1. justicegustine says:

    This is what happens when you don’t rewind..

  2. Shutma Mouth says:

    “I like a movie you can really sink your teeth into! Pull my finger for surround sound.”

  3. Brian says:

    i had no idea John C. Dvorak could do that!!

  4. McCullough says:

    I can’t take Uncle Seamus anywhere.

  5. McCullough says:

    Danny Devito’s evil Irish Cousin.

  6. Dan Barker says:

    Its the only use for ’em now!

  7. Blind Stevie says:

    John Dvorak invents new eating disorder.

  8. right says:

    Wetware – Version 1.0

  9. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    “For awhile there, I was beginning to feel obsolete.”

  10. Grandpa Jones says:

    You just said a Mouthful

  11. Harmony Honer says:

    I can play this outta my ass too..Last time I hit a high note of F Sharp.

  12. sashley616 says:

    Why is John C Dvorak eating a VHS tape?

  13. Vomate Comatie says:

    Because his tapeworm is hungry. he

  14. newglenn says:

    Little Red- who never took “No” for an answer when pushing his demo tape.

  15. Kelvington says:

    For those of you who thought the VHS format was dead. Good news! It’s now a dietary supplement, filled with seven daily needed vitamins and nutrients.

  16. Mr, Ed - the Original (accept no counterfeits) says:

    Four out of five dentists recommend flossing with recycled VHS tapes.

  17. Mac Guy says:

    In Mother Russia, tape rewind YOU!

  18. Tedah says:

    Geez, the title said Learn to play the harmonica, but this doesn’t sound right!

  19. honeyman says:

    In Russia, the video tape plays you.

  20. stan says:

    The answer is in the picture: On the board to the right it says “photomontage”!!!

  21. dadeo says:

    Waste not, want not. Eat your obsolete media today!

  22. Pwuk says:

    Hey, it’s a job…

  23. goodsound says:

    Red O’hurlahy now wishes that betamax had won the Video Cassette wars of the 80’s.

  24. hhopper says:

    That’s gonna leave a mark.

  25. chris says:

    Experienced media consumer.

  26. desert hiker says:

    Ah yes, the baby grand harmonica.

  27. Buzz Mega says:

    Eject! Eject!

  28. passerby says:

    Well sure, but everybody knows that Betamax tasted better

  29. Mr, Ed - the Imitation (accept no original) says:

    Alphred can really eat up porn. Really!

  30. VP says:

    L. Ron Hubbards public release of the secret levels.


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