There’s room for a little science AND a little creationism dogma. It could be that “God” sent the Moon towards the Earth at a slow enough rate of speed and at a trajectory that would impact the Earth head-on, and given its relatively low speed, rebound just enough for the escape velocity to be arrested by Earth’s and or the Sun’s gravitic pull. This could have happened in a ‘day’, given that we have no point of reference for how long God’s day lasts compared to our solar day.
Just like “God” could have nudged evolution along, and that we have no idea what “God” looks like nor do we know what Adam and Eve looked like, so evolution could play a part alongside creationism (or intelligent design, if you prefer).
Until “God” or science definitively answers our questions, it’s all theory. We have the right to lean towards whichever one we want.
Mr Windows: “There’s room for a little science AND a little creationism dogma.” /// No, there isn’t. Creationism dogma offer ZERO explanation for events in the natural world. “God did it” explains nothing.
Something is comparable to nothing in just that ratio.
Keep your faith. Walk off a cliff with your faith. I will stick with the science of observation.
So what: if you gave a god his share of blame, he would no longer be a god–in the sense of being worthy of worship. Such is the demand of a free thinking sentient.
#24 The Monster’s Lawyer said, “O’Really is still a FOX news shill jackass.”
#39 So what said, “o’reilley is still an idiot.”
You are both right. Soooo right.
#31 Benjamin said, “Non-Christians reject this argument” Only non-christians, Benjawan? Or are you saying that only christians are dumb enough to believe in creationism?
#36 Mr Windows said, “There’s room for a little science AND a little creationism dogma.” To quote the eloquent Mr Bobbo: “No there isn’t.” You can not combine science with, “and then a miracle occurred.”
With as many “billions and billions” (ahem, Carl Sagan) of galaxies, each with “billions and billions” of stars in them, why is it so hard to believe in the statistical analysis of life on Earth being merely through chance alone?
If you take an infinite amount of monkeys, typing on an infinite number of typewriters, for an infinite amount of time, you eventually get the crap-ola that emits from the mouths of Faux (Fox)News representatives.
Mr, Ed - the Original (accept no counterfeits) says:
O’Reilly is asinine in lots of ways, but oddly enough he’s probably the most sane and rational of the three main Fox stooges, the others being Hannity and Beck. I think Beck’s job is to run interference and make O’Reilly and Hannity look sane by comparison. It works. And sometimes O’Reilly is sane, but he does not like being challenged or shown as wrong. That really pisses him off, to the point he shouts down his guest, or like he did with Obama before the Super Bowl…interrupts him 43 times. Asinine.
Yes, this is a mashup but it hits on so many things.
1. Billy boy thinks that if he doesn’t understand it, it can’t be understood. (To arrogant to realize that he may be smart–benefit of the doubt here–but still not understand things others do).
2. If someone does try to explain it, and uses something called a “theory,” that means its a guess. (Not understanding what the term “theory” really means–if he did, he wouldn’t have a show. Just don’t tell Pythagoras).
3. Demands first-hand proof of everything he doesn’t agree with. (Hey, I’ve never seen Cleveland first-hand but I’ve weighed the evidence for and against it’s existence…I’m confident in my conclusion).
And remember, there is no regulation as to what constitutes “lite”, “reduced calories” or in this case “News”.
Religulous! Bill knows exactly what he is saying. It’s just that there’s more money in talking to the faithful and ignorant. This is just about money and power over all that will buy the crap.
How do people like Pedro feel defending such an ignorant and pathetic person as O’Reilly? I’m Spanish and it fascinates me how such an ignorant person can be allowed on TV and be followed, trusted and defendend by a person with an supposed average intelligence in the most powerful country in the world.
That’s because we live in a pseudo-Huxlerian dystopia where the average American doesn’t bother to learn enough to know about any of the real issues in the country. They don’t give a sh*t abut anything as long as the cable works and the pizza guy gets there in 30 minutes or less. If they get scared enough by the fearmongers they bleat a little, but for the most part just sit there and take it from the monied interests.
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#20 PMitchell “science can not explain how our moon got there, they can only theorize”
Ehm. So which one is it? If science can theorize, then it can explain it. Are you saying that there are no theories or that there are no explanations?
#32. So I have to be a lefty to think O’reilly is an imbecile?
I think not.
There’s room for a little science AND a little creationism dogma. It could be that “God” sent the Moon towards the Earth at a slow enough rate of speed and at a trajectory that would impact the Earth head-on, and given its relatively low speed, rebound just enough for the escape velocity to be arrested by Earth’s and or the Sun’s gravitic pull. This could have happened in a ‘day’, given that we have no point of reference for how long God’s day lasts compared to our solar day.
