1. bobbo, so easy peasy a child can see it says:

    It is an example of fine movement in Kabuki theather: invasive enough to shock those who never get touched, not stimulative enough to those looking for the next level.

    So, by not serving the perverts at either extreme: how many hijackings have been prevented?

    We’ll never know. but we will know our government is serious about not driving our economy further into the ditch when wasteful largely ineffectual programs like this are ELIMINATED. Just lock the cockpit doors.

  2. ramuno says:

    Bobo could not be any more correct.

  3. deowll says:

    Basically I agree. They’re still going to be checking for guns and contraband.

  4. admfubar says:

    no they aren checking for guns or ‘contraband’
    they are looking for pirated music and movies.

  5. The Aberrant says:

    Obvious, but funny nonetheless.

    Which is a step up from SNL’s usual of “obvious and unfunny”.

  6. John E. Quantum says:

    The theater of security may slightly discourage terrorists from bringing really dangerous items onto aircraft, but it certainly reduces the prevalence of ordinary people bringing a couple of joints or other contraband with them. Maybe that’s what this is really all about.

  7. Busdriver320 says:

    The irony is that pilots are checked before they lock themselves in the cockpit with an axe and the controls. Gate agents, bag handlers, fuelers, cleaners and every other entry level job gets to swipe a card and walk through a gate to get to the airplane. Oh yeah, they can bring anything they want to with them with no check whatsoever.

    Think about that next time you look out the window at all those people underneath the wing and what they could toss into the cargo hold.

  8. ECA says:

    For those that dont know…

    they are starting on trains..NOW..

  9. Rick says:

    Why sneak a gun on the plane, just use the pilot’s!


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