I’m guessing Obama, et al are simply using an alternate definition of ‘transparency’. I’m sure that’s it.

Caught between their boss’s anti-lobbyist rhetoric and the reality of governing, President Barack Obama’s aides often steer meetings with lobbyists to a complex just off the White House grounds – and several of the lobbyists involved say they believe the choice of venue is no accident.

It allows the Obama administration to keep these lobbyist meetings shielded from public view — and out of Secret Service logs collected on visitors to the White House and later released to the public.
The White House scoffs at the notion of an ulterior motive for scheduling meetings in what are, after all, meeting rooms. But at least four lobbyists who’ve been to the conference rooms just off Lafayette Square tell POLITICO they had the distinct impression they were being shunted off to Jackson Place – and off the books – so their visits wouldn’t later be made public.
And administration officials recently asked some lobbyists and others who met with them to sign confidentiality agreements barring them from disclosing what was discussed at meetings with administration officials, in that case a rental policy working group.

  1. Elmer Fudd, Armed to the Lithp says:

    #38 ordep

    Could you please try to be just a little more boring, if at all possible?

    Obama. sheeple. meds. Sheeple! Obama. apologist. Obama. meds, sheeple. Obama. apologist, Sheeples! Dallas this, Dallas that, I’ve got a crush on Dallas, meds, sheeple, Sheeples, Obama…

  2. JimD says:

    More and more, Obama seems like a Republican “thinly disguised” as a Democrat !!!

  3. Dallas says:

    #39 Actually when you think Pedro has reached a floor on being boring and an idiot, he’ll start to dig!

    I already told him I’m taken but he should come out of the closet anyway and claim his toaster oven.

  4. Elmer Fudd, Armed to the Lithp says:

    #41 Dallas

    I already told him I’m taken but he should come out of the closet anyway and claim his toaster oven.


    I suspect he fears making Alfie jealous because, as we all know, Alfie is dangerously unstable, while The Great Pedro is simply boring as shit – and shit is just awesomely boring, most of the time.

    sheeple, Obama, meds, apologist, meds

  5. Dallas says:

    #43 Pedrito, you gotta put some zing in your comments.

    I just watched CNN breaking news on American workers from Libya arriving in Malta. It was like a Mars landing. Watch and learn how to make the boring simply extraordinary!

  6. Elmer Fudd, Armed to the Lithp says:

    #45 pee-drone

    lefty loons, meds, sheeple, conFusion, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, sheeple. meds. Sheeple! Obama, lefty loons, Obama, meds, sheeple. conFusion, Obama, Sheeples! Dallas this, Dallas that, lefty loons, please whip me Dallas ’cause Fusion left me, meds, sheeple, Sheeples, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama, Obama…

    Still boring after all these years…

  7. Dallas says:

    #45 I have no idea who Kahdaffy is. Are you thinking of Daffy Duck? Bush is no longer in office.

    Pres Obama is talking to world leaders about the sewer backup happening in the middle east and how to protect the oil tit. Let’s set Daffy Duck aside.

  8. MikeN says:

    >you akdo agree that if the whitehouse gets a receptionist and sheet of name tags for all meeting rooms, this topic issue is settled?

    SO do you agree if they don’t do this, they are up to no good?


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