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i pay that much in bosnia for 1.5 mega
You know, the Huns and Mongols rode War Ponies. And they conquered huge empires.
# 2 MongolMan
and your point is??
Does riding shetland ponies break their backs with
fat Americans on them?
Yah know if a horse the size of the big ones stepped on your foot or kicked you that would seriously hurt.Working with big draft animals is not safe.
Only time I know of that my father seriously hit a horse was when it was standing on his foot and it did it on purpose because it wanted to stay in the barn and not work. He used a stick to hit it in the head. That stunned it and my father was able to remove his foot from under its steel shod hoof.
The horse never tried to step on his foot again though everybody else was still fair game. Smart horse but not smart enough.
My father sold it because he was afraid it would injure one of the kids to some other su…buyer who most likely sold it for dog food. Sometimes it just doesn’t pay to be to demanding and hostile.
Dog food? You’ve never eater horse meat then.
Its a delicacy in France and was sold in Canada and in the ‘States as mustang steak.
I loved it when I used to eat at Geronimo‘s in Old Montréal … Too bad they’ve since closed.
Their bison/buffalo steaks were also outstanding.
My friend Flicka not withstanding, its undoubtedly better for you than the beef you get off a feed lot that’s been shot up full of hormones and antibiotics.
I watched the video but thought that discretion is the better part of valor.
Reminds me of Lewis Grizzard’s book…..
Shoot Low Boys – They’re Riding Shetland Ponies
That was funny.
I wish the Cat Wranglers video paired with the pony video was working better. That was one of the funniest Superbowl ads I’ve ever seen. You really can’t herd cats….
#7 Never tried it. The locals had a religious bias against eating things with a solid hoof. They wanted a cloven hoofed animal. Course some locals ate possum when I was growing up and to speak the truth I’d much rather eat horse. Horses eat grass. Possums dine on carrion any chance they get.
A domestic terrorist organization called Peta has pretty much stopped the horses to do food trade. Lot of folks won’t even buy a horse any more because you can’t get rid of the ones you don’t want and there may even be asinine laws against shooting one if you need to put one down. Got to pay a vet to come give them a shot to put them down which may cost more than you paid for the horse to start with.
Course the same e-juts still feed plenty of meat to their pets. I spect they think the stuff grows in cans and bags. Sigh, I may be overly optimistic in suggesting these people actually think.
Without Shetland Ponies, we wouldn’t have Shetland Sweaters. And where on this green earth would we be without Shetland Sweaters? Or Shetland Meat Pies? Or Shetland Tacos? Or Shetland Borscht?
I wonder how many people know where Shetland Sneakers come from.
#9 – I don’t know, I think it fell a little short. rim-shot