How Ridiculously Easy Is It To Get A Firearm Through The Naked Body Scanners?
By Uncle Dave Monday February 21, 2011

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Silly. We already know you can sneak a gun on a plane with a modified pistol hidden in a body cavity.
The only way to stop this is to be politically incorrect, which the current powers that be are too stupid to consider.
Want to know how to take down a plane? Modify this gun and sneak it on board.
The missing info is should the gun have been seen easily or at all?
I don’t party with Ah Yea, but no one in my crowd could fit a gun up their wazoo. Well, maybe a small one. Ha, ha.
If the scanners are known not to scan beneath the skin then there is no issue here.
As with 99.99 percent of our security needs that could be met by a few thousand dollars total: lock the cockpit door. End of issue.
I see some candidates for budget cutting…
The purpose of the TSA is not to prevent people from sneaking guns on board, but to convince the population that Something Is Being Done, aka Security Theater.
NSA & Homland Security should be over by midnight to seize your web site. For aiding & abetting terrorism.
I clicked Play:
The selected item is not currently available.
I guess the TSA has found the internet switch.
[It still seems to work here. Not sure what your problem is. — ed.]
When I clicked play an hour ago I got sent to a website. Now when I click I get a nice little video saying nothing more than what is posted in writing.
I guess the ed’s update their postings as they deem best?
What if some jihadist decided to swallow a bunch of C4 wrapped in a balloon with a timer?
I agree with akallio, nothing but theater.
Hey Bobbo! You should come over and party with us sometime! I think you’ll like it.
bobbo: Unlike you, we editors have lives outside of DU. We aren’t online all the time. Strange, but true.
As for the video, it still seems to play for me. Tried it in a different browser just to be sure it wasn’t a cache issue. Perhaps the TSA is blocking you, personally.
If you click outside the start arrow in the center of the video it takes you to the video’s producer’s website. Click the arrow.
The TSA is mostly theater but as long as the public is naive enough to support it they will pay for it in more ways than one.
Sticking a fairly sturdy locked door on planes and giving pilots guns on the other hand should make hijacking a plane much harder to do.
The explosives in boobs or swallowed or in some other manner inside a body should still get past the TSA.
Uncle Dave – Video doesn’t work for me, either. But thanks for the tip on clicking outside the arrow. Interesting article. Especially the part where they said she made it through the scanners “every time she tried”. I wish they’d been able to say how many time that was.
BTW, the video on their site does not seem to work, either.
Uncle Dave–like you I post only to edumacate our lonely/inept posters here. I posted the link works for me encouraging chuck to try again, just as you have done. Why do you think I have no life? What do I have to do, broadcast I am on my cell phone as Animby does? Some workers surf porn at work, others….
but yes, I do enjoy DU. Odd you would chide me for that.
Party Central/aka Ah Yea==hmmm, a party where a bunch of right wing retarded LIEbeTARDS spend time sticking things up their wazoos? I’ll pass, don’t even want to “observe.” /// Seriously, I’m just grinding you. Thanks for the invite. I am going to Hong Kong later this year, perhaps we could rendezvous at the Pearl Bath House? “gan bei”
I know bobbo, all in good fun! 🙂
See you at the bath house!
Don’t fly. Don’t care.
It goes to show you how government bureaucrats keep trying to tell us its all about high tech and its not
Its about human intelligence and intelligent actions
They won’t even say boo against burka wearing Moslems so they go they after white people
What a bunch of fools and these lefists with their “political correctness”
If Sept 11 was not a conspiracy these evil types sure have used it to their benefit – and to the detriment of most ordinary citizens
You wonder who the criminals are
I agree the TSA and the DOD are two Republican supported government jobs programs that have grown too large.
-Cut the TSA and DOD by 30% immediately
-Deploy 30% of the “generals” to guard border towns
-Deploy 25% of the rest on the Mexican border
#1 I agree! I’m sure you’ve verified that indeed Magnum 44 can be concealed in a body cavity.
I superglued a 100 pennies on my ass and went through the scanner at SFO without a problem. Well, I guess I should mention it hurts like hell trying to get them off and I still have 67 on there.
/film at 11:00
Why would any organized group try to smuggle a gun through security when there are 1000s of food service, fuel, maintenance, cargo and cleaning trucks entering the airside unchecked everyday ?
#20, probably to make the TSA look like the ass-monkeys that they are.
I think there was a woman named Vanessa that concealed machine guns in her breasts.
TSA is there to keep the RICH MAN SAFE..
He flies in his OWN PLANE, and never has to do this.
THIS is practice for the future..
WHO thinks a Magnetic scanner wouldnt have FOUND a REAL GUN??
Slightly off topic-
This brings to mind in 1984 I was flying to Alaska from SeaTac. A hunter brought his 300 magnum rifle for a big game hunt as a carry on. It was heavily duct tapped in its case and had no ammo. The agent was slightly surprised and said it was not allowed as a carry on and to check it as baggage. He was handed his rifle back and he had it stored properly.
The clip is restricted to the US.
Doesn’t work from denmark, works through my US VPN.