
Given that everybody carries a mobile phone, which also keeps time, you’d think maybe the wristwatch might have run its race as a relevant accessory in the 21st century. Not so! Roughly one person in five on planet earth still buys a watch each year and Swiss watches, which account for only 2% of volume but more than half the value of the worldwide watch market, will have a record year in 2011.
Take these two watches from Rebellion for example. The watch on the right is a Rebellion REB-5, which sells for 189,000 swiss francs (US$196,000) and it’s hard not to take someone seriously if they’re wearing one. The one on the left is unique. It’s the Rebellion Black Diamond REB-5 and the person who buys it will have parted with 890,000 Swiss francs (US$928,500). It is the point at which jewelery and horology meet.

All those rich corporate officers need to spend their money on something.

  1. JimD says:

    This is another reason why the TOP TAX BRACKET SHOULD BE RETURNED TO 91% – Like back in the “Glorius Fifties”, when America was Numero Uno !!! Elvis paid it and was STILL RICH !!! So today’s SLEAZY BILLIONAIRES AND MILLIONAIRES SHOULD TOO !!!

  2. Uncle Patso says:

    I find it interesting how entire industries have always arisen to shear the ultra-rich of their ill-gotten wealth. I guess it’s part of human nature, on both sides.

  3. BigBoyBC says:

    Thanks, but my $40 Timex is just fine, and I don’t have to worry if I smack it on the car door.

  4. kjackman says:

    And thus is the rich man’s wealth redistributed, to watch makers, watch designers, jewelers, fabricators, salespeople, marketers, and many other hard-working, non-rich people.

    What, you’d rather the rich man keep his million dollars?

  5. Metis says:

    #35 kjackman

    “What, you’d rather the rich man keep his million dollars?”

    I don’t know about anyone else but I’d much prefer he just paid his fair share to help keep everyone else in the country free, healthy and prosperous.

    Then he can buy the watch with the spare change that will still be in his pockets.

  6. Mr, Ed - the Imitation (accept no original) says:

    “Hey buddy, when is the 10:00 meeting”

  7. Hurt Penguin says:

    Did anyone else notice, in the top photo one of those ridiculous watches is running a little fast – or – one of those ridiculous watches is running a little slow?


    😀 😀 😀

  8. Judge Jewdy says:

    Life is like a shit sandwich, the more bread you have – the less shit you eat.

  9. Greg Allen says:

    Thank goodness the conservatives held everything else hostage in order to give the top 2% a tax cuts.

    Otherwise, the uber-rich would have had to endure the indignity of suffering with last years crappy TAG Heurer. Oh, the humanity.

  10. Kmar says:

    Patek Philippe produces multi-million dollar watches. Just in case you wanted to spend more..

  11. BubbaRay says:

    That thing looks like a cheap plastic watch. At least a Rolex and a few others still make a nice solid gold watch.


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