1. keaneo says:

    “Didn’t anyone remember to invite Ballmer?”

  2. Dan Barker says:

    Three, Two, One, DRINK!

  3. jbenson2 says:

    “So you understand there will be times when I have to make it sound like I’m attacking you – even while you keep sending me more campaign money coming. With that said, here’s to victory in 2012!”

  4. brm says:

    silicon valley replaces the oil industry.

  5. Joe says:

    I can’t caption it, I just get douche chills. looking at the picture

  6. hhopper says:

    I don’t get it.

  7. coolcajun says:

    Little did they know that the wine glasses were filled with Two Buck Chuck.

  8. No fly zone says:

    Does anyone know what the toast actually was?
    I think that would be interesting!

  9. goldbug says:

    A toast, gentlemen: to evil!

  10. Axl says:


  11. McCullough says:

    Here’s to the Internet switch!

  12. GF says:

    Look at all those minorities.

  13. McCullough says:

    If I look at your faces through this glass, they look all funny!

  14. JL says:

    Here’s to the banksters!

  15. eca says:


  16. Mr Ed says:

    Death to all republicans!

  17. DaveC says:

    “Here’s to a farmer named Fritz,
    who planted an acre of tits.
    They grew big and tall…
    Red nipples and all…
    And he leisurely chewed them to bits!”

  18. Trumpled says:

    Yer all fired

  19. rpage18 says:

    Mazel Tov! We can finally agree on something.

  20. Think First says:


    I’d just like to add ‘Cheers to 20% annual year-on-year revenue growth’ for the last five years.

    I have no idea wherer the money’s coming from, but as long as the government keeps the subsidies, and the customers keep paying higher rates – we’re here to stay.


  21. 1873 Colt says:

    The one black guy there knows NOTHING, of course, about computers.

  22. Alt173 says:

    “Do all you white folk havta rub it in by drinkin’ white wine?! Can’t a brotha get a fo’ty?!”

    (Sorry to take a racial angle, but it’s all white people except for Obama!!)

  23. Arne Jensen says:

    “Hussein Obama is pleased about his first Executive Order – suppressing his non-existent birth certificate”

  24. dvdchris says:

    The Olive Garden. When you’re here, you’re family.
    (don’t know why it says I’ve posted this multiple times…mods?)

  25. jcjeppson says:

    The person with the worm has to pay for dinner.

  26. robman says:

    All hail Johnny who lost his virginity!!

  27. Anonymous says:

    Four, er Two, er, Six. Ya! SIX MORE YEARS!

    (Obama-nomics having concluded, Obama-politics begins!)

  28. Angel H. Wong says:

    Obama in reality works for the Republican Party.

  29. Frank Gaydos says:

    “Well, we fooled those dumb bastards again, bottoms up”!


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