Just like “God” could have nudged evolution along, and that we have no idea what “God” looks like nor do we know what Adam and Eve looked like, so evolution could play a part alongside creationism (or intelligent design, if you prefer).
Until “God” or science definitively answers our questions, it’s all theory. We have the right to lean towards whichever one we want.
Mr Windows: “There’s room for a little science AND a little creationism dogma.” /// No, there isn’t. Creationism dogma offer ZERO explanation for events in the natural world. “God did it” explains nothing.
Something is comparable to nothing in just that ratio.
Keep your faith. Walk off a cliff with your faith. I will stick with the science of observation.
It’s funny because there is no god. Never has been, never will be. It’s all just make believe stories, kinda like Star Wars and such.
Tide goes in, tide goes out…….
@8 “Education does not equal intelligence but without intelligence you can’t get an education.” You can if you have the cash.
@9 Yeah I know, but its Monday and I am bored. Plus o’reilley is still an idiot.
@33 If gods willing to accept the blame as well as the credit I might give it a shot. Ahhh who am I kidding no I wouldn’t
So what: if you gave a god his share of blame, he would no longer be a god–in the sense of being worthy of worship. Such is the demand of a free thinking sentient.
Beavis AND Butthead together at last in one brain.
@8 “Education does not equal intelligence but without intelligence you can’t get an education.”
You can if you have the cash.
Or play ball reeeeeal good.
#24 The Monster’s Lawyer said, “O’Really is still a FOX news shill jackass.”
#39 So what said, “o’reilley is still an idiot.”
You are both right. Soooo right.
#31 Benjamin said, “Non-Christians reject this argument” Only non-christians, Benjawan? Or are you saying that only christians are dumb enough to believe in creationism?
#36 Mr Windows said, “There’s room for a little science AND a little creationism dogma.” To quote the eloquent Mr Bobbo: “No there isn’t.” You can not combine science with, “and then a miracle occurred.”
With as many “billions and billions” (ahem, Carl Sagan) of galaxies, each with “billions and billions” of stars in them, why is it so hard to believe in the statistical analysis of life on Earth being merely through chance alone?
If you take an infinite amount of monkeys, typing on an infinite number of typewriters, for an infinite amount of time, you eventually get the crap-ola that emits from the mouths of Faux (Fox)News representatives.
# 44 rabidmonkey – If you take an infinite amount of monkeys, typing on an infinite number of typewriters, for an infinite amount of time
Don’t be stoopid. In this day and age, where are you going to find that many typewriters?
How a guy with these medieval ideas gets credit to be an interviewer? How Fox top managers keep paying for a moron like that?…boycott his TV show!!!
O’Reilly is asinine in lots of ways, but oddly enough he’s probably the most sane and rational of the three main Fox stooges, the others being Hannity and Beck. I think Beck’s job is to run interference and make O’Reilly and Hannity look sane by comparison. It works. And sometimes O’Reilly is sane, but he does not like being challenged or shown as wrong. That really pisses him off, to the point he shouts down his guest, or like he did with Obama before the Super Bowl…interrupts him 43 times. Asinine.
O’Reilly is always right. Just ask him.
Like his politics, hate his religion.
Yes, this is a mashup but it hits on so many things.
1. Billy boy thinks that if he doesn’t understand it, it can’t be understood. (To arrogant to realize that he may be smart–benefit of the doubt here–but still not understand things others do).
2. If someone does try to explain it, and uses something called a “theory,” that means its a guess. (Not understanding what the term “theory” really means–if he did, he wouldn’t have a show. Just don’t tell Pythagoras).
3. Demands first-hand proof of everything he doesn’t agree with. (Hey, I’ve never seen Cleveland first-hand but I’ve weighed the evidence for and against it’s existence…I’m confident in my conclusion).
And remember, there is no regulation as to what constitutes “lite”, “reduced calories” or in this case “News”.
Religulous! Bill knows exactly what he is saying. It’s just that there’s more money in talking to the faithful and ignorant. This is just about money and power over all that will buy the crap.
How do people like Pedro feel defending such an ignorant and pathetic person as O’Reilly? I’m Spanish and it fascinates me how such an ignorant person can be allowed on TV and be followed, trusted and defendend by a person with an supposed average intelligence in the most powerful country in the world.
That’s because we live in a pseudo-Huxlerian dystopia where the average American doesn’t bother to learn enough to know about any of the real issues in the country. They don’t give a sh*t abut anything as long as the cable works and the pizza guy gets there in 30 minutes or less. If they get scared enough by the fearmongers they bleat a little, but for the most part just sit there and take it from the monied interests.
The moon got there when Glen Beck pulled down his pants, and showed you his moon!
More support for the impact theory from Kepler via slashdot: