1. Patrik says:

    Like, uhm, what does it do?

  2. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Needs a little Visine. Or maybe WD40.

    Unless they’ve got a camera inside that connects to an optic nerve, I’m not impressed.

  3. EatMorChikin says:


    A marble that looks like my eyeball after a really fun night.

    Calm down! Calm down! Now for our next miracle…

  4. JoaoPT says:

    Somehow T1000 is still a bit far off…

  5. admfubar says:

    hhhmmm does the iris work?? …that scissor like sound it makes with the ‘eye lids’ is kinda disturbing..

    ♫ you’ve got those betty davis eyes ♫…………..

  6. 1873 Colt says:

    I have built BOE BOTS (Parallax) for a few years. They use a couple of servos, and this eyeball works using very similar servos. The programming code is easy to master,any kid could do it. The clever thing here is the guy made a replica of an eyeball and eyelids that are controlled by servos.
    Nice job. I think these could easily be marketed to geeks to play with.

    I would, of course, be a simple matter ot put a camera behind the iris, and have the thing click it’s eyelids everytime it stores an image.

    Again, a great product waiting for development.

  7. gildersleeve says:


    (this is phonic for a snore, btw).

  8. usa1 says:

    Thank goodness our eyes are noisy like that one!

  9. KMFIX says:

    Pretty soon, stuff like this will put all those CG modelers and animators out of work…

  10. DaveC says:

    How cool would it had been if the HAL9000 computer on the Discovery had one of these?

  11. Buckwheat says:

    Didn’t they use something like this for “Mad Eye” Moody in the Harry Potter films? 🙂

  12. Skippy says:

    Cool, but it would have been more effective if there was no sound, the eyelids weren’t transparent, and the movement wasn’t all sped up. If it could simulate how people’s eyes move when they’re reading or working on something up close, now that would be impressive.

  13. Animal Mother says:

    Wouldn’t be too hard to mount a laser in that. Or a minature X-ray machine.

  14. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I didn’t trust it. I never trust eyeballs that are shifty like that. It was obviously lying about something.

  15. God, Allah and other monikers says:

    Monster… har!

    I just tacked on another 2 years to your life.

  16. UncDon says:

    “Be seeing you.”

  17. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #16 Thank God! Can I trade those two years for some prime trim now?


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