1. cgp says:

    Here’s to Madison, may you return in peace.
    But til then open another bubbly.

  2. deowll says:

    Eat drink and be merry because the tax payers are going to pick up the tad.

  3. scumola says:

    “Now someone help me out, I need to get my ipod to network with my facebook and twitter …”

  4. © says:

    Here’s to the top 1%!

  5. Urotsukidoji says:


  6. soundwash says:

    “Long live the Zionist Pigs!”


  7. kucing says:

    I wonder what all the poor people are doing?

  8. Orion314 says:

    “The peasants are hungry? Let them eat silicon chips”!!!

  9. Willie Victor says:

    To be perfectly accurate, you really need to re-name this entire blog:

    “The Dvorak Idjits Tea Bagger Anti-American Traitorous Racist Hatefest”.

  10. Dallas says:

    “Here’s to cutting off the air supply to the GOP-China axis of evil”

  11. James Messick says:

    “Be afraid. Be very afraid.”

  12. Uncle Patso says:

    These responses are better than Rorschach tests at seeing what people project on ambiguous pictures.

  13. Li says:

    A black man walks into an incredibly white room, and. . .

  14. MikeN says:

    A toast to your presidency!
    A toast to your presidency!
    A toast to your presidency!
    A toast to your presidency!
    Toast to your presidency!
    Toast to your presidency!
    Your Presidency is toast!

  15. Chris Mac says:


  16. hromero says:

    Gentleman, a toast to us. And now, for the ORGY!

  17. Dallas says:

    “I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me”

  18. DLBeard says:

    To your health, especially Steve

  19. BigBoyBC says:

    When I look at that picture, I think of the Stone-cutters song from the Simpsons.


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