Of course, everyone knows the moon was towed into place by extraterrestrials. *snicker*

  1. deowll says:

    If I recall correctly Bill O graduated from Harvard. Just saying.

  2. Floyd says:

    Bill asks questions of kids, but doesn’t have a real answer. “God did it” is a handwave, not an answer.

  3. Dallas says:

    O’Really continues to impress as a high paid clown.


  4. Mr Ed says:

    What an idiot.

  5. Dallas says:

    O’Really needs to do one of these on the next full moon.


  6. tcc3 says:

    #1 deowll

    So did Ted Kaczynski. Just Saying.

  7. So what says:

    Education does not equal intelligence. QED Bill O’Reilley.

  8. deowll says:

    #7 Education does not equal intelligence but without intelligence you can’t get an education.

    Neither Education nor intelligence equal wisdom, discretion, prudence, egalitarianism, kindness, generosity, a love of justice, good judgment or a great many other virtues.

    The elected leaders of this nation are well educated and intelligent.

    Many of them still seem to be absolutely determined to spend every penny this nation can tax, beg or borrow without any regard for the long range consequences of their actions even though we will all be ruined when we can no longer cover the bills and our debased currency becomes worthless.

    What possible good they think this will achieve escapes me but that doesn’t mean they aren’t intelligent or uneducated.

  9. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Can you people stop for a second? Do you realize you are attributing meaning to a mash-up from Cracked.com?

    Next you’ll be discussing the social significance of Spy vs Spy.


  10. Mr, Ed - the Imitation (accept no original) says:

    HEY !!! What do you mean the “social significance” of Spy vs Spy??? I might remind you that is one of the best ever continuing comic strips, eva !!!

  11. Mr Windows says:

    I’d like to remind you morons that ‘Spy vs Spy’ was in Mad magazine, not Cracked. A much more sophisticated publication.

  12. God, Allah and other monikers says:

    “How’d it get there? How’d it get there? How’d it get there?”

    Well, one day I had indigestion form consuming too much ‘dark matter’. A ‘universe’ is what happens when I blow the horn. Oops, there goes another universe. Excuse me.

    Yeah, I know… there’s no excuse for me.

  13. Dallas says:

    Pedrito, you’re blabbering like you’re riding your make believe unicorn donkey again but with the horn placed on the saddle.

  14. AlanB says:

    The framed Bill O’Reilley photo in the upper right of the video is a clip from his famous “DO IT LIVE” video. Yes it’s an oldie but always fun to revisit.


  15. Guyver says:

    Pretty Funny.

  16. Benjamin says:

    Of course they cut off the bit where he answers the question. Never got to the part where the headline suggest that he said the moon was towed into place by extra terrestrials.

  17. PMitchell says:

    actually Bill is correct science has theories on the formation of the moon but no facts.

    for our planetary mass the earth has the largest satellite in the solar system. The chance that it is a captured satellite are almost zero because of the exact trajectory needed to place that large a mass in a stable orbit. The impact theory is also one of exacting science because the mass of the impactor and the trajectory of its impact are also so precise that a deviation in 3-5 degrees would have either destroyed the earth or simply left a huge chunk out of the side.

    so you liberal morons can laugh but science can not explain how our moon got there, they can only theorize

  18. Brian says:

    saying Mars has no moons is pretty bad, but not nearly as bad as that moron that said he had visited 57 states in the US, with one left to go. what was that guy’s name, again?

  19. tcc3 says:

    #20 PMitchell: And “God did it” is a superior answer?

  20. AlanB says:

    The leading theory is the giant impact. Here’s a nutshell version with supporting evidence from the Planatary Science Institute.


    I met William Hartman at a Central Oregon Star Party. Pretty humble gent for a guy who devised a theory of moon formation that is now accepted in scientific communities around the world.

  21. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #9 – Whatever. Mr. O’Really is still a FOX news shill jackass.

  22. Mr. Bill' O dumbshit says:

    #20, PMitchel- “actually Bill is correct ”

    So Mars has no moon? Alrighty then.

  23. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Amusing how many will take the beauty/limits/truth of science and use that very characteristic to denigrate what it has to teach. “Its just a theory.”==kind of a dogma in reverse. Not “of” a faith, but what faith uses to disparage a truth accepted by those who spend their lives studying the subject and yet are open to those with “a better theory.” Do those of faith have a better theory?


  24. noname says:

    The Fox new network universe is full of idiots watching idiots.

    If you watch Fox, your probably an Idiot!

  25. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    That is a “crack up” having the kiddies trying to answer the question for OReally. and I have to admit I haven’t seen OReally go on to answer the question. From what we have all seen, I rather doubt he did that?

    Benji?===what did OReally go on to say?

    In the no-spin zone it is fun to watch OReally’s Old School Catholicism leach into his analysis of many social issues. And when challenged, his response is predictable: dogma.

    Yes, the no spin zone. Doesn’t Billo know all motion is relative?

  26. McCullough says:

    #28. Bobbo- follow Dallas link in #3. I would have embedded it in his comment, but that feature is broken at the moment.

  27. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Thank you McCullough and Dallas===and an equal amount of shame on Benji. I had seen that extended bit of OReally and all it does is emphasize the “non-science” dogma of OReally, Catholics, Dogmatic Religious everywhere.

    Are “we” men of Science? Its a stretch goal certainly for the gravity of ignorance and superstition is constant.

    More deeply, it just raises the counterpoint of the necessary hypocrisy that exists in people of superstition: live their lives trusting on/relying on the products and intervention of science while verbally assaulting it. Its the only way religion continues in this world. Yes–give me medicine but burn at the stake the Darwin behind it.

    Hypocrisy–the only human trait standing between the rational and the irrational.

    Silly Hoomans.

  28. Benjamin says:

    Mars has no moons of size. Jupiter and Saturn have larger moons, but Ganymede and Titan are not similar in size compared to the planet’s they orbit. Only Charon, Pluto’s moon, is closer to the size of its parent than the Earth moon is to Earth.

    Large moons are special and might be necessary for life. A large moon tends to stabilize the rotation of the planet. Also tides.

    So how did the moon get there? Capture theory, impact theory, and also the fission and condensation theories all leave us asking more questions than they answer. Where does the moon come from? Scientist don’t know for sure, but I listed the four major theories.

    Then again, there is also this theory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutineers%27_Moon

    Creationists believe that God created the sun, the moon, and the stars on the same time on the fourth day of Creation after having previously created light on the first day. Non-Christians reject this argument.

    Whatever you believe, there is a correct answer. Scientists have four different theories. Creationists have their own theory. David Weber wrote a fictional story about how the moon got there.

  29. ronwp54 says:

    Another stupid video put out by the left that’s obviously heavily edited. You guys just never stop the hating, Do you?

  30. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Benji==how satisfactory is “God did it” for every question you have? Does that answer for everything help your experience on earth, or do you see its monochrome stupidity?

    I’d ask you why you defend this stupidy, but I know that god did it.


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