Click pic to see the whole picture

  1. dusanmal says:

    Now trace how Soros has influence on what is happening in WI and you’ll see orders of magnitude increase in money and influence peddled.
    Only compromise in WI is already partly in the proposed legislation. Instead of referendum on Union contracts at some time, they should keep their bargaining rights but bargain DIRECTLY with public who pays them and gets services from them. Every Public Sector Union contract must be made null and void and any new proposal voted on by the taxpayers.

  2. Axl says:

    Wait, why this pop up now…. can it be that there are union struggles in Wisconsin…….???

    And now, “The Real News”……

  3. LotsaLuck says:

    Yep. Every elected official – even our own dear president – takes money from ‘fishy’ sources.

    Doesn’t make it right, but what ya gonna do?

    THIS particular chart is just a targeted attack on a fellow whose policies Uncle Dave doesn’t agree with.

    For a different perspective, how about those 14 Democrat senators who are currently on the lam? Where did THEIR campaign cash come from?

  4. Benjamin says:

    With whom do public employees collectively bargain with? We the people are their employers. They need to bargain with the people of Wisconsin, not the politicians who they paid campaign contributions.

  5. chuck says:

    Simple solution: eliminate the tax deduction for political contributions. Result: once the money is all gone, the politicians will simply have to campaign on their records and rely on funding from people who actually support them.

  6. Rabble Rouser says:

    Simpler solution. Eliminate ALL sources of campaign funding, and publicly finance elections.

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Chuck, that’s a great idea. Raises revenue at the same time.

    dusanmal…got anything about those Soros ties to Wisconsin public unions other than speculation? If you want to make such an assertion you need to put up data, otherwise you’re making a random false equivalence to divert attention from the fact that Walker has direct ties, and based on the punk’d phone call, some amount of familiarity with the Kochs. The bar for Soros equivalence is very high…

    Polls in WI show a wide majority want them to keep the right to bargain. That answers your concerns, right? Because honestly, the idea that anyone can wipe out the unions and rebuild them to the specs of the Republicans is just naive.

  8. brm says:


    “publicly finance elections”

    Awesome. Now I’ll only have to bribe the guy handing out these funds.

  9. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    My link?

  10. jescott418 says:

    Like this is unique to politics. Come on, big business has always controlled politics. On both sides Democrat’s too. Unions are shrinking, wages are shrinking. Benefits are shrinking. We as a Nation are being systematically reduced to what the rest of the world has. Its a fundamental correction of our wage system. State employee’s who once thought they were immune to this have now realized they are not. States do not have a bottomless pot of money.

  11. admfubar says:

    political ethics of the usa,…. we will rob, cheat, steal and sell our mothers’ souls to win an election

  12. JimD says:

    This is why we need to SOAK THE RICH !!!!!!

  13. arpie says:

    @chuck/ @olo

    In the US, contributions to campaigns are NOT tax-deductible. (Look up Internal Revenue Service Publication 529)

  14. B. Dog says:

    Amusingly enough, a reporter from Buffalo, N.Y. called the Governor and did a Koch brother imitation. There’s been 70,000 protesters downtown the last 2 weekends — out in 15 degree snowy weather. Here’s a video:

  15. Uncle Patso says:

    # 4 Benjamin said:

    “With whom do public employees collectively bargain with? We the people are their employers. They need to bargain with the people of Wisconsin, not the politicians who they paid campaign contributions.”

    Okay, you’re scheduled to take the 8-11 PM shift next Tuesday. Don’t be late! And don’t forget to read all 2,645 pages of minutes of the negotiations so far. Oh, and since there won’t be time to type up the minutes from the 5-8 PM session, you should probably attend that as well.

  16. msbpodcast says:

    How do they do it?

    You’re kidding me, right?

    They’re rich and can buy the money-grubbing politicians.

    It saves so much time and effort.

    Line up a bunch of insiders and you don’t have to justify anything.

    As Libya is proving, you don’t even have to be sane.

  17. wayner says:

    #10 is spot on

  18. Uncle Patso says:

    I’m of (at least) two minds regarding this bald-faced boondoggle. My first thought was How can I get ME one of these sweetheart deals? But then I thought:

    As a taxpayer, I’m tired of the government taking my hard-earned tax dollars at the point of a gun and giving them to someone who has never held a real job…

  19. atmusky says:

    I think you all missed the important part of that picture/chart.

    READ THE WORDS BELOW Gov. Walkers picture.

    It is always about money.

    The rich have a plan and it is to get richer.

    The way the intend on doing that is by reducing their taxes, using the Government to steal money from the people still paying taxes, and finally to use the Government to help them push wages down.

    The middle class has been loosing ground for over 30 years. We are moving to a 2 class society. The very rich and the working poor.

    If anyone thinks you can build/retain a strong (and large) middle class by cutting works wages – well I have some swamp land that will make you rich please contact me for info on where to send your money.


  20. MikeN says:

    The left has made targeting Koch their new talking point. I guess now they’ll have to withdraw government contracts from those companies too. You know the Koch brothers are making money for those striking protesters’ pensions in Wisconsin. They have invested millions with the Koch brothers.

  21. MikeN says:

    They were so influential, that Scott Walker had no idea the guy on the phone claiming to be Koch wasn’t him.

  22. bobbo, this is how the fight to the bottom looks says:

    You PUKE voters have no insight at all do you!

    From “just me” on the Cage Match: A unionized public employee, a member of the Tea Party, and a CEO are sitting at a table. In the middle of the table is a plate with a dozen cookies on it. The CEO reaches across and takes 11 cookies, looks at the tea partier and says, “Watch out for that union guy, he wants a piece of your cookie!”

    Silly hoomans. The rich I understand. Short sighted and venal, but understandable. Its your average PUKE voter, much less apologist, that I don’t get. Voting/supporting the policies that are taking their cookies and fighting with others in the same boat.

    Say do-ill et al: can you see past the one cookie?

  23. MikeN says:

    Yup typical liberalism. Believing the cookies just appear magically.

  24. tcc3 says:

    The cookies were made with grain grown by farmers, baked, delivered and served by guys making minimum wage.

    The CEO can only get rich with the help of those under him and his customers. Its a shame he believes hes entitled to such a disproportionately large share.

  25. Holdfast says:

    #25 The cookies appear because a worker made them. A worker bought them for the organisation and a worker put them on the plate. 11/12 of them then disappear because an executive removed them without consulting anyone else.
    You will note from that that I differentiate between executives and workers. Workers do stuff. Executives get other people to do stuff and take the credit – and most of the money…

  26. bobbo, google it, GDI! Just google IT!!! says:

    Mike–actually I thought that was quite a good response, but then tcc3 saved me from my innate liberal good will even towards my pointy headed little friends.

    I think that is BIG LIE NO 3: Rich people provide jobs.

    Mikey–it would be ok you were so stupid but you get the vote, same as mine, and that drags us all down. Why oh why did the good Lord not create TWO universes where we could choose to be ruled by the Rich or by Progressives as was our wont?

  27. MrMiGu says:

    If the CEO saves that disproportionately large share by taking the money he was paying his american workers and giving a small fraction of it to chinese/indian/etc workers, why isn’t he entitled to it?

  28. bobbo, google it, GDI! Just google IT!!! says:

    As to a full flowering of the PUKE mindset, I give you: MrMigu and his Post #30.

    Why not indeed?

  29. MikeN says:

    >choose to be ruled by the Rich or by Progressives

    Those are the same thing.


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