
Farmers like genetically modified (GM) crops because they can plant them, spray them with herbicide and then there is very little maintenance until harvest. Farmers who plant Monsanto’s GM crops probably don’t realize what they bargain for when they sign the Monsanto Technology Stewardship Agreement contract. One farmer reportedly ‘went crazy’ when he discovered the scope of the contract because it transfers ALL liability to the farmer or grower.

Found by CinĂ edh.

  1. Lou Minatti says:

    Then only purchase food from farmers who don’t use Monsanto seeds. “Problem” solved.

    I realize that a lot of the kOOks here think that “frankenfoods” (oooohhh scary!) are SOOPER dangerous, but humans have been genetically modifying foods for thousands of years.

    So. Don’t eat Frankenfoods, overpay, and continue to blame your obesity issues on Monsanto, when the real problem is you’re simply a fatass who can’t control your desire to eat too damn much food.

  2. Cursor_ says:

    Right out the gate it is the “what if” chant.

    IF we all lived with the “what if” fear we all be in a cave, in fetal position, peeing ourselves.

    You will never, ever convince me of anything when you start with “what if”.


  3. MikeN says:

    Don’t Monsanto’s seeds produce plants that don’t make seeds? I seem to remember the left complaining about how evil this was. So how is this polluting other farms?

    All I see is lots of fearmongering in the video combined with a pretty standard liability clause to protect from junk lawsuits. At some point, you have to consider Monsanto’s product sufficiently fieldtested. How long has it been out 20 years? 30?

    I would say the bigger fear is cell phones, keeping the radio signal right next to your ear for hours a day. Those have really only been around for 10 years or so.

  4. EatMorChikin says:

    If GM foods are perfectly safe for consumption, why do cows die when they eat the stalks and leaves of GM plants, I wonder?

    Well, it’s just cows. It’s not like we eat cows or drink their milk or anything…

  5. smartalix says:


    You need to educate yourself.


    The business determines the direction the research will take and the functionality of the desired product. Good intentions create good products, bad intentions create bad products.

    GM tech is good. Properly applied, it can help save the world. Used as a mechanism to maximize profit at the expense of the user, it is parasitic and evil.

    What ever happened to making a superior product and relying on customer satisfaction to drive repeat sales? Why imprison customers within a proprietary technology? Why not simply use the tech to create a superior product that people want and will buy freely?

    Most people don’t like beiing trapped by proprietary systems and interfaces with their phones, why accept it in your food?

  6. sargasso_c says:

    GM food is a necessary evil in a world with booming human populations, diminished soil fertility and faltering pesticide efficacy. What is tragic is that companies like Monsanto hold all the GM cards.

  7. MikeN says:

    #35, what are you trying to say? What is this proprietary technology? How are people locked into buying it?

  8. EatMorChikin says:

    #37 MikeN

    You need to educate yourself.

  9. nunyac says:

    Perhaps a court might NOT find the agreement between Monsanto and purchasers of their GM products incumbent on third parties that claim damages caused by the use of Monsanto’s GM products.

  10. ECA says:

    FOR THOSE that dont get it…

    Making a plant that is:

    Insect tolerant..They wont eat it (think about the bee’s, and you MIGHT get an idea).

    PEST tolerant..Mice/rats/.. wont eat it (wait for that $600lb coffee to come out, but without pollination?)

    Then ADD to it the ability to NOT be affected by PLANT KILLER?

    So. If nature dont WANT IT, and CANT eat it..SHOULD YOU??

  11. ECA says:


    Cross pollination. NATURE LOVES to share. and Any dominant species WILL take over.

    From animals carrying the seed off..
    Birds, Mice, rats..
    Air born pollination, blowing for MILES…
    (Look up what happens to MJ, when HEMP plants cross pollinate them..IT BECOMES HEMP(NO BUZZ))

    Rhizome spread. Roots that carry the plant to other areas…

    do you really want to COMPETE/CHALLENGE nature.
    Anyone here ever TRY to kill off Spearmint?

    Humans are REALLY doing well against the Gypsy moth..

    I wont go any further..
    I will start MY OWN commun of farmer/ranchers along the Pacific(less cross winds)…and watch you all eat yourselves to DEATH.


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