A central London ice-cream parlour has started selling ice-cream made with human breast milk. The Icecreamists in Covent Garden, London, have named their unusual delicacy Baby Gaga.

The treat is made by mixing breast milk with Madagascan vanilla pods and lemon zest. The milk has been donated by women who were paid £15 for every 10 ounces of their bodily fluid.

The dessert is offered up in a martini glass to those daring enough to try it for £14. Liquid nitrogen is also poured into the glass using a syringe.

Despite its unusual ingredient, the company said the “organic, free-range and totally natural” product sold out when launched today.


The company paid women who donated their breast milk after health screening. The Food Standards Agency says there are no specific laws prohibiting businesses from selling human milk products, but they must comply with general food safety laws to ensure the product is safe for consumption.

I wonder how milk is obtained for the non free-range equivalent.

  1. Zip says:

    Awwww awesome, nom nom nom nom!

  2. Special Ed says:

    The great think about breast milk is that it comes in nice containers.

  3. Busta says:

    Uhh yeah..I’ll pass on that,Thanks

  4. Benjamin says:

    I wonder if there is a difference in effects for those of us who suffer from lactose intolerance. Either way, I’m still going to pass.

  5. bobbo, I hate Comcasst says:

    Lorena Bobbitt had a similar idea a few years back. I guess she was before her time.

  6. WmDE says:

    Dystopia to Go

    Two scoops of Human Ice Cream in a Soylent Green cone.

  7. animby says:

    # 1 Zip said, ” nom nom nom nom!”

    My Thai girlfriend was reading over my shoulder and started laughing, Then I realized why: nom is Thai for boob.

  8. ubiquitous talking head says:

    It would be about like making ice “cream” out of skim milk. Human breast milk is watery and thin, and slightly blue.

    Tastes better than cows milk to me but I hate cows milk. So.

  9. Dallas says:

    Filed under G&D ..gross and disturbing.

  10. O'Really says:

    Human milk has a fairly high fat content so its not at all like skim milk. I don’t understand why anyone would think this is gross and disgusting when we fill our guts with McDonalds, Taco Bell, HFCS, Aspartame, GMO corn, and doped up cows milk.

    Of all the things to ingest, there is probably nothing more natural than the food intended to help our young survive for a year or more. As long as the donors are screened for safety, there should be no concerns other than changing one’s mindset.

    I’d try it…in fact I have. Just not the frozen mixed with vanilla variety. I got my sample straight from the tap!

  11. AlanB says:

    @ 10 O’R “I don’t understand why anyone would think this is gross and disgusting when we fill our guts with McDonalds, Taco Bell, HFCS, Aspartame, GMO corn, and doped up cows milk.”

    Do you suppose these gals are grass fed?

  12. Ben-in-the-woods says:

    yum…. ice cream made from the milk of post-natal crack whores ….

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    Not sure what to think of this. On the one hand I am completely puzzled by people who think human breast milk is disgusting. We are mammals. The development of milk led to the success of the whole line of mammalia, and indeed to our success as a species. (Same goes for hair — hair is natural and part of what makes us us.)

    On the other hand, I hate to think of how many babies will lose access to this most perfect of baby foods so some punter can boast about his wide-ranging tastes.

  14. Special Ed says:

    Dallas, it’s only gross if they don’t take a bath. I’m sure they bathe them before they milk them.

  15. BigBoyBC says:

    I’ve heard of people eating placenta, drinking blood, and then there is that whole 2 girls and a cup thing. Now breast milk. How long before we start eating the actual flesh?

    Leave the breast milk for the babies…

  16. admfubar says:

    uhm what flavors does this ice cream come in? I’d like to scoops of madonna, gina lolabrigida, Annette Bening, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Lawrence, Natalie Portman, Michelle Williams..


  17. Rick says:

    I’m sure the type of woman that donates breast milk to this cause is not the kind you want to see naked.

  18. O'Really says:

    # 11 AlanB said, on February 26th, 2011 at 6:47 am
    Do you suppose these gals are grass fed?

    I’m sure they’re not and that wasn’t my point. The point was that people will say that consuming breast milk from a human is gross but they are more than willing to wash down their cardboard beef enchilada from Taco Bell with some HFCS Pepsi or aspartame Diet Coke. Then they wake up in the morning and have some GMO corn flakes with cows milk that have bovine growth hormones and antibiotics in it. Those same people may also be the ones that smoke chemical laced cigarettes or chew tobacco.

    If they thought about it, it would be more accurate to say it was unusual or different. Gross or disgusting…not really.

  19. Somebody_Else says:

    I wouldn’t put my mouth anywhere near a cow udder. Boobs on the other hand…

    As long as the milk is pasteurized and the donors are healthy I don’t really see a problem.

  20. Rob Leather says:

    Ahhh ice cream line Momma used to make….. when I was a baby.

  21. TheMAXX says:

    Milk for baby cows is definitely stranger / less natural for us to consume than human baby milk. Human milk is super tasty and it is not all watery as someone suggested. Starts out thin and finishes much thicker / fattier. A full milking would yield something like whole milk plus some cream maybe.


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