Executive Producer: Tom Dary
This Episode’s Associate Executive Producers and 282 Club Members: Tom Dary, Kristan Grant, Dave Retterer
Associate Executive Producers: Steven Van Der Have, Upstart Ventures

Art By: Nick the Rat

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  1. angry says:

    Adam, what exactly is a Nitrogen bomb?

  2. TThor says:

    Love the art work this time… getting back to the classic irony. Go Lone Wolf and White Dog…

  3. Anonymous says:

    Wow. I guess this blog’s spam protection really works well.

    [Actually, it does. It probably grabs a couple hundred a day. – ed.]

  4. soundwash says:

    wow.. i dont think i’ve ever seen (actual) spam in here..

    quick, mark the date!

    (great show today, btw..)


    [Deleted. –ed.]

  5. nicktherat says:

    I just found this blog. its nice! courage wolf meme album art!

  6. nicktherat says:

    hey! i wasnt spam! lol, i was spam mocking! 🙂 btw, cover art is courage wolf meme, check him out, feel the courage!

    [Haha! Yours started out like a lot of our spam does. When I was manually going through I kicked it out without seeing who it was from. It’s back. — UD]

  7. deanej says:

    Something’s up with whatever URL shortener Adam and John use. Every link in the shownotes leads to a 404 error.

  8. TooManyPuppies says:

    This episode was the making stuff up show.

    Wag The Dog not available at Netflix? Bullshit, it’s there and has been there for years. Gary Sinise in Salt? Um no, he looks nothing like Liev Schreiber.

  9. Axl says:

    #8 Re. Salt – who gives a rats ass…..

  10. Greenfield23 says:

    A few things about the show have really started to bug me. Adam seems to be spending more time thinking of the next thing he’s going to say instead of listening to John. Also, he really needs to let the clips play and THEN comment. Breaking up the clips make them harder to follow.
    I was going to comment on the “Wag the Dog” thing, but someone already got it.

    Oh, and for the record, when PBO said “hustle” during his speech, he meant it like a little league coach means it when he tells his team to “hustle” i.e. move faster, play harder.

    Last thing… do we need a freaking jingle for every little thing. The guys gripe about neurolinguistics and then act like Pavlov ringing his bell every time there’s a little morsel of good content.

    Sorry for bitchin’ but I think that the show is important and the information and perspective the guys give are great. Just need some tweeks, that’s all. This has been building up since Adam went nut bag crazy over Sodium.

  11. iwishiwasaballer says:

    Adam is still adjusting to being a non-smoker. The egocentric delusions will go back down to normal eventually.

    Have patience and ignore the show going a bit downhill as he learns to not fly off the handle repeatedly and reign in his uninformed snap judgments.

    I vote for an “Adam is a douche” donation option. It would be a huge hit.

    Didn’t the demographics show 56% pull from John versus a 17% from Adam ??? Thats over half the listeners being Dvorak fans and as always …preach to the choir … just sayin

  12. nicktherat says:

    lol at adam is a douche donation. there should be one for john as well, and they can have a douche bag race! the bigger the douche, the more money they get!

  13. deowll says:

    Gaga has to push to limits or nobody would pay her any attention. I’m afraid I don’t anyway. The second coming of a female whose main claim to fame is being shocking can only go so far. Madonna finally hit the point that she no longer shocked me and poor Gaga would have to resort to cannibalism or some such to make me notice her.

  14. TThor says:

    #10 I agree with you. The same has struck me to. Adam is good, no doubt about that, but John is actually better as he provides the foundation, though, reflection and analysis in a more analytical way, and not as emotionally as Adam. The complementary function is the strength of the show. But over time Adam has started to yap away too much, not letting John talk and complete his logic. This is not “Real News” so we have time for analysis that take some time.
    Adam is a DJ and I guess forgets that this is not DJ show, as DSC. I take it as his engagement and passion to fill the space with as much as he can. So a positive in it all. So don”t misunderstand. I love these guys; have listened since the early ‘teens’ and is even a Knight.But Adam needs to be reminded to back off a bit. He has to leave space for John to excel as he is damned good at what he does.

  15. B. Dog says:

    I just had to check, and Googling NO Agenda brings up pages of links to the show. The Hitler video belongs in there. It all ties together, here in the end times.

  16. Ken says:

    Did Adam really call Jon Stewart a conservative Republican?

  17. John says:

    Another gratititous mistake by Adam.

    Is anyone fact checking this stuff? I don’t thinks so…just put out there – mistakes and all

    2 sec. Google search: Wag the Dog is on Netflix

    No excuses, fake media assassins

  18. John says:

    make that “gratuitous”

  19. John says:

    “Google is nothing but a big scam machine”

    More BS by Adam. Ha

  20. compañerismo en la transición says:

    JOSÉ ANTONIO ZARZALEJOS ALTARES fue denunciado, en vía administrativa, por el HIJO DE UN COMPAÑERO…….denunciado por el hijo de un compañero

  21. gobierno civil de granada 1980 says:

    josé manuel sieira míguez


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