s my damn flying car!
    I,ll take a Blade Runner ‘spinner’ please.

  27. Animby says:

    # 25 Angel – Surely you can’t be right. I don’t have an extensive collection (like Alfie) but they do seem to enjoy it so much!

  28. Angel H. Wong says:

    #27 Animby,

    They get paid to have sperm landing on their faces. They have to pretend it’s a turn on. Spray your wife’s face with sperm and see if that’s going to be the last day you’ll have sex with her.

  29. Animby says:

    #28 Angel – Hmmm. Maybe that explains my ex-wife situation…


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