
Given that everybody carries a mobile phone, which also keeps time, you’d think maybe the wristwatch might have run its race as a relevant accessory in the 21st century. Not so! Roughly one person in five on planet earth still buys a watch each year and Swiss watches, which account for only 2% of volume but more than half the value of the worldwide watch market, will have a record year in 2011.
Take these two watches from Rebellion for example. The watch on the right is a Rebellion REB-5, which sells for 189,000 swiss francs (US$196,000) and it’s hard not to take someone seriously if they’re wearing one. The one on the left is unique. It’s the Rebellion Black Diamond REB-5 and the person who buys it will have parted with 890,000 Swiss francs (US$928,500). It is the point at which jewelery and horology meet.

All those rich corporate officers need to spend their money on something.

  1. Nobody says:

    You know those colored plastic wrist bands that show other people how generous and charitable you are ?

    Well this is sort of the same idea ……

  2. spsffan says:

    From the article….EB-5, which sells for 189,000 swiss francs (US$196,000) and it’s hard not to take someone seriously if they’re wearing one.

    Actually, It would be hard to take someone seriously if they ARE wearing a watch that costs much more than $100. Silly rich folks!

  3. “All those rich corporate officers multi-millionaire Congress critters (like nancy pelosi) need to spend their money on something.”

    Fixed that for ya.

  4. rabidmonkey sees all says:

    I think this is a better looking watch overall and it is a tad less expensive.

  5. rabidmonkey says:

    it’s the “Reverso Gyrotourbillon 2” Check it out. It’s dang cool dudes.

    [ – ed.]

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    This is how cutting taxes for the top 2% generates more jobs, right?

  7. Bob says:

    My TracFone doesn’t have an external display; but it saved me enough on my phone bills to buy a $450 Swiss watch this year.

  8. moondawg says:

    Lame. Who spends less than $1,000,000 on a watch these days? I mean seriously!

  9. Nolimit662 says:

    This looks like something that Scott Walker would wear…….all the while telling everyone else to give up their rights, pay, benefits, etc.

  10. Pwuk says:

    If you’ve got it flaunt it!

  11. TW says:

    Of course.

    Wacthes (pocket, wrist or otherwise) is one of the few “accepted” pieces of jewellery or accessories that men can carry around. So of course they’ll be around long after better solutions to the problem of telling the time have come along, and of course they will exist in the “hideously expensive” price bracket.

  12. Buzz Mega says:

    If you practice nob horology, are you a no ho?

  13. Metis says:

    What an elegant way to tell everyone else living on this planet of ours:

    “You are all shit – and I am not.”.

    Hey, at least it makes for an easier choice about who moves to the front of the line at the next guillotine party.

  14. No Sail Zone (formerly No Fly Zone) says:

    My iPod Nano Lunatik watch is way cooler..

  15. Father Time says:

    I ordered 2 of um, had to return one, because of too much time on my hands.

  16. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    The French Aristocrats wore lace and powdered wigs, and it will always be so.

    Let them eat cake.

  17. usa1 says:

    I sure hope taxes don’t go up on the rich. Think of all the important watch making jobs that depend on their money.

  18. God, Allah and other monikers says:

    If you ever see anyone wearing that watch, you know what to do now. Just go with your first thought. Don’t hold back.

  19. chuck says:

    #17 – exactly. think about it. a very rich (and stupid) person is going to voluntarily pay waaaaaaay too much for a watch.

    Sounds like a perfect way to re-distribute the wealth to me.

    The same person (and others) will also pay waaaay too much for a yacht. There are many, many yacht-building jobs, which require skilled workers that haven’t been out-sourced to India.

  20. green says:

    I wonder if my spare swatch guard will fit it.

  21. MRMRusso says:

    It doesn’t tell you the time, it whispers it gently into your eyeballs.

  22. John E. Quantum says:

    The antikythera mechanism of the future.

  23. Special Ed says:

    Meh, it’ll be on eBay next week for $500 from the guy that stole it from the rich asshole.

  24. wayner says:

    Do some research on watchmaking and appreciate the amount of time and skill it takes to handcraft one of these pieces of beauty. Add to that the fact that they will be worth much more in 20 years time and its a sound investment that you get to wear!

  25. deowll says:

    Watches like the one shown have all the class of somebody wearing a solid gold logging chain around their neck. They don’t care if it keeps time. They’re just showing out.

    The generalization is if you have a watch you are an old fart.

  26. Mr, Ed - the Original (with comma) says:

    I’d like to think with a million bucks in my pocket, I could find something better looking than this piece of steam punk.

  27. TThor says:

    Wow – what does it do???

    Oh – tell time? My Swatch does too….

  28. Buzz Mega says:

    I bought one with the money I saved on taxes. Thank you Boehner!

  29. Don't bother says:

    On Sale?

  30. Angel H. Wong says:

    They’re too somber for hip hop artists and trust fund kids who like to dress like hip hop artists.


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