This Episode’s Executive Producers and 280 Club Members:
Carl Haydel, Andrew Blackburn
Associate Executive Producers: Snorre Steen, David Burneff
Art By: Nick the Rat

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  1. deowll says:

    You fureners have done up and ruined another perfectly good word on me.

    In my part of the Universe hustle mainly meant: Haul ass, get a move on, get’er done. It did not mean to scam/con someone. The words cheat and thief got mainly used for that.

    Success comes to those who hustle wisely was the motto of many.

  2. nicktherat says:

    thanks pedro! phoneboy gave me the idea 🙂 hope jcd gets home soon!

  3. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Is he putting that no agenda coin into my pocket or taking it out? I can’t really tell. He’s that good.

  4. B. Dog says:

    I liked John’s Spanish Road story. Also, I’m glad that Adam noticed the ridiculous situation in Madison, WI. All in all, a very entertaining show.

  5. ryan says:

    Weak show for Adam…went off on Obama for using the word hustle? Was clear from the context that he meant it in the be energetic and try hard sense.

    Learn basic English man.

  6. ryan says:

    @ #8

    Sheeple? You have nothing but ad hominem?

    Curry badly misinterpreted a word, then proceeded to spend a good 10 or 15 minutes doing a segment on it. I felt major second-hand embarrassment for him.

  7. WmDE says:

    #9 – During a discussion of the smart grid someone in the chat room said something to the effect that the smart grid could be defeated with a jumper.

    Curry thought he was talking about a putting on a sweater.


